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Everything posted by Thirster

  1. [[4545.45,21477.1,0],"SITUATION <br/><br/>Paragraph 1 <br/><br/>Paragraph 2 <br/><br/>Paragraph 3 ",500,200,80,1,[]] spawn BIS_fnc_establishingShot; the <br/> doesnt seem to work, and I cant find any info anywhere on what to use to create a new paragaph within the UAV style sitrep briefing any help or direction to info would be brilliant thanks in advance!
  2. I have an sqf that deletes most of the objects on the player on init and then adds back what i want them to have. works perfectly in preview, but when playing it in MP it seems to forget to give certain objects to the players. I'm unsure what is going on. example Unit Init removeAllWeapons _this; removeHeadgear _this; removeGoggles _this; removeBackpack _this; _this addUniform "CombatUniform_DPCU"; _this addVest "DPCU_vest1"; _this addHeadgear "DPCU_Helmet"; _this addMagazine "R3F_200Rnd_556x45_MINIMI"; _this addWeapon "R3F_Minimi"; _this addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_MRCO"; _this additem "FirstAidKit"; _this additem "FirstAidKit"; _this addMagazine "R3F_200Rnd_556x45_MINIMI"; _this addMagazine "R3F_200Rnd_556x45_MINIMI"; _this addMagazine "SmokeShell"; _this addMagazine "SmokeShell"; _this addMagazine "HandGrenade"; it seems to forget the uniform/rucksack and or ammo/grenades thanks for any help
  3. Thirster

    unit init problems in MP

    would waitUntil {!isNull player}; work in each units init before the execvm? or maybe in the sqf as the first line?
  4. Thirster

    unit init problems in MP

    sorry this one doesn't actually have a rucksack but it happens with the ruck with other sqf's that do add a ruck. It still happens with the uniforms, they get added when previewing and not when playing it in MP. it's very strange, also it only seems to be MP when other people are in, not if I start the map myself in MP. ahhh wait for player, yeah that would explain it, thanks
  5. using getdir on a marker doesnt seem to return anything, are there any other commands that would work?
  6. Thirster

    getdir on a marker

    champion, I was looking through the main command list page, didnt see that one
  7. hahaha slow down first man, drive how you would in real life
  8. Thirster

    Faux News Reporters

    nice mod, would it be possible to have the capacity of the uniform increased to hold at least say 1 or 2 first aid kits and a 1 smoke grenade. as none of the LBV's sit well (clip through) on the uniform. unless of course youre intending on producing an LBV for them. thanks again for a great mod
  9. TPW, your mods have been brilliant immersing the group I play into the game,from checking their targets, to obeying loose road rules. even so far as to politely asking civies to leave their cars before commandeering them. THANKYOU!!!! been wondering though, is there anyway of fixing a spawn point for the cars script to another car. (basically I have a mission with the target driving along a road, but I dont want a plane to be able to get a lock from ages away and kill him, the most realistic way of doing this that i can think of is have the Target set to spawn cars around him, as if he was a player) hope this makes sense. cheers for any help you can give.
  10. Thirster

    Farooq's Revive

    for the bleedout timer, "(random 240)+60" should work? would it choose a number once per map or for every death?
  11. Cuel, thankyou so much!!!. is there a list of any other commands for formatting text in this way?
  12. surely they would have a command that they are using for the breaks between lines, I'm not talking pages and pages, its just 3 paragraphs that look very messy if they are combined. hmmm
  13. nor does \n (it just types it out), or <\n> (tried just in case), hahaha yeah I was thinking of using alot of spaces, but I can forsee problems with different resolutions. Ill give it a shot though. ---------- Post added at 16:00 ---------- Previous post was at 15:35 ---------- spaces dont work either it truncates them down to a couple only. yeah I know, I just wanted the general situation of the mission to be shown over the UAV est shot. it's repeated again in the briefing text. which is annoying because these commands work there. strangely it looks like it registers the <br/> command and then decides to ignore it and continue on the same line.
  14. yeah sorry I wrote it wrong in the post the <br/> doesnt work either.
  15. is it possible to set up a trigger change the settings on the civ script? so say as the player drives through a town it has a smaller area, so as not to get bogged down if they stop. But if say they needed to observer a town from a distance they would see civilians in it, Im using a radius of 1000 at the moment, but I worry what might happen if the same was to be used in a large town.
  16. Thirster

    Urban Patrol Script

    found the problem thanks anyway, stupid mistake on my behalf
  17. Thirster

    Urban Patrol Script

    Im getting a problem where my markers used for the script are visible in the briefing, I can't figure out where to add "setMarkerAlpha" in, even at the start of my init doesnt seem to work, they disappear after you load into the map, but Id rather people not see in the briefing where they might be ambushed
  18. Thirster

    Armor Improvement System (AIS)

    Also I think you might want to look into "missiles_titan_static" as Im pretty sure from testing then, the static launchers get through all the time. also maybe "missiles_DAR" as if youve got DAGR and Skyfire, then it would makes sense. hopefully I'm not pulling the wrong classnames here.
  19. Thirster

    Armor Improvement System (AIS)

    the direct attack HEAT shell with the TMR pack "TMR_launch_NLAW_MPV_F" and the AT4 CS from the R3F pack "R3F_AT4CS"
  20. Thirster

    Armor Improvement System (AIS)

    hey new version is great, is there anyway to add other types of projectiles to those that get blocked? it's easy enough in the script version, but not sure how to do it in the mod version
  21. is there anyway to make it so spawned vehicles with dead crew are usable and dont despawn? that would be a brilliant feature. I'm loving this script by the way, thanks for all your work on it!
  22. ok, I have a map where around the enemy base are 5 minefields, each has a 30% chance to be present. i would like to have an objective for the player to be discover all the minefields. so potentially he may either have to find 5 or 1 or however many. I was thinking along the lines of grouping the minefields all to another unit/module or something that i can do some kind of "foreach" command off of in the trigger that completes the mission. I'm not sure how to define someone "discovering" a minefield though any help, or pointing in the right direction would be appriciated. thanks
  23. Thirster

    =BTC= Revive

    havent checked if this has been reported, but I get an Error on if ((_gear select 3) != "") then {_unit addHeadgear (_gear select 3);}; if (count (BTC_back_pack_weap select 0) > 0) then { for "_i" from 0 to (count (BTC_back_pack_weap select 0) - 1) do { (unitBackpack _unit) addweaponCargoGlobal [(BTC_back_pack_weap select 0) select _i,(BTC_back_pack_weap select 1) select _i]; }; tested and reproduced, add player, add playable grouped. enter map, swap to playable unit, kill player unit, you will automatically be killed yourself and the helmet of the player unit will be deleted (they also may or may not die sometimes) I dont know shit about how the scripts work for this, but thats about all i could track down and reproduce ---------- Post added at 02:23 ---------- Previous post was at 02:22 ---------- oh that stuff is in =BTC= functions.sqf lines 156 thru 161
  24. Thirster

    Australian Army DPCU Faction

    The last patch is throwing an error on startup with this mod "no entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgweapons.arifle_mx_hamr_point_grip_f'. ".
  25. Thirster

    =BTC= Revive

    oh also any tasked already assigned to the person will not succeed or cancel etc after they die/are revived