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About littlebigbird

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  • Interests
    aviation, guns, military history

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  • Biography
    University of Georgia grad | Army heli pilot
  • Steam url id
  1. I'm looking for an organized but fun group of players to participate in organized events with as well as just playing in pubs. I'm a pretty good in-game pilot, so that's what I stick to. I'm the guy that will pickup/insert groundpounders for hours and find it fun as hell. My schedule is somewhat sporadic as I'm in the Army, so that's the biggest downside. But I'm enthusiastic about this whenever I can be on. I'm 24 and have ts/mic, joystick, TIR.
  2. Running TrackIR 5 and just curious how any other TIR users have felt about using it in the Alpha so far. For the MH9 / AH9, it runs nearly flawlessly. The only minor issue is that in first person you can still your head through the left ceiling... but being able to lean out the left side is awesome. The KA-60... err... absolutely terrible cockpit visibility but TIR makes it a little easier to fly first person. My only big issue is that the first person crosshair follows the movement of your head instead of being fixed to the front (unlike the AH6). This makes it pretty difficult to aim and leaves me wishing for a grease pencil to mark a crosshair on the windshield.
  3. littlebigbird

    Stuck on Receiving Data

    Trying to load into a multiplayer server. I am able to select my unit role and press OK. The "Receiving Data" bar then appears in the center of the screen. The bar loads all the way, then reverts back to 0% and freezes. No error messages, etc are given; the screen just sits at this point. Ive searched the forums and google and cant find a solution. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  4. Hey guys, I'm looking for a mature clan to play with. I'm in US Eastern time zone and usually play a few hours daily (usually coop). I prefer to fly most of the time, whether transport or gunship (putting my trackir to good use). I'm tired of waiting for the rare pilot slots to open up so a group with a server is a plus! Oh, and I'm 23.
  5. littlebigbird

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    Regarding helicopters (Gameplay): -When using trackIR, the firstperson HUD/crosshair follows your 'look' direction. When trying to fire, this makes it difficult to effectively aim at a target. I'd prefer a fixed crosshair (or maybe an option). -The Ka60 needs to be more responsive to throttle decrease. You can cut throttle to 0 and still maintain attitude for much too long, in my opinion.
  6. littlebigbird

    Tips on flying a helicopter?

    The most common error I've seen so far is overcorrection on the controls. Start noting your airspeed and keep in mind that you're probably moving alot faster than it looks like. Reduce your airspeed and take time to set up approaches. Don't be the hotshot that kills his passengers while trying to pull a stunt landing. Flying takes practice, but it's a load of fun once you get the hang of it. Cheers.