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About rolitto

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  1. Yes there has been an improvement over ArmA II in facial expressions, but you know, looking at the facial expressions (lips, eyes, teeth, heavy breathing, etc…) of LA Noire or even Battlefield 4 is sensational. And yes you're right, the lips' behaviour is synced with the talking and words' expressions. It appears real world to me. I hope BIS is reading or should I say is aware of this.
  2. I think BIS should pay more attention to face details, realism, lighting effect, eyes, and even the expression they do while they speak, frown, etc… i recommend anyone and especially the developers at BIS to throw a look at "LA Noire" from Rockstar and see the level of details and realism the persons have in the game. Even when they talk, you can really tell what word they are pronouncing. In my opinion, BIS should really improve this area.
  3. As everyone in here, ArmA III is my favorite game but I've been wondering why it lacks the level of facial details in texture and lightening when compared to Battlefield 4 or LA Noire. Any concern about that?