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Everything posted by killzone_kid

  1. This ^^^ Oh and before "we have to wait for Battleye" we know what disaster it turned out to be when dayz got popular. A good hack and everyone is doing it BE or no BE.
  2. didn't say it was better, just another way of doing it.
  3. killzone_kid

    Civilian turn onto Bluefor Issue

    No it wont work, because http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setFriend is about setting one side against another not individual units.
  4. killzone_kid

    driver check script

    You have to understand how isNil works. It simply checks if the variable was or wasn't defined. In your script you define both variables _driverType = _this select 1; _minRank = _this select 2; which you test if their values are undefined or not later. If you do not pass second and third parameter to the script ( _this select 1 _this select 2) you will get error. if your script has no errors means these 2 variables are always defined. isNil _driverType will check if the value of _driverType is undefined variable for example, and since you pass on a class or "" it will always be true unless there is a variable with the same name as class and is defined. Since they are strings you want to check them if they are empty or not instead if (_driverType == "")... or if (_driverType != "") if (_minRank == "") ...or if (_minRank != "") isNil will only be true is the variable you test is nil myvar = nil; if (isNil "myvar") //true
  5. with uiNamespace do { if (isNil "MYUI_display" || {isNull MYUI_display}) then .... };
  6. Break eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! TBH it's ArmA 3 not 2 not 1. Porting content already requires some adjustments so it is not backward compatible without fiddling with it first.
  7. One other thing that makes no sense and needs to be addressed is createUnit command As you all know createUnit does not return object of a unit you created, like createVehicle or createAgent, in fact it returns nothing. Odd? Yeah I know. But it has init field that will execute on every connected machine. So if you want reference to newly created unit object you have to do it via including your code in init that will assign unit object to your variable. Awkward and not needed. In fact the whole remote execution is not needed. So coming back to having on and off switch for code transfer over network. It obviously will break createUnit command, so alternative createUnit command needs to be made _unit = createUnit [type, position, group, skill, rank]; Neat? Nope... obvious!
  8. Eh? What alive? if MYUI_display variable is undefined it will be nil. What you do is you assign controlNull IF it is nil and then test if it is null, where as in my example you test if it is nil straight away.
  9. Or you can just with uiNamespace do { if (isNil "MYUI_display") then .... };
  10. What he ^^^ said. your delete key must be broken.
  11. _this select 2 is 0.5 but supposed to be a unit
  12. use nearestobjects and get the first element of returned array
  13. killzone_kid

    When did they add diver model and blood trails?

    It wasn't in animations until recently and it is still not in the editor. EDIT sorry my bad, it is under Men (Diver)
  14. killzone_kid

    When did they add diver model and blood trails?

    Never noticed blood trails until now, strange.
  15. Good read http://alpha.arma3.com/sitrep-00009 though I don't believe that proposed here solutions will lead to restriction of freedom. Commands that have been removed do not restrict freedom in any way because you can substitute them with more secure alternatives, same goes for compileFinal. You are mission creator you should be in control. I don't think someone will compileFinal own code then go complaining he cannot modify it. Don't compileFinal, just compile. Options have never restricted freedom, options only enhance freedom.
  16. killzone_kid

    Dedicated server - status

    Sweet! Will it run on WinXP?
  17. killzone_kid

    rabbits won't listen to me!

    try _lapin setPosATL (getPosATL player); after you created it Just tried even without setting position in the editor had few laughs, but no problem with getting stuck in the ground.
  18. killzone_kid

    rabbits won't listen to me!

    Maybe try to play with http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/disableAI
  19. Agree, target yes, should be pretty handy, but persistent? It is an event handler you want it to fire when the event occurred, not sometime after when someone else is connecting, you can always use BIS_fnc_MP for it.
  20. dont need to check it or validate' date=' just to detect, you can already do this typeName == "CODE" in scripts why not perform this check by deafult before sending data over to other clients (I mean on engine level)? Good point. This is why code in global EH should be changed to function name since we now have compileFinal. I suppose it will be easier for BIS to make a couple of new event handler commands instead of messing with the old ones, something like addMPEventHandler2 [eventname, function name];
  21. killzone_kid

    Script not found

    im guessing the script should be inside your specific mpmission folder not just mpmissions
  22. exec is sqs syntax use execVM
  23. killzone_kid

    Add magazine to pistol items?

    Try ["Unholster"] spawn ED_Holster; instead of ["Unholster"] call ED_Holster;