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Everything posted by mantls

  1. jeeeeeeeeeeeez, late night scripting.... :D Thanks for the Heads up, i had that feeling it was something fishy... Takes awful long so i guess ill have to run it once and save the Array but eh. Thank you :D
  2. I was just asking for a more clear answer. the post above very much implied it, yet he could just be unaware of the newest version etc...
  3. Razorwire is a B*tch. it does work...somewhat, yet it still looks weird and you'll prbly have to lower the Wires Position a little bit into the Ground to let it look less fucked up.
  4. mantls

    WIP EC145 Pack

    Are you gonna stabilize the camera/light? because that would be very neat :D
  5. Have a look at the ACRE API though there might very well already be some.
  6. mantls

    Dear Domination Author(s)...

    Gotta hate licensing... No offense! It's just that most Authors (including myself) probably don't even think about that, at all or have copyright etc. in their minds.
  7. mantls

    Non steerable Parachutes

    Try this, para_init.sqf has to run on every client! para_init.sqf if (!isDedicated) then { waitUntil {!isNull player}; player addeventhandler ["Respawn", { player addaction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("Paradrop") + "</t>", "Paradrop.sqf", "", 1, false, true,"", "((vehicle player) iskindof ""Air"") && (((position player) select 2) > 20) && (player != driver (vehicle player))"]; }]; player addaction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("Paradrop") + "</t>", "Paradrop.sqf", "", 1, false, true,"", "((vehicle player) iskindof ""Air"") && (((position player) select 2) > 20) && (player != driver (vehicle player))"]; }; Paradrop.sqf _unit = _this select 0; if (local _unit) then { _veh = vehicle _unit; _unit allowdamage false; moveOut _unit; sleep 0.75; _chute = createVehicle ["NonSteerable_Parachute_F", (getPos _unit), [], 0, "NONE"]; _chute allowdamage false; _chute setPos (getPos _unit); _unit setCaptive true; _unit moveInDriver _chute; _unit allowDamage true; _chute allowdamage true; waitUntil {((getPosATL _unit select 2) < 2)}; sleep 2; if ((vehicle _unit) == _chute) then { moveOut _unit; sleep 0.5; deleteVehicle _chute; }; _unit setCaptive false; if(!isMultiplayer) then { hint "SetCaptive off!"; }; }; kind of old and not pretty, but it does the Job...
  8. Well, it's not really EOS but rather BIS' Function being buggy/throwing out Errors (Many BIS functions do btw). Hm, either write your own function or look for some others? I reckon the Invade & Annex Mission has some similar, somewhat custom, functions. EDIT: Dug it up aw_fnc_randomPos = { private["_center","_radius","_exit","_pos","_angle","_posX","_posY","_size","_flatPos"]; _center = _this select 0; _size = if(count _this > 2) then {_this select 2}; _exit = false; while{!_exit} do { _radius = random (_this select 1); _angle = random 360; _posX = (_radius * (sin _angle)); _posY = (_radius * (cos _angle)); _pos = [_posX + (_center select 0),_posY + (_center select 1),0]; if(!surfaceIsWater [_pos select 0,_pos select 1]) then { if(count _this > 2) then { _flatPos = _pos isFlatEmpty [_size / 2,0,0.7,_size,0,false]; if(count _flatPos != 0) then { _pos = _flatPos; _exit = true }; } else {_exit = true}; }; }; _pos; }; should be usable aswell, might wanna give it a shot and spare your .rtp :D
  9. nope, EventHandlers stick. The Respawn EH fires upon respawn (hence the name ha! ^^) it should return the old(dead) unit and the new (fresh spawned) unit. since your using you might wanna use local. Sorry for not giving you a proper answer with code, im way too tired^^.
  10. -nologs What is the .rpt file saying?
  11. mantls

    TMR Modular Realism

    Tab enables the PLOS, which is dependant on how steady and fast you are moving your aim.
  12. mantls

    help with addMPEventHandler

    I'd just use the normal respawn eh. And dich the removeaction 0 as that could easily get you in trouble. AddActions dont Stick anyway afaik and If you do use it use antobet Id that wont get Mixed up If you have multiple addActions. Edit: maybe rename the file as a file Named "onplayerrespawn.sqf" is execute automatically upon respawning (i think). Cheers.
  13. try: [this] execVM "surfaceNormal.sqf" _obj = _this select 0; _normal = surfaceNormal _obj; _obj setVectorUp _normal; you can probably insert that into the fences init line aswell, not sure though. But surfaceNormal and setVectorUp should do the Trick.
  14. mantls

    OPFOR AI & Parachutes

    Alright, This is what im using. NOTE: it uses upsmon but you can very easily change that and use some bis functions or w/e. Para = { private ["_pos","_chute","_location","_locationSize","_dir","_dest","_transport","_transportGrp","_wp","_grp"]; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; /* declare variables etc */ _locMark = _this select 0; _location = gerMarkerPos _locMark; _locationSizearray = (getMarkerSize _locMark); _locationSize = _locationSizearray select 0; _dir = random 359; _pos = [_location, 2500, _dir] call bis_fnc_relPos; _dest = [_location,2500, (_dir - 180)] call bis_fnc_relPos; _transport = [_pos,(_dir - 180),"O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F",EAST] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; //player setPos _pos; _transportGrp = (_transport select 2); {_x setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _x flyinHeight 60;} forEach units _transportGrp; _wp = _transportGrp addWaypoint [_location,(_locationSize - (_locationSize / 10)),0]; _wp = _transportGrp addWaypoint [_dest,0,1]; _wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _grp = [_pos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad"),[],[],[0.25,0.4]] call bis_fnc_spawnGroup; {_x MoveInCargo (_transport select 0); _x assignasCargo (_transport select 0)} forEach units _grp; waitUntil {sleep 1;(getPos (_transport select 0)) distance _location < (_locationSize + (_locationSize / 10))}; /* Initial Drop */ { unAssignVehicle _x; _x allowDamage false; moveOut _x; sleep 0.35; _chute = createVehicle ["NonSteerable_Parachute_F", (getPos _x), [], 0, "NONE"]; _chute setPos (getPos _x); _x moveinDriver _chute; _x allowDamage true; sleep 0.5; } forEach units _grp; /* Assign a task */ //[_grp, _location, _locationSize] call CBA_fnc_taskAttack; null = [leader _grp, _locMark, "spawned", "showmarker", "full"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; /* Initiate CleanUp */ _i = 0; waitUntil {sleep 1;_i = _i + 1; ((getpos (_transport select 0)) distance _location > 1750) || _i >= 70;}; {deleteVehicle _x} foreach units _transportGrp; deleteGroup _transportGrp; deleteVehicle (_transport select 0); /* Return handle */ /* _____________ */ _grp }; just call it like: ["marker"] spawn para; or via ExecVM.
  15. You could always try and sign them yourself.
  16. mantls

    TMR Modular Realism

    Are you doing something about the new Scopes (TWS etc.). As of now the Weapons are not configured to use them (at least the MX). Cheers loving what you're doing!
  17. I think that is due to how Gunners (reference Chopper gunners) work in A3? You can break out of it using alt or 2x alt.
  18. mantls

    work out size of town

    I noticed a bit of slow down, yeah. But if Locations are now properly configured i might aswell use them, ofc! :D
  19. mantls

    work out size of town

    are locations working properöy now (they weren't properly configured in the Alpha/Beta afaik). i used this in the past weeks/months: m_fnc_getTownSize = { if (!isServer) exitWith {}; private ["_switch","_nearHouses1","_radius","_nearHouses2","_startPos","_nearHouses"]; _startPos = _this select 0; _radius = 20; _nearHouses = nearestObjects [_startPos, ["House"], _radius]; _switch = true; while {_switch} do { _nearHouses1 = nearestObjects [_startPos, ["House"], _radius]; _radius = _radius + 35; _nearHouses2 = nearestObjects [_startPos, ["House"], _radius]; if ((count _nearHouses1) == (count _nearHouses2)) then { _switch = false; }; }; _radius };
  20. doesnt lineintersect (or intersects in general) return the object(s) with which it (they) intersect? Just use it's location?
  21. Mission / project? may i ask what that would be?
  22. BIS_fnc_MP. just don't use the isPersistent param.
  23. mantls

    Sloped Fence

    it's a fix model, so it's always the model which will get tilted. oh link works for me aswell.