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Everything posted by badluckburt

  1. I don't know if this is a typo or not but you're missing a " in the last item (east_coast_member_polo) your CfgPatches weapons[] array: weapons[] = {"Sotiris_Clothes","Police_Fatigues","Masa_Clothes","Custom_Vest",east_coast_member_polo"}; should be: weapons[] = {"Sotiris_Clothes","Police_Fatigues","Masa_Clothes","Custom_Vest","east_coast_member_polo"};
  2. This looks pretty neat. Once I get an extra hard drive I'm gonna give this a shot. Might just be what me and a buddy have been waiting for. We'll probably get slaughtered :D
  3. badluckburt

    Disappointed with lack of Interactability on Tanoa

    The logic behind it is that they wanted to try something new. They've toyed with a Pacific / jungle environment before but never released one. I only wish they had boarded up the doors of non-enterable buildings. It's just a few more polygons and it would go a long way to kill the annoyance it causes people so BI, could you update the non-enterable buildings pretty please? :3
  4. badluckburt


    The only way to do that is to use meshes that'll fill the gap like beton suggests or increasing the horizontal resolution from whatever it is now to 2 meters but this will have a severe impact on how big and detailed your map can be. Best bet is to use a combination of lowered terrain and meshes. You can see the same thing done in Tanoa and to a lesser degree the other BI maps to create the steep cliffs. If you were to hide the rock meshes, you'd see the terrain underneath is super steep. By making the height transition very sudden and using meshes, you can get great results.
  5. badluckburt

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    I'm only on mission 2 but I can't say this is a very engaging campaign, it feels too easy. I am one of the worst players of the Arma franchise but even I manage to clear out the enemies with little to no effort and afterwards I feel like I've achieved nothing. Completing missions like Bingo Fuel or whatever it was called in the original campaign had me doing a little dance as I was very ill prepared for that mission and didn't want to 'cheat' by reverting back to an earlier stage but here we have none of that. I don't know if it picks up after mission 2 but so far, I'm sad to say I'm not impressed. I'll play through the whole campaign but I can't see myself replaying it in it's current state which is a shame, I really love Tanoa. - edit I'm almost finished now, one exfil has pretty much confirmed my suspicion :( This is Arma on rails, the last thing it should aspire to be. I really wish this would've been more, Tanoa is a fantastic setting but you guys (BI) seem afraid to do things on a larger scale like you did in HR and I think it's a shame. The visual presentation might be impressive but it's lacking a certain charm in my opinion and it fails to draw me in to the story. I guess I just don't feel the love like I did in Arma 2.
  6. I'm not sure what you mean by uniform dimensions but 2:1 would be 1024x512 or 2048x1024, not 1920x1080. And, I am going to ask a very silly question here, do you have Windows Explorer set to show file extensions or hide them? If they are hidden and the file shows in Explorer as city_image_ca.png, it's actual name is city_image_ca.png.png, this would cause Texview to miss the _CA prefix.
  7. badluckburt

    Disappointed with lack of Interactability on Tanoa

    It's called hardwood for a reason ;) I guess they do it for performance reasons, being able to deforest Tanoa would be epic though :D
  8. badluckburt

    Way to find "the real" missing addon?

    One tip I can give you, start a new mission, put down one unit, change some of his attributes and save. Open up that mission.sqm and see if you recognise anything :) Just keep adding other stuff like waypoints, syncs etc. and see what happens to the file. Opening that 500KB one that you worked on can be a bit daunting but if you take it one step at a time, you'll find it to be easier to understand than you thought it would be. The class structure are always like this: class Item53 { property = "value"; properties[] = {"I","am","an","array"}; number = 1.0; }; The property stuff isn't that important but you can change classnames with it like you did with the heli supply thing. As long as you take care to preserve the original structure of the file while you edit it, you can speed up a bunch of things using find and replace in a text-editor.
  9. badluckburt

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    I would give my left nut for an Ambient Occlusion slider. If you pop in a VR soldier (one of the neon ones), disable AI on him, turn on HDAO Low and then take a look at the area where his arm is close to the body, it's way too dark. Low in this case seems to refer to the quality, not the darkness. I will post a screenshot of what I mean when I get home. I wish I knew how to do shaders because I would correct this problem myself but sadly this is outside of my area of expertise.
  10. badluckburt

    Way to find "the real" missing addon?

    I'm glad you got the thing working again. These error messages are quite clear actually so it might be a good idea to post those in the future should you (god forbid) run into a similar problem :) On a sidenote, understanding the syntax of a mission.sqm / config file helps when you venture into editing one. It's not a hard format to understand, just very sensitive to { } closures and ;
  11. badluckburt

    Way to find "the real" missing addon?

    The classname I mentioned is on line 8881. Below it you'll find UK3CB_BAF_Box_WpsLaunch If you replace UK3CB_BAF_Box_Helicopter_Resupply with that, there's a chance your mission might load up. Yeah, the weather is mad at the moment. I can't remember the last time it rained this much in summer. Nevertheless, enjoy the rest of your stay!
  12. badluckburt

    Way to find "the real" missing addon?

    Is UK3CB_BAF_Box_Helicopter_Resupply the one he needs to replace? I'm glad you're helping out here :) since the PBOs are obfuscated. And off-topic, how's my country treating you?
  13. The most efficient way would be to register destroyed building positions in an array. I don't know if there is an eventHandler for destroying buildings, had a quick glance at the BIKI but it doesn't look like it: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers Then again, since we're all verhicles in the Armaverse, maybe buildings also trigger the Killed event? And there's always brute-force: call nearestBuildings with a sufficiently large radius, loop through the returned buildings and resurrect whatever needs resurrecting.
  14. badluckburt

    Way to find "the real" missing addon?

    Work is blocking Dropbox out of 'cloud' fear but I'll have a gander when I get home.
  15. badluckburt

    Way to find "the real" missing addon?

    Can't you just use Rapify to debinarize your SQM? I always uncheck that binarize option in Eden, it's evil.
  16. badluckburt

    Way to find "the real" missing addon?

    I won't get around to it tonight but I'll try to run that mission myself later this week. If you install the free version of Mikero's tools, you will be able to unpack the PBOs yourself and perhaps find out what's wrong that way. Anyway, I'll report back here once I've tried to run the mission. In the meantime, good luck :)
  17. badluckburt

    Way to find "the real" missing addon?

    I agree that this is one of the more frustrating issues in modded games, yes Elder Scrolls, I'm looking at you :P Have you tried hosting / running the entire thing on your own computer? Not saying you should play that way but if that works, you can rule out any issues related to your own setup in combination with that particular mission. And just thinking with you here, are you on stable, apex sneak preview or dev branch?
  18. badluckburt

    Way to find "the real" missing addon?

    I remember reading a thread where someone had a similar problem and it came down to the load order in Arma Sync. I'll see if I can dig up the thread later on. Your problem does sounds similar, especially since the other mission does work for you. Here you go: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192092-help-with-bug-caused-by-mods/?hl=load+order#entry3060338 I hope you can get it fixed :) -edit To be fair, you don't know if you are correct claiming that. If it turns out to be the load order like in the other thread then the message itself is SPOT ON.
  19. badluckburt

    Lipsync over side radio.

    I don't think the engine supports that. It would be a neat feature so hopefully someone can tell me I'm wrong :)
  20. badluckburt

    What Makes a Good Arma Campaign?

    Avoid cliches where possible and make the world around the player feel alive. In Harvest Red it was pretty clear at some point that I was part of a much bigger machine, I never really got that feeling in A3's campaign. I also enjoyed interacting with the civilians in Chernarus but the natives in Altis and Tanoa seem very shy :(
  21. There's two objects, one is 1x1 meters and the other is 10x10 meters in size.
  22. badluckburt

    Map tanoa open to all?

    As Bamse said, yes :) but you'll also get some new vehicles, units and props to go with the map. There's also a co-op campaign which is under some heavy debate right now so no guarantee that you'll like it but it will be there when you buy Apex.
  23. Sweet! ;) You're more than welcome. Just out of curiosity, have you reinstalled SweetFx after fixing it? I think what might have happened is that Windows 10 blocked the DLL as the newer Windows versions sometimes like to do with non-native DLLs that have an 'unknown' origin.
  24. That sucks. I'm not sure if this will be any help but a user on the Steam forums reported a similar issue: https://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/discussions/0/492379159713461626/ And also made a ticket about it: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T85269 His issue was related to using SweetFx, it probably clashed somehow with Win 10.
  25. badluckburt

    Map tanoa open to all?

    No it won't. Apex is an expansion and not a DLC like Karts, Helis or Marksmen are.