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Everything posted by astrell

  1. astrell

    Smarter tanks script

    It should be Server-Side only if you spawn your AI with MCC. If you want to spawn units with Zeus you have to run this stuff on your client, too. I like the Addon version, too! We play as a tank group and you make it feel a little better. The Major problem we ever encountered is that enemy MBTs and IFVs always trying to approuch the enemy ( you ) instead of using high or covered terrain/places to engage on greater distance or tries to move laterally. It would be the best to use the ASR AI "Radionet" feature to align to cannon before the tank itself have Line-of-Sight ( with a little tolerance ) and then driving really slowly to a nearby ( better ) place to open fire after LoS is established and do firing till he got counter fire and back off. Searching new position ( avoiding already used positions/cover ) and do the same stuff again. But wait ... for starters please try to make the tanks don´t trying to approach us. Its too easy :-/ Thanks you very much for this stuff!
  2. Shut up and take my Money!!! This is even better then xenmapl! Everythink looks like a very good workflow, amazing work! Absolutly in use for us after release!
  3. astrell

    X-Cam prototype map

    I´m starting to understand what X-Cam is for :P And a very nice map btw. Good work, keep going! Your the man ^^
  4. Finally! Jagged Alliance with good Graphics :P Nice Job, trying it out.
  5. Is it just me or after the latest arma patch the mod is buggy because of the rockets? I have no more Brimstone and LOBL does not work anymore with the modified DAGR - instead i can lock on with ASRAAM on ground targets. Edit: Nah, have incompatibility with AGM somewhere ... checking later, can i please for a fix?
  6. Do you work simultaneously on different projects? And where on your Website can i follow the Eurofighter WIPs? It seems you page is not very activ, is the Link correct?
  7. Its still necessary for a example how the limitation module and scripted functions works? Someone interessted? Questions?
  8. This micro terrain argument sounds very interesting! It would be useful to hide some minor drug plantages in the jungle! :-P 1-2 "not-so-very-good-visible" airfields, too! Currently using few straight Streets for landing places but I need to land myself. There is a water landing aircraft Addon, it is possible to define an airfield in the water? I prefer your map over other maps, too. Looks to gorgeous :-> I'd love to see more maps from you in the future!
  9. This is so freaking AWESOME!!!!! :yay: Thanks you very much, now the Drug delivery service can start! :rolleyes: have you any future plans?
  10. astrell

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Is a laser recognition planned in vehicles for defence? And will get the Blackfoot TCS for the main gun, too?
  11. Yes! Working streets! Have to Work on my Campaign again! Finally there is a bright light of Hope ( coming "soon" :P )
  12. Restart your client. Every change on serverconfig needs complete restart.
  13. Please think about fixing the streets. Tried to make a drug delivery to observe but the cars won't drive outside of city's. Seems the streets outside are only textures and the AI can't use them. Btw: good job! I like jungle way more than the Mediterranean style!
  14. On the first sight I can't see any progress but I'm pretty sure you're working on it :-) the most work is surely the rpt errors and other Bugfixes. I wished I could help you somehow but bug reporting and testing is all I can do :-( Your doing God's work! Keep going mate! Say if is there really something I can help you with.
  15. @kgino1045 Not in my opinion, sry. Maybe X39 want to add some features but i dont see any need to change the mechanics. Take care of yourself. ;) @Persian Scripting 101. Please ask (or better search) in the Scripting Section/Forum. But i did a feature request for XMS1+2 ( this time really!!! ) for "tear open" FAKs and Medkits.
  16. Sometimes i´m so freaking stupid -___-° ["MEDKIT", "B_medic_F",] call X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitationToClass; X39_MedSys_var_Limitations_enable = true; ["BLOOD", "B_medic_F"] call X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitation; ["BLOOD", "B_recon_medic_F"] call X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitation; ["DEFIBRILLATE", "B_medic_F"] call X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitation; ["DEFIBRILLATE", "B_recon_medic_F"] call X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitation; ["EPINEPHRINE", "B_medic_F"] call X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitation; ["EPINEPHRINE", "B_recon_medic_F"] call X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitation; ["MORPHINE", "B_medic_F"] call X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitation; ["MORPHINE", "B_recon_medic_F"] call X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitation; ["MEDKIT", "B_medic_F"] call X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitation; ["MEDKIT", "B_recon_medic_F"] call X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitation; [] call X39_MedSys_fnc_pushLimitations; /edit Not working, we work on it
  17. Damit - I AM SURE to have a boner after patched that bird up. In the current ( buggy ) Version i have already massiv fun to fly and destroy but with your help - jesus christ! Have an donation button ready after your work is done. If your doing you job well i will show my gratitude measurably!!! I´m doing Beta Tests. Its my hobby. Please support me :D
  18. Interessting, i´m not the only one with this problem O.o In TS Test mode i´m robotic, too. But only there, in normal mode with others my voice is normal and clear. I´m using Xonar D2 Soundcard, latest driver.
  19. Till now doesn´t find any gamebreaking bugs, good job mate! But after flying this drone for over one hour i have a little resumé: After moving into "Plane" Mode the throttle does effect still the flyhigh of this thing instead of decrease or increase throttle on the rotors. That make flying this thing a little odd. Braking with it is very ... difficult without increasing altitude. Not to mention the AI: Brake from full Speed to Zero for landing (CPM Waypoint or MCC Waypoint) makes the Drone increase the Altitude up to 180m :butbut: and then slowly goes down again like a heli. Easy to hit that thing, really!! For solution is to say try to look on the Osprey Addon for manual tilt rotor control or try to make a control switch after tilt animation, so decreasing have really the effect that this thing is slowing down instead of decreasing altitude. Its not game breaking or really annoying, with a little training you can fly the Drone pretty well but the problem is the AI. Yes i´m aware that in normal helis this brake behavior is the same.
  20. Do i understand correctly that you´re already use the XMed Variables to modify this stuff or do you change the sound parameter of the Gunshot itself?
  21. Two little issues found: 1. In Action menu the option "drop item X" do not vanish after dropping the object. 2. Which option in the action menu is for paratrop is not clear. Please Change in "drop item" and "paradrop item" ( in german translation) And one big favour i have to ask: You are very skilled in Modelling. Is there a change to see a stretcher who can linked on the Drone for MedEvac? Something like this:
  22. Hm, yeah... Thinking about it... I will write a feature request ticket for that. Like "ripping off" the package and have some stuff. Should be easy to script. But make resupply from medical stuff a bit too easy. As I said, I write a ticket
  23. I'm lazy. Do you poor little one really think I write the stuff from the PDF complete self in the init.sqf? No way! Copy and paste for the win :-D But I does not work. Dammit. :-\
  24. 1. C & P from PDF for init commands do not work, not very comfortable. 2. The Lifting ability should be active from beginning. In times of Zeus Preset Maps it's annoying to change init.sqf and if I start my arma with a new Mod it should work even for not mission maker or scripter. Please keep it simple and stupid. 3. Fly model still too sensitiv. It feels like an superlight darter instead of an big transport drone. 4. Gunner camera seat work's not properly? Instead of camera dome I'm sitting in cockpit again? Did I overlook something? I'm happy to see you're improving. Your drone looks awesome!