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Everything posted by Richie

  1. Richie

    Grabing small objects

    Place the smaller objects with MapBuilder or xCam, much easier to move again if needed.
  2. *Edit* Misread the thread, thought it was for server files, nevermind
  3. Richie

    New mod idea "The 100"

    Sounds like a cool idea, I wish you luck Go for a custom terrain, it's not too difficult, mostly trees and lots of old wrecked buildings won't take long.
  4. Export the height.asc from TB, use that and it's fine for TP.
  5. I belive this is caused by the type of p3d, it's easily fixed by using Mikeros pro tools, the free version won't show them. Congrats of the 1st release though, looks great :)
  6. Wow, just wow :o stunning work guys, unique and special and i'm still exploring and finding new stuff i say wow at.
  7. Awesome release Cype :D Congrats on a job well done, a long project in the making.
  8. Trust me, the arma tools are far more frustrating than the game updates :p
  9. Richie

    terrain 120X120km problem

    This was tried before, have a look Here for the results.
  10. Richie

    Buldozer error 86

    Make a new .txt file in the root of your P drive and name is steam_appid, open it and add the following number 107410 Save and try launching BD
  11. Richie

    lbr_plants Terrain Builder

    Nlod warning is a corrupt download from the @cup download from Steam workshop, they (steam) do something funky to the files, try unsubscribing and then subscribe again to force another download or use an alternative source.
  12. Richie

    Buldozer error 86

    I've seen this before and i'm sure it's when the Steam ID has the wrong value for the game/tools, I'll see if i can find more info but i'm 99% sure that is the cause.
  13. Richie

    The Mega Help Me Thread

    Check your cfgSurfaces.hpp and make sure all the surfaces in your layers.cfg are listed, even if you don't want clutter on them. You can prevent clutter on them by having : character = "Empty"; They all need listed, regardless if you want clutter on them, otherwise you end up with no clutter at all.
  14. Richie

    ArmA 1 sounds in ArmA 3

    Not sure about the sound files but objects/models are available to use under license, see Here and have a look.
  15. Yay, happy to help :)
  16. I thought that at first but most people have @cup as almost all upcoming terrains are using it or the guys in the terrain builders channel are. Using the A2 samples will just cause more work writing configs, changing the names or it will cause issues for anyone who tries to use @cup with a terrain using the samples. Support cup and their work, it benefits terrain builders and makes life easier :)
  17. Try adjusting the time to ~.5 or ~1.0 As your project grows it can take longer for everything to load in, might be the cause hopefully.
  18. You need the Arma 3 BI key added to your keys folder, should be there by default, contact your host or you're version of Arma does not match the server. 'mark' are from the marksmen DLC pack but the A3 key covers them, along with all the other base game files listed above. Short term fix is to turn off signature verification but only for testing or if you trust all players joining, your host will have to fix the key issue, unless you have full FTP access ? the key you want is found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Keys\a3.bikey (change to suit your install path)
  19. Richie

    Arma 3 Server OS

    .net i really can't remember, you do need Visual C++ Redistributables, vc 2008 and vc 2003 should be sufficient
  20. So were mine when i had that same error, try it, what do you have to lose ?
  21. No he's not, version shows 1.40 but mine is 1.59, could be the reason.
  22. Your mod download is corrupted, delete it and redownload it.
  23. Richie

    [ALiVE, COOP 25, SP] Brother's Keeper

    This looks awesome, wow just wow and of course, thanks :)
  24. I think you're exceeding the number of mask layers you can have per area, check your mapframes for sat/surface (mask) tiles, it's that area in meters plus your overlap, so example 512 x 512 + 32