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About Chrono_Binder

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    Private First Class

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  1. Finally! :) I just tested it as a cop, seems like a good start. Stratis is a good size, at least not too small. I have played Life on Chernarus and Takistan, and the driving gets old after a while (100h).
  2. Chrono_Binder

    Story problem.

    I don't care about the "lore" or story in the Arma games. At all. But I see the problem for the story lovers. :)
  3. Chrono_Binder

    5,5Gb Update on DEV Branch?

    I don't get that bug. Everything looks normal.
  4. Chrono_Binder

    5,5Gb Update on DEV Branch?

    Well, 200 MB is enough for some jets. :cool:
  5. Chrono_Binder

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    Being able to eject from choppers or at least be able to get out of the chopper with the engine running.
  6. In sunlight and nice weather it looks way better than Arma 2. In some cases it looks a lot like Arma 2 :/. Soldiers can move a lot more freely with better flow now, still jerky in some situations. Physics is finally here and I like it where it's used. Buildings tear apart like in Arma 2 (scripted). AI is the same in most cases. I love the new equipement system. Way better. It feels stable. Actually it feels just like an Arma game without tanks, jets and a big island. Should rename it to Arma 3: Mini/Lite/Demo :) Weapon sounds are great. I'm glad to see something other than brown dull colors (Takistan) or the boring architecture seen in Chernarus. Staris is very pleasing to the eyes, just go to Camp Maxwell. I love it! I think it is better than earlier Arma games in almost every aspect.
  7. Chrono_Binder

    Please, please, please folks....

    No way. I have an OK computer but I can't say that Arma 2 runs with no issues or slowdowns. Really, it is a mess, at least when playing the gamemodes I want to (especially in MP). I hope that Arma 3 will be brighter story of course. But I wouldn't bet any money on it.
  8. Chrono_Binder

    5,5Gb Update on DEV Branch?

    Glad I upgraded my internet then. :) Will we see any tanks and jets anytime soon? ;)
  9. Chrono_Binder

    [TDM][CTI]Desolate Team Warfare -64

    Sounds good, does this work with Dev build?
  10. Chrono_Binder

    TeeTimes Warfare

    An easy "solution" is to change the income system to zero (or near zero). You will still have an HQ but not be able to buy stuff. Work around of course, but easy to do.
  11. Switching player and/or team in game can bug the game a lot. Not limited to sound. For example my AI soldiers lost their animations when running, they were skiing around. Or ski-crawling like this:
  12. Chrono_Binder

    The Giant Alpha Media Thread

    Make your own Submarine I found a weird bug shown here (look at after the landing): Spawn a boat at 3000 meters and see if you can get the same result.
  13. Chrono_Binder

    ArmA 3 Alpha Performance Tweaks and Settings Guide

    In my case yes. I don't think that's used in Arma 3.
  14. Chrono_Binder

    TeeTimes Warfare

    Thanks! But the AI team killing mess destroys the mission. At least when playing single player. Do ee have to wait for a proper resistance side?