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Everything posted by fabio_chavez

  1. fabio_chavez

    Unused Animations Mod

    any updates impending? id love to get rid of the "3rd person cam reset when jumping bug"
  2. fabio_chavez

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    ive been eagerly following patrick cockburns coverage of the syria conflict in the recent month, its a remarkable journalist and a essential source of information for many reputable politcal commentators and journalists themself. http://www.independent.co.uk/biography/patrick-cockburn
  3. nice trailer, upvoted! also the changes/fixes sound great, cant wait to test myself!
  4. fabio_chavez

    Afghanistan Map - No Name.

    +1 arma tends to have too many maps that neither pay attention to detail nor to (most important) gameplay, but try to be as huge as possible. looking forward to this!
  5. fabio_chavez

    Ukraine General

    peter beinart http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/03/no-american-weakness-didnt-encourage-putin-to-invade-ukraine/284168/
  6. fabio_chavez

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    altis life is junk and should be banned by BIS, i can play arma3 MP with 70 players and 40 fps, on altis life i dont have more thatn 10 fps though. its altis life...
  7. fabio_chavez

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    its basicly unplayable, BI failed on the community to establish a performance friendly gamemode, altis life is the worst...
  8. Dust storm impending... 1080p FS WIP Impressions
  9. fabio_chavez

    Jurassic Arma

    spectacular! i allways wondered why nobody yet started to spice up the Fauna of arma3, i was kind of waiting for somebody to come up with a bluewhale or something. If you keep on coming up with more dinos, consider doing a predatory aquatic lizard :D http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/14/Mosasaurus_beaugei1DB.jpg (985 kB)
  10. fabio_chavez

    Dust Storm Composer WIP

    thank you for your interesst guys, but i got to ask you for patience, i havent been doing any work on this project since the last update. i learned a few more things about lighting in the meantime that should be helpfull for creating a convoncing duststorm environment and i am dedicated to get something out eventually but please dont expect this to be released any time soon. When i finished my current project, i will pick up the duststorm project again and post some updates. :popup:
  11. fabio_chavez

    C-RAM for Arma 3!!!!

    looking forward to this, also i find the HEMTT idea very appealing :}
  12. fabio_chavez

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

  13. fabio_chavez

    C-RAM for Arma 3!!!!

    lol man wth, why do you make screenshots in 240p oO
  14. contact these guys maybe: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169933-Community-Upgrade-Project
  15. fabio_chavez

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

    thats the real starting signal for this mod! :622: Btw after the vehicles, will you also pick up the DLC playermodels?
  16. fabio_chavez

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    conventional pvp, like TDM, Conquest, AAS and the likes, is nonexistent but nevermind. I know its traditionally not the focus of arma, though there is nothing that speaks against this in an otherwise decent game. Its not tradition that is the reason for complete absense of conventional pvp, but broken netcode, bad design decisions and until recently (see performance server binary) apparent lack of action by BI to adress this.
  17. fabio_chavez

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    well hf, shooting at bots all tactical and stuff. and thats only even the personal preference question... performance is undeniably the key issue here, even more so with AI missions.
  18. fabio_chavez

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    i dont want to highjack the thread because its about AI, and i do not have the slightest intresst in AI, in fact, aside from the fact that i expect them to be working in the campaigns, i would rather have as few to do with AI as possible. BUT: 100% of the people i know, that are not actively participating in the community, think the game is broke and left. Some would give it another try, though from their perspective its exactly the same situation as in the alpha and they are perfectly reasonable because when you log in, you have to crawl through large amounts of junk server, to find a halfways playable mission... JUST AS IN THE ALPHA BI helped established the situation by adressing the structual issues much too late (if at all) and let the community just grow wildly on top of a rotten core... p.s. today, i recorded this, should i recommend my people to give it another shot? what do you think, when Zeus is out, should i ask my people to try it? :j:
  19. fabio_chavez

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    (non organized) conventional pvp MP is close to nonexistent, it just not so obviously a problem anymore because the targetgroup allready left the game for good. Random Generic missions with civilian AI sitting in front of cash registers are no substitute imho :( Only ray of light atm is TacBF imho, but that is actually not representative for A3 MP generally, its more like, TacBF exists DESPITE A3 MP so if you say, you are going to be less disappointed if you focus on MP, id say no, unless you are really into altis life 24/7 or coop, MP is a joke. :/
  20. fabio_chavez

    Iron Front LITE mod in Arma 3

    Awesome, people should take the opportunity to hop on the Iron Front testserver! It aint even looking that bad in arma3, a nice middleground between allowing multiplayer fun and combability and keeping an incentive to opt for upgrade to High Quality! i just instantly had some PVP fun on the Iron Front Arma 3 Testserver: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/613915113346112134/71E5C7463B255A92A95DDD55A9B10CE859D7B242/ (154 kB) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/615042917394275993/29E61002269B7A82AF25200BE757CCAF49333AF0/ (165 kB) http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/613915113346113342/CAB7D77FF05D15E90639C8DE1D90B3BB399CEE14/ (266 kB) http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/613915113408855463/1649F713393A94269410C558450FE5CF461A2A83/ (261 kB)
  21. fabio_chavez

    Unused Animations Mod

    awesome, looking forward to! :bounce3: do you also use the same fatigue system lime jump MF?
  22. fabio_chavez

    Unused Animations Mod

    i am still using the Jump MF addon, though it has a camera issue, the camera angle will allways reset after you jump while looking around (loor or freelook), its kind of annoying and feels choppy. Judging from the demo video, your mod seem to work the same way? Is it possible to make it work in the future or is that due some kind of engine limitation?
  23. fabio_chavez

    @A3CS - ArmA 3 Combat System

    offcourse i know tacbf but i doubt Przemro was refering to it ;)
  24. fabio_chavez

    @A3CS - ArmA 3 Combat System

    Battlefield Style? where?! i want! :D
  25. fabio_chavez

    Everon2013 for @A3MP

    i was running SMAA ultra and x8 AA.