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Everything posted by braveblades

  1. braveblades

    RH Pistol pack

    Super! Thanx :) Wysłane z iPhone za pomocą Tapatalk
  2. braveblades

    RH Pistol pack

    i did some test today (with latest a3 update) and ..imho RH pistols have more spread over a distance ~40m than vanilla A3 pistols. Is this problem with config or latest a3 patch (i use dev build.)
  3. braveblades

    Cossac cape map, Crimea

    Great map, well done :) Congrats!
  4. Hi, if anyone can tell me where i can find vanilla insignia graphic files after last update?
  5. Hey, i've question about tactical glasses - how to add "tactical" function to normal battle google?
  6. @tpw: ..the pleasure is all mine :) it's a great implementation.
  7. @ TPW - WoW! you're so fast :) GREAT! Thnx mate!
  8. @TPW - one problem, if i wear google and start mission - everything is ok, but when i switch to another unit in my team - it didn't work and when i switch back to my previous unit - it still didn't work.
  9. Really great addon! My first impression (after playing few minutes) - there's too much information (sometimes useless especially if you play only like infantry) and too close to the center of view, but after play 2h i change my opinion :) Actually if i set up good level of brightness - it's ok. But imho you may add "customize" dispersion of data from center of view - maybe in "steps"? In functional area - in terms of manage of your team maybe you can add "compass" (N, W, NW..) next to azimuth values - eg. AZM: 278 (S). Anyway one of the most useful addon!
  10. Hi, one question about scripting - is it a possible to tag enemies using rangefinder or binocular? I'd like to build a recon mission where player: 1) must locate & identify groups of enemy soldiers or vehicles then 2) tag EVERY enemy with unique ID (one-by-one; ID may increase automaticly) and 3) "transmit" this data by radio to HQ 4) and finaly - this data turn (automaticly?) into a list of mission goals for "strike team" to eliminate 5) OPTIONAL: It would be ideal if you can store this ID corelated with map coordinates - for use them to indicate precisely targets for "strike team" ...and if this a possible - what is the best approach to this case? Thanks!
  11. braveblades

    Tagging enemy

    Thanks Igneous01 and Grimes. I'll try. Btw - do you know is there a mission similar to my idea?
  12. Hi, i want to make a mission where player have XX minutes to complete the mission. after this time (XX min) - mission will be terminated with failure, so i try to defined it in init.sqf, but can't sure that is correct. Is this a best approach, or is there a easier implementation? thanks! :) _timeLanded = time; _minsWait = 1; // how long it takes in minutes waituntil {((time - _timeLanded) > (60 * _minsWait) )}; endMission "LOSER";
  13. braveblades

    ASR AI 3

    Hi Robalo, i've question about add my unit to specific class I try to update userconfig/asr_ai3_settings.hpp with: class level_1 { // sf 1 aiming[] = {0.55, 0.20}; // skilltype = {<min value>, <random value added to min>}; spotting[] = {0.70, 0.20}; general[] = {0.80, 0.20}; units[] = {"MY_UNIT_CLASS_1","MY_UNIT_CLASS_2","MY_UNIT_CLASS_3"}; ..but in game there is no effect - in config viewer - they inherit asr_ai_skill from default class - what as i good understand - you define in your mod config. for example: MY_UNIT_CLASS_1 - this is recon soldier - and have asr_ai_skill=2 and MY_UNIT_CLASS_2 - this is casual soldier and have asr_ai_skill=4.. so, what i do wrong? :(
  14. i use all of optics. only with iron sight is ok. secondary mode? :) nop. but in "primary mode" or "default" is not good :P
  15. braveblades

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    Rydgier, appreciating your contribution to the ARMA community, and what's more important to me - a LOT of help to me personally - I have already made donation :) Greetings!
  16. Hi, today i've intensively tested your mod. Beautiful models and animation! Great job! :) ...but there is one problem - when i use only a "iron sights" - all of AK models "shoot correctly", but when i use your optics - guns shoots noticeable below the aiming point :( very similar problem what i observe in mk18 mod.
  17. braveblades

    MK18 Mod 1

    GREAT to hear that. superb!
  18. braveblades

    MK18 Mod 1

    ...as a zeroing problem i mean that guns shoot noticeably lower than "point" on holo sight... even in cqb. besides this little inconvenience - mod is GREAT :)
  19. braveblades

    MK18 Mod 1

    It's a beauty mod! :) one of my favourite. And one quesrion - in new update will be a fix for "zeroing problem"?
  20. Hi, i've a problem with add some items to backpack (for SP mission). After remove backpack from unit, i can't add any item to it. And have the same problem with vest :( can u check what is wrong with code? thank you! I call script loadout.sqf from unit init field: 0 = this execVM "loadout.sqf" and the loadout.sqf file: removeVest _this; _this addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_blk"; _this addMagazines ["Chemlight_yellow", 1]; _this addMagazines ["RH_30Rnd_556x45_Mk262", 2]; _this addMagazines ["HandGrenade", 2]; _this addItem "FirstAidKit"; removebackpack _this; _this addBackpack "B_AssaultPack_blk"; (unitbackpack _this) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["RH_30Rnd_556x45_Mk262", 7]; (unitbackpack _this) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["SmokeShellGreen", 1];
  21. braveblades

    Adding items to backpack & vest

    Great! :) ..as i good understand - for now i can use this commands (addItemToUniform, addItemToVest, addItemToBackPack) in stable branch, am i correct? and short question - is this possible to add to vest something with array?
  22. braveblades

    Adding items to backpack & vest

    Thanks! it's interesting :)
  23. braveblades

    Adding items to backpack & vest

    Thank you Iceman77! :) it's working now. One additional question - is this any solution to add items strictly to vest, because in example above - Chem-light add to uniform - not to vest. I found the solution - to first add vest and items, than uniform, but i think this is rather workaround... Many thanks anyway!
  24. Great addon! THANX! But i have problem - after installing this mod (according to your instruction) i've error message: 'Addon 'c1987_mp7_c_iansky_acc' requires addon 'IanSky_Scope_Mod'. i've installed IanSky mod for sure :) so.. what can i do wrong ? how can i fix it? thanx for help!
  25. Hello, at first i'd like to apologize for my 'maybe-newbie' question, but i'm quite new in ARMA world scripting. I'm currently working on several missions (in future i will link them into campaign), where I would like to use "soldier template". This is very important to me, because i want to define in detail every "asset" in mission (don't want to use auto-generate). What i mean as "soldier template"? In one place it defines elements such as: custom loadout & appearance and AI skill (for now i use ASR & TPW). for example: Name= "Regular_Recruit", "loadout & appearance", AiSkill = " " ... Name= "Regular_Elite", "loadout & appearance", AiSkill = " " ... Name= "SpecOps", "loadout & appearance", AiSkill = " " ... ... Than, I'd like to place soldier in editor and in initialization refer to this "template", I'd like to assign "SpecOps" parameter to this soldier and all parameters (like loadout, appearance, aiskill) are already pre-defined. I search forum and find a lot of code but i've a problem connecting them together to work as i want :( braveblades