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Everything posted by DChristy87

  1. As the title says, how can I activate a trigger by a players only in multiplayer? Thanks in advance!
  2. I'm using the script found here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154542-EVO-Dan-s-Basic-Vehicle-Respawn-script I'm trying to respawn the vehicle when it's destroyed at it's original location and have it pick up the previous waypoints that the original vehicle had in the editor...I cant seem to get it to work. Can anyone guide me towards the right direction on how to set its waypoints? I tried something like this: Save waypoints for the vehicle in _WPArray: _WPArray = waypoints _vehicle; Create a group and join the vehicle to the group: _group = createGroup East; _group addwaypoint [_WPArray,0]; I get errors, of course,... "6 elements provided, expected 3" I assume I'm using the wrong script commands or the wrong format. Anyone able to help? ---------- Post added at 21:43 ---------- Previous post was at 21:42 ---------- The full version of what I have if you need it:
  3. If this is in the wrong place, I'm sorry! Concerning scripting and mission editing, I'm looking for anybody who might be interested in helping me out with a mission I've been working on. The mission is a continuous game-play sandbox style mission. What I have already implemented: - You can spawn as Bluefor or Opfor. - If blufor, you spawn inside a concentration camp (currently only one camp, plan to add 2 to 3 more across the island). - Spawning blufor currently means that you spawn as captive, so enemies won't fire upon you. - Enemies will no longer consider you captive upon leaving the concentration camp OR being spotted with a weapon in hand. - Loot spawns in buildings. - If player finds a radio, he is given an option to create a camp. - if player creates a camp, he is assigned missions to accomplish which will "help free the island of military presence." (the missions spawn random patrols throughout the island or special missions which are currently just sniper missions) - (I plan to have other players be able to join another players group via addAction on a camp but don't have it working yet) - I plan to use EOS and UPSMON to populate the maps towns/bases. - An informant system. There are civilian units placed in towns and if spotted a bluFor player, a marker is placed on maps to reveal position to Opfor. - Plan to have a sympathizer system where civilian units will help blufor in some way. - Plan to have opfor spawn where they choose (in concentration camps to guard or on military bases where they're free to patrol the map, collecting or killing escaped bluFor) Here is a brief summary/story setting written by a friend: If anyone is interested you can PM me on here and I can link you to a Zip file of the mission folder.
  4. Interesting, did anyone try grouping it to a unit of the tanks faction with presence set to 0? (if you CAN group it)
  5. maybe put "this setCaptive true;" in the nets init field? (without the quotes)
  6. My situation in my mission: -If you have a certain item in your inventory, you are given an addAction. (Works fine for me, not my friend) -When I use this addAction, it creates a vehicle and adds an addAction to the vehicle (I see the addAction, but my friend doesn't) I've read this over several times: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction It explains that if you want everyone to see the addAction you have to run the script on all players computers. But it doesn't explain how to do that. In the init.sqf, I have it so if you're side == west then you run an sqf specific for the west side players. Inside of that sqf I have this: player addAction ["Create A Camp?", "createCamp.sqf", [], 1, false, true, "", " ""ItemRadio"" in (Assigneditems _this)"]; Inside the createCamp.sqf, I have this: _action = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _caller removeAction _id; _grp = createGroup WEST; [_caller] joinSilent _grp; _grp selectLeader _caller; _spawnCamp = createVehicle ["FirePlace_burning_F",getPos player, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _spawnCamp setpos (player modelToWorld [0,1.5,0]); _spawnCamp setDir ([_spawnCamp, player] call BIS_fnc_dirTo); _spawnCamp addAction ["Join this camp?", {[_this select 1] joinSilent (_this select 3)}, _grp]; _caller execVM "player\sideMissions\patrolMissions.sqf"; _caller execVM "player\sideMissions\specialMissions.sqf"; Why is it my friend doesn't get the addAction when he has a radio in his inventory and why is it he cant see the addAction when I create the fireplace?
  7. DChristy87

    addAction Problems!

    Thanks for all the info! I'll be working at it today. :)
  8. DChristy87


    Yeah I can see that, so they're basically fillers so you can use "true" at the end, right?? Also, the thing I'm having the most trouble figuring out, is how to have this advHint run for the individual player. It's running across all players screens each time it's called. I want it to only run for the player that runs the script. Like for example. I have that in the playable units init field, and when someone new joined the server, it would run it for me and for my friend, but it's a message that's intended for the player only as he comes into the server. Any idea thoughts about what it could be that I'm doing wrong?
  9. I know the basics, thanks to kylania, for how to use an advHint. I do have them working, however, there isn't a lot of information on them and I just want to learn more about them and what it is I'm actually doing...Does anyone know what any of the parameters are for them? Example I got from kylania: _null = [["HINTNAME", "TAG_hintname"], nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,true] call BIS_fnc_advHint; (and of course you have to pre-define this in your description file)
  10. DChristy87


    ehh, I'm sorry. I see now :banghead:
  11. I'm splitting Altis up into sectors by placing 14 markers down named Sector1 through Sector14. I'm using this in a script so I can find out which Sector a player is closest to and use that information to accomplish spawning an enemy patrol within the area of the player... so I have this: _unit = _this; _apos = []; _Sector1 = getMarkerPos "Sector1"; _Sector2 = getMarkerPos "Sector2"; _Sector3 = getMarkerPos "Sector3"; _Sector4 = getMarkerPos "Sector4"; _Sector5 = getMarkerPos "Sector5"; _Sector6 = getMarkerPos "Sector6"; _Sector7 = getMarkerPos "Sector7"; _Sector8 = getMarkerPos "Sector8"; _Sector9 = getMarkerPos "Sector9"; _Sector10 = getMarkerPos "Sector10"; _Sector11 = getMarkerPos "Sector11"; _Sector12 = getMarkerPos "Sector12"; _Sector13 = getMarkerPos "Sector13"; _Sector14 = getMarkerPos "Sector14"; I've only been able to test it so far between two sectors with this: if (_unit distance _sector1 < _unit distance _sector2) then {_apos = pos1}else{_apos = pos2}; It works fine BUT I need to now implement ALL the sectors to cover the whole map. So how would I get the distance between the player and each sector, and THEN determine which one is the shortest distance? Any help you can give is much appreciated!
  12. I have an sqf that creates a fireplace and creates a group: _action = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _caller removeAction _id; _grp = createGroup WEST; [_caller] joinSilent _grp; _grp selectLeader _caller; _spawnCamp = createVehicle ["FirePlace_burning_F",getPos player, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _spawnCamp setpos (player modelToWorld [0,1.5,0]); _spawnCamp setDir ([_spawnCamp, player] call BIS_fnc_dirTo); _spawnCamp addAction ["Join this camp?", {_this select 1 joinSilent _grp}]; It gives an addAction to the fireplace. I want the addAction to make the caller join the group that was created at the same time as the fireplace. The addAction shows up just fine but when you click it, it reads an error "undefined variable #_grp". Does anyone have any idea what I could be doing wrong?
  13. DChristy87

    addAction Problem

    Ahhh, thanks for the explanation! I'll implement this and then try it out with my friend when he has time :) Thanks again!
  14. DChristy87

    addAction Problem

    I'm still getting the error :( "undefined variable in expession: _grp"
  15. DChristy87

    addAction Problem

    Yeah, it's taking me a while to learn small things like that. It usually takes me quite a bit of time to figure out when to enclose something in brackets and then even longer because I'm never entirely sure which brackets ()[]{} to use :-\ I'll get there someday.
  16. DChristy87

    addAction Problem

    ahhh, so it was the format :icon_redface:
  17. DChristy87

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Oh wow, awesome! Appreciate the quick response! :)
  18. DChristy87

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Just curious if anyone else can't use EOS to populate an area with civilians? It says (somewhere) in the documentation that you can do civilian in the parameters. But I tried it out, first trying to spawn it in with vehicles and I got an error so I only did units and I still received an error. Anybody know? ---------- Post added at 08:59 ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 ---------- Sorry, I'm at work or I'd give more specific details.
  19. ahhh, Would I just leave none and none with present and condition as ?
  20. Very cool, cool thanks for this! :)
  21. ahhhhh, I see! Very helpful as usual. Thanks kylania! :D
  22. I'm just not capable of understanding how functions work. I really need to be walked through it... (maybe others might need the same help?) I know it would take some time to do it but if someone could just walk through the process of writing a function and actually calling it... Yes I've read this: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Functions_Library_%28Arma_3%29 But I'm still incapable of wrapping my head around it! Your help will be greatly appreciated! Lets say my "function" would be this: _wp = getPos _this; sleep 10; hideBody _this; //or hideBody _this select 0; _guard = [getMarkerPos "Post1Spawn", east, ["O_Soldier_F"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; leader _guard addEventHandler ['killed', {(_this select 0) execVM 'AiKilled.sqf'}]; _wpMove = _guard addwaypoint [_wp, 0]; _wpMove setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wpMove setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; This is to get a unit to respawn and return to its previous position... How do I actually make that a function? Where do I put it? Where do I compile it? How do I call it? WHERE/when do I call it? PLEASE, I'm talkin Barney Style walkthrough! I've read that functions link and all I really understand is what they do, not how to really create them (where to put them) or where/when to call them!
  23. Okay, So its starting to become a little more clear, so could I run it like this then?: init field of unit: this addEventHandler ['killed', {[(_this select 0)] spawn aiKilled}]; Or am I off base? and if this IS correct, is the method you just explained at all quicker or more efficient then just having the AIKilled.sqf file with: _wp = getPos _this; sleep 10; hideBody _this; //or hideBody _this select 0; _guard = [getMarkerPos "Post1Spawn", east, ["O_Soldier_F"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; leader _guard addEventHandler ['killed', {(_this select 0) execVM 'AiKilled.sqf'}]; _wpMove = _guard addwaypoint [_wp, 0]; _wpMove setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wpMove setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; and this in the init field of the unit?: _guard addEventHandler ['killed', {(_this select 0) execVM 'AiKilled.sqf'}]; ---------- Post added at 12:48 ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 ---------- Or would I need a precompile or compilefinal anywhere to make it faster/more efficient or to put less stress on the server or whatever?
  24. DChristy87

    Thanks Kylania!

    Definitely a big thanks to kylania! He's always there to help anyone!