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Posts posted by dezkit

  1. You are missing that droop and compression have to be the exact same as defined in the model.cfg of the vehicle. Otherwise Physx Wheels and Visual Wheels will not match.

    in physx wheel config:

    maxDroop = 0.35;

    maxCompression = 0.20;

    Example Suspension animation:

    class Wheel_TL2 {




    axis="Basic_Damper_Destruct_Axis"; // Consist of vertices [0,0,0],[0,0,1]





    offset0= "-0.35"; // equal to maxDroop in PhysX

    offset1= "0.20"; // equal to maxCompression in PhysX


    That also means that you shouldnt change these values if you can't modify the model.cfg itself (is the case for binarized models)

    i didn't know that. thanks for the info!

  2. I Figured It Out! Because it's so cold so early due to temperature changes in the atmosphere, they rolled back the first day of winter from December 21st, to November 21st, one whole month. The 21st is the same day winter starts, the same day, the countdown should END! What's this mean? Chernarus with a "new" perspective? Chernarus is in a cold environment during certain times a year. Guys. Chernarus Winter. + Zombies.

    Ok, I'll go to sleep now.

    winter chernarus? count me in

  3. If you want you can try a different Wipeout configuration here - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=334532514 and tell us what you think about it. Disclaimer: It's not an official addon and it doesn't work properly with AI. Just a test to see can be achieved as for now - with some generally acceptable degree of abstraction.

    In this addon the Wipeout should behave a little bit closer to the A10 (scaled for A3) with some sort of FBW (we don't precisely simulate stalling). I've chosen Wipeout because from the planes we currently have it has this closest direct counterpart it can be compared to and people have experience with.

    404 error

  4. I understand where you're coming from but we need to respect what Dezkit and others wish to do with their content. I think we all should be careful in understanding who is the main cause of the problem and who isn't as I don't think this has been discussed to its fullest. Honestly I would like to see a decent and open discussion with the Life Mod Lead Manager on this forum to address some issues and question people have, but as far as I'm aware and by how things are looking it won't be anytime soon.

    I do not support any sort of copyright violations, that's why in my mods I contact authors and patiently await their permissions before I port any of their models into A3 (also because I suck at modeling.)

    That said, I don't mind A3L receiving donations to keep their servers up, but if they are breaking the law somehow (I'm not a lawyer, I can't decide if what they are doing is illegal) by paying to enter, then it is not my duty to enforce and uphold the laws, it's up to BI.

    As some people may know, I had a hard drive crash that wiped all my sources for my mods that I have done so far (other than the UH-1Y, which was made after the crash). I had a very old backup of the Bell-206 so I just gave it to them since I don't wan't to release to the public something unfinished/buggy.

    I am a developer for them because I am friends with Caiden and we met on Steam around half a year ago. I give them development advise. Also, even though I am a hard core MILSIM fan, sometimes I like to role play that I am a police officer =P.

    I hope this post clears up any confusion with me and my name. :)
