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Everything posted by dezkit

  1. dezkit

    Ivory Aircraft

    this issue has already been fixed. it will be deployed on april 1
  2. class inst_mid1 { type = "hide"; source = "aoa"; selection = "inst_mid1"; minValue = rad -2; maxValue = rad 10; hideValue = rad -10; unhideValue = rad -2; }; this code doesn't work. I am trying to make it hide from -10 to -2 and 2 to 10 -2 to 2 should be visible.
  3. if your pbo is named example.pbo, you load "example\scripts\init.sqf"
  4. Basically if you look at the AV8B model from the ArmA 2 Sample content you can see that the gear and wheels are retracting in the body. I have my plane exactly like this, but whenever I spawn my jet through the editor, it appears on it's belly, as if the gear don't exist. Once I enter my plane and press forward, It appears on it's wheels. How can I do it so that it spawns on its gear instead of belly?
  5. dezkit

    Ivory Aircraft

    I am gonna release all planes in a major update on April 1.
  6. dezkit

    Shadow LOD

    So I have a FSX model I converted (yes I have permission), and I need help making the shadow lod. I don't know where to start? The view and pilot LODs are complete 100% but when I try using the view lod as the shadow, it makes weird artifacts on the ground. There should be some sort of automatic way to convert right? Sorry for this noob topic. I just want to know what the best way to make a shadow lod, I googled and nothing came up. I used modelconverterx to convert. P.S. If anybody want's to check out what I have so far, I can message you the download link. I will be extremely thankful!
  7. Hai guys. I am on a bit of a tight schedule lately, but I am planning on releasing the planes by the end of this month.
  8. eventually, not initially. it will depend on how much the community likes/uses my plane. i am still working on: service menu script refuelling script tail hook script and model changes
  9. http://youtu.be/5qJLYNSb15o hi guys heres a quick WIP video. i'm still very far from being done and there's still work to be done :)
  10. dezkit

    Reflector lights reflecting off

    I remember testing it with the Test_Car_01 too. Just take the buzzard and increase the innerangle and outerangle of both lights in the reflectors class. Increase it to the point where the light will hit the cockpit view and you will see that the bottom part of the cockpit in the buzzard will be illuminated even though it is protected by covering. I will private message you with specific data when I get home
  11. All of my reflector lights are on the wings of my plane. Why do they keep shining in the cockpit? Lights on http://i.imgur.com/X1FMYuj.jpg (272 kB) Lights off http://i.imgur.com/su5aO03.png (265 kB)
  12. dezkit

    Reflector lights reflecting off

    Still shining through cockpit, even when working on my other aircraft
  13. yes, thanks for the comment internet cop
  14. I love u! I didn't want to use vanilla arma2 weapons. They are too outdated :D here's a pic of what I got so far using arma 2 weapons, though i will change them right now
  15. ugh i hate steam image compression. this picture does no justice of the beauty :(
  16. Basically I'm trying to add different armament proxies to my aircraft's pylons and have them enabled/disabled based on what cfgvehicle im using. How would I go about doing this without making different p3d's?
  17. dezkit

    A storm is coming (Arma 3 Zeus DLC)

    This will consist of a complete redesign of the main menu, and other UI to make it more user-friendly. The main menu will feature a easily noticeable button where you press it and launches you straight into a game, sort of like matchmaking. There will be a new server browser too that will let you do advanced search features such as filtering by game mode. The game mode will consist of conquest similar to battlefield in every way, where you capture points and you can re-spawn at bases and in vehicles, also there will be groups/squads. Ranks and weapon upgrades will be stored in the same database that houses DayZ. Also the lightning is a full integration of NVIDIA PhysX and TrueSky weather.
  18. Updated first post with image of MiG-29 OVT with smoke pods visible. Arrestor gear and refuelling probe also are visible but will be disabled/hidden with the OVT variant.
  19. The Acrobatic MiG-29 is the model "MiG-29B" called "MiG-29B OVT", will include smoke, etc. The Other variants, the naval, are MiG-29K, will include landing probe, fuel probe, etc. Since the MiG-35 is a two-seater, and my original model is a one-seater, I will possibly do that variant later.
  20. Good idea. I will implement this in the regular variant. I really need a Chief of Authenticity in my mod. I am a derp when it comes to real life comparison lol