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Everything posted by dezkit

  1. dezkit

    Ivory Aircraft

    adding il76 transport adding il78 tanker adding a-50 awacs more texturers ability to change textures ability to change loadout fixed bumps maps fixed material files adding refuelling capabilities with il78 nuclear bomb for tornado and a bunch of other i forgot
  2. dezkit

    Ivory Aircraft

    i did change the sounds and overhaul the sounds for all the planes. the gun has a bit of a BRAAP but not as much as the video u sent
  3. i cant wait to get stop and frisked every 10 minutes!
  4. dezkit

    Ivory Aircraft

    I will be releasing version 1.73 this week, and let's just say that the changelog is so big that I don't even feel like writing one. All planes have been updated, bugs fixed, new functionality added, and continued fixes and tweaks. Also, I am going to move these addons to the steam workshop as soon as Bohemia releases support for it this month.
  5. dezkit

    Ivory Aircraft

    IL-76 - Will hold cargo, like soldiers and tanks and shit IL-78 - Universal refuelling, like KC-135 and C-130 in usaf mod. Holds 3 Female Refuelling hoses. A-50 - Working map radar script
  6. dezkit

    Ivory Aircraft

    http://altianair.com/il76.png (1786 kB) IL-76 Candid IL-78 Midas A-50 Mainstay
  7. dezkit

    United States Air Force

    http://www.altianair.com/ads.png (1135 kB)
  8. dezkit

    Ivory Aircraft

    Yes. Somewhere during the summer i'll release it
  9. dezkit

    Ivory Aircraft

    Fixed the above. Also: http://altianair.com/IVORY_F15C/asd.png
  10. dezkit

    United States Air Force

    Guide: How to make your plane have capability to support refuelling with USAF KC-130 and KC-135 1. If you have a refuelling probe on your plane, like a GR4 Tornado has, then name a memory point "refuel_hose", if you have a refuelling hatch on your plane, like a F-15C Eagle has, name the memory point, "refuel_probe". 2. Move that memory point to the exact spot where you want your refuelling probe/hatch to connect to the KC-130/135. 3. Add a dummy animation called "refuel_hose" or "refuel_probe" 4. In UserActions in cfgVehicles in config.cpp of your plane, when you extend or retract your refuelling hatch or probe, add it so the "refuel_probe" or "refuel_hose" dummy animation animates. If your plane does not have any refuelling probes or hatches, you should just add a "refuel_probe" somewhere on tip of your plane so that it uses the male refuelling probe on the KC135 in order to refuel. Here is an example from my F-15C dummy animation class fuel_probe { type="rotationX"; source=""; selection="fuel_probe"; animPeriod=0; axis="osa_fuel_probe"; memory=1; minValue=0; maxValue=1; minPhase=0; maxPhase=1; angle0="rad 0"; angle1="rad +180"; angle=0; }; useractions class extendrefueling { displayName = "Open Refuelling Hatch"; position = "pilotcontrol"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; hideOnUse = 1; radius = 5; condition = "player in this and this animationPhase ""fuel_probe"" < 0.5 and speed this > 100"; statement = "this animate [""fuel_probe"",1]; this animate [""refuel"", 1];"; }; class retractrefueling { displayName = "Close Refuelling Hatch"; position = "pilotcontrol"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; hideOnUse = 1; radius = 5; condition = "player in this and this animationPhase ""fuel_probe"" > 0.5"; statement = "this animate [""fuel_probe"",0]; this animate [""refuel"", 0];"; }; animation sources class fuel_probe { source = "user"; animPeriod = 2; initPhase = 0; }; if everything is ok, you should get this beauty also feel free to check out the f15c sources for reference (dont check out right now though, its not updated, as of todays post)
  11. dezkit

    F-35B Lightning II

    awesome release!
  12. dezkit

    Ivory Aircraft

    The nuke is set to automagically detonate at an altitude of 50 meters above terrain. The damage radius is will tinkered to have some balance and real life counterpart. As for the standing rack I'm not sure if i want to do something that has little value :p Maybe later though
  13. dezkit

    Ivory Aircraft

    Next update will be amazing. One of its features will finally include a way to use hiddenselections. Also revamped bump maps and psd templates. also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LdZv4owyt0&feature=youtu.be
  14. http://www.virtavia.com/Freeware/ALPHA_Tucano_T1_FS02_CFS2.zip ^ above is tucano plane for flight simulator 2002. author is alphasim and permits all ports. http://www.virtavia.com/Freeware/ALPHA_F-5E_Tiger_II_FS02_CFS2.zip ^ f-5e
  15. Hey. I want know if it is possible to change a specific value (irTarget from CfgVehicles) in a script? This is what I have so far in init.sqf if ("IVORY_GR4_ECM_M" in magazines _gr4) then { // set irTarget = false; }; if ("IVORY_GR4_AIRCM_M" in magazines _gr4) then { // stop infrared heatseaking missiles from locking plane }; Any help is appreciated!
  16. dezkit

    Ivory Aircraft

    The next update will come in 1-2 weeks. Stay tuned
  17. dezkit

    Ivory Aircraft

    either update your game, or don't play on a pirated version lol ]
  18. dezkit

    Ivory Aircraft

    Source download fixed and the aircraft optimizations will come next patch.
  19. dezkit

    Ivory Aircraft

    Guys. I fixed the topic. In order to change afterburner button you go to controls -> development -> seagull fast forward, and change it to whatever you love. Its defaulted at E.