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About Camaris

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    Private First Class

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  1. I'm thinking it might be much like the satchel charge, where it has a built in touch off feature. I can't seem to get it to work with the ammo type however the RPG / Nlaw explosion does work.
  2. Camaris

    Spawning Mortars

    Here is a thread that's got a few variations of getting ai to shoot them at players.
  3. A simple trigger on the building set to not present single activation with a switch, will show the tower dead or not.
  4. I had to look around for this to, however _unit moveinturret [heloname, [0]];
  5. How did you get them set back to false, I tried it on deactivation as well as a complete different trigger, and external script couldn't get it.
  6. Seems to work fine, put 10 units in; all seemed to be listed. As to OP just tested setcaptive and couldn't get him to go false for anything. However a trigger with: Onact east setfriend [WEST,1]; west setfriend [EAST,1]; ondea east setfriend [WEST,0]; west setfriend [EAST,0]; Seemed to work fine, but if your just wanted to turn one person at a time as they leave the trigger it won't work.
  7. marker is right, I didn't see it the first time either, its in Empty -> Signs.
  8. I've got this working, with a little butchering. Create a group name on your group leaders init: groupname = group this Set the hoverwaypoint to a unload, set the waypoint height to 1 or so and on the waypoint action field try out: helicoptername flyinheight 10; {_x action ["eject", helicoptername]} foreach units groupname; helicoptergroup setcurrentwaypoint [helicoptergroup, 4]; The set waypoint part prevents your helo from getting stuck on unload. All units in your group will be kicked out when you hit the unload point. Waypoint 4 for me comes after this unload action and is a move waypoint, so as soon as all are ejected it moves to that waypoint. I did have to make triggers to prevent fall damage right under the helo, because even at 6 meters I was having deaths. Did this by making a trigger in the hover zone: {_x addeventhandler ["hit", {(_this select 0) setdamage 0;}];} foreach units groupname; And then another 4 triggers right around it with (couldn't seem to make it work with on dea): {_x addeventhandler ["hit", {(_this select 0) setdamage 1;}];} foreach units groupname; So that it triggers damage back on when they walk through it, both of them are set to repeated activation. And here is a Working Example for you... It does have a radio alpha trigger to being the mission. Try setfleeing to 0.
  9. Create a game logic unit, in the init field type helipad = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createvehicle (position this); There's others but this works. Check out config editor >> cfg vehicles
  10. If you can't get that part working it's just the calling of the variable that will fix it. The "_mortar" in the commandArtilleryFire function where named "mortar". I changed mine up a little bit for more randomness on its targets. But here's a step by step for anyone who can't figure it out. 1. Make some mortar units, 1-3 don't matter name them all, mine are. mortar1, mortar2, mortar 3 I'm using multiple placed at different angles to give more confusion as to where the mortar is coming from. 2. Place a trigger, set type to "Switch" I'm using radio alpha as my trigger. On your action field add: script=[] execVM "mortar.sqf"; 3. Make some friendly units, I made 3 and named them unit1, unit2, unit3 4. Create a mortar.sqf file in your mission folder. Inside of it place either the above code from ranger, or if you want to shoot at multiple units from various mortars try mine out: for "_i" from 10 to 15 do { //--- set range of how many cycles you want the mortars to run _mortar = [mortar1, mortar2, mortar3] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //--- selects a random mortar unit out of array _uni = [unit1, unit2, unit3] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //--- selects a unit to target the round at _center = getpos _uni; //--- central point around which the mortar rounds will hit _radius = 25; //--- random radius from the center turn lower for closer hits _pos = [ (_center select 0) - _radius + (2 * random _radius), (_center select 1) - _radius + (2 * random _radius), 0 ]; _mortar commandArtilleryFire [ _pos, getArtilleryAmmo [_mortar] select 0, 1 //--- number of shots per turn per unit ]; sleep 1; //--- delay between rounds }; 5. Just plug in your unit names or mortar names and try it out. I did test out a few of the other rounds listed in the config, but none seemed to work other then the stock. In the future when they are fixed, this should allow you to use the other rounds. _ mortar commandArtilleryFire [ _pos, "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_Flare_white", //---- Flares as example, its possible I missed something, I only tried the 82mm variants 1 ];
  11. Camaris

    ARMA 3 Alpha - 3D Editor

    Seems to be pretty much useless.. at least for me, I can't even save.
  12. Camaris

    AI and

    1. Why not have your hostage with a hold waypoint, set a trigger to complete once you clear the base, then set a waypoint for him to join the group of your ai / players. 2. You can do text only in various channels, for global chat give your hostage a name. In the trigger when you free him set a line in the act. field. unitname globalchat "Go here do this"; 4. Not sure on the scripting here, but you can try out the new sites module in the editor. It places ai in buildings and towers the only downside is that they are rather stationary. Goto modules, sites, place down an opfor, just set it to base and give the site a name. Set the building slider at the bottom to .9 or so and try it out.
  13. Set your action as Load then set your move waypoint right on top of your unload waypoint and change your condition field to ((!alive blu1) OR (blu1 in heli1)) AND ((!alive blu2) OR (blu2 in heli1)) Also not sure if it has an effect or not you might try dostop heli1; heli1 land "Land";