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Everything posted by quilmes86

  1. Can I get a refund? I am 100% sure BIS will do nothing about the scripting/hacking. Who should I contact? thanks
  2. quilmes86


    People are hacking in the game. Everybody gets teleported to the sky while in a conga line then proceed to fall to their deaths. 2nd day of Alpha. I'm going to do my best for a Steam refund, wish me luck. Also I know this is something BI will never fix because look at what happened with every other BI game.
  3. quilmes86


    2nd day of 'alpha' and people are already hacking? I would expect BI to make a game that not every 14 year old script kiddie with little to no coding knowledge could break. Also BI never fixed or made it harder for hackers in Arma 2, and hacking was rampant.