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Everything posted by FartParty

  1. FartParty


    i painted my (greek) police textures over the vehicle's actual texture, which includes both sides of it, so there is no mirroring try doing it that way
  2. FartParty

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I'd like to request a zombie mod not another dayz clone mod, just a simple unit/module mod that populates a specified zone with as many/few zombies as you like
  3. thank god you posted this i've been looking for it forever never would have found it 2 pages back kidding aside, great work on this +1 download
  4. helicopter's name needs to be in quotes in the soldiers' init: this moveincargo "vehicle";
  5. FartParty

    Using the new fog

    i use it in a gamelogic's init and it seems to work fine
  6. FartParty

    help with wrong task showing up

    maybe you've already thought of this but do the tasks have the same names? have you named them at all? i got the same problem a while ago, giving the tasks names solved it
  7. FartParty

    Unused Animations Mod

    great work, i've been hoping for something like this for a while there is also a second unused walk animation, it's a relaxed version of the one you are using if i could add an idea, this could be a mod that randomizes animations, so maybe while you're doing the default armswing walk, maybe your buddy next to you is strolling along calmly with his weapon down, and the guy next to him is doing the patrol walk that your mod uses just an idea
  8. FartParty

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    all in arma is buggy and won't guarantee that it will make a2 mods work in a3
  9. so no info on how to use this then
  10. FartParty

    Refined Vehicles

    does this mod add the steering v from arma 2 (also present on arma 3 tanks)?
  11. thanks, you're a ton of help, but i'm actually trying to get it to work with another script that adds lights, maybe you can help me this is the script to make the cars and add the siren /* File: policeOffroad.sqf Author: Adapted from code by pettka Description: Sets proxies for the car to police, adds actions for sirens. Parameter(s): None Returns: Nothing */ if (isServer) then { _this animate ["HidePolice", 0]; _this animate ["HideServices", 0]; _this animate ["HideBackpacks", 1]; _this animate ["HideBumper1", 0]; _this animate ["HideBumper2", 0]; _this animate ["HideConstruction", 1]; }; _this setObjectTexture [0, "textures\police_offroad.paa"]; _this setObjectTexture [1, "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa"]; _this addAction ["Siren On", {_this execVM "siren.sqf",(_this select 0) animate ["BeaconsStart",1]},[],50,false,true,"","_target animationPhase 'BeaconsStart' < 0.5 AND Alive(_target) AND driver _target == _this"]; _this addAction ["Siren Off", {(_this select 0) animate ["BeaconsStart",0]},[],51,false,true,"","_target animationPhase 'BeaconsStart' > 0.5 AND Alive(_target) AND driver _target == _this"]; and this is siren.sqf _vehicle = _this select 0; _lightRed = [5, 0.5, 0.5]; _lightBlue = [0.5, 0.5, 5]; lightleft = "#lightpoint" createVehicle getpos _vehicle; lightleft setLightColor _lightRed; lightleft setLightBrightness 0.3; lightleft setLightAmbient _lightRed; lightleft lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [-3, 0.8, 0]]; lightleft setLightAttenuation [3, 0, 0, 0.6]; lightright = "#lightpoint" createVehicle getpos _vehicle; lightright setLightColor _lightBlue; lightright setLightBrightness 0.3; lightright setLightAmbient _lightBlue; lightright lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [3, 0.8, 0]]; lightright setLightAttenuation [3, 0, 0, 0.6]; _leftRed = true; while{true} do { if(_leftRed) then { _leftRed = false; lightleft setLightColor _lightRed; lightleft setLightAmbient _lightRed; lightright setLightColor _lightBlue; lightright setLightAmbient _lightBlue; _vehicle say3d "siren"; } else { _leftRed = true; lightleft setLightColor _lightBlue; lightleft setLightAmbient _lightBlue; lightright setLightColor _lightRed; lightright setLightAmbient _lightRed; }; sleep 2; }; currently, it works perfectly, save for the fact that I can't turn the lights and sound off once they're on
  12. thanks, but i've already got that now i'm trying to get an actual siren going, very difficult
  13. thanks, got it opened up now here's my texture for the police offroad, feel free to use it, either in your missions or as a basis for your own textures http://i.cubeupload.com/Zea0ot.jpg (104 kB) http://i.cubeupload.com/oPUfVn.png
  14. thanks, i tried to depbo the soft_f folder, but as expected, i can't, probably because it's encrypted how do i open it?
  15. FartParty

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    driving vehicles with the mouse is near impossible with the new method in arma 3 the old steering v thing from arma 2 is much better for this thankfully, the steering v thing is present on tanks, yet inexplicably absent on other ground vehicles i would love to see a mod add the steering v back to all applicable vehicles, it would make driving on the winding roads much easier(=safer)
  16. FartParty

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    i've always liked forward mounted optics on rifles, but very few video games use them i'd like to see some such weapons or optics mods, like for example: a railed ak, but without the extra rail people tend to add on top of the reciever. the only rail capable of mounting optics would be on top of the handguard however, that's just a general example. it being an ak, while cool, isn't essential or anything
  17. FartParty

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    looking through the animation viewer, there are 2 more animations for walking with your weapon lowered, that don't seem to be used for anything i'm not a modder, but i don't think it would be too difficult to make a script that would randomize the walk animations for individual soldiers i don't think it would even have to be sync'ed for MP, and it would be great to add a bit of differentiation when walking around in groups, instead of every soldier doing the same coolguy stride all the time
  18. FartParty

    ArmA3 Classnames - no discussions

    anybody have classnames for FIA units?
  19. FartParty

    MX Series Black Edition

    i have the mod loaded, but the MX rifles are still tan, and i can't see an ammo box anywhere maybe i'm just blind, but still, could you post the classnames?
  20. these are awesome i hope to see a full release of this pack some day great work
  21. I'm working on a mission that involves lasing a target for an AI air unit to destroy. Can anyone point me to where I can learn how to go about setting this up?
  22. FartParty

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    this mod already exists http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?163540-GAM-ppEffects-Goggles-(Tinted-Lenses)
  23. This is probably a question that gets asked a lot, and I've found a few threads on it, but none that are any help I'm working on a PVP mission, and I need the Sandstorm MLRS tanks to fire at a distant target the target is not important, I just want the tanks firing I've tried doTarget and doFire but they don't seem to doAnything how can I get them to fire their rockets up into the air?
  24. FartParty

    Making the AI Sandstorm fire?

    So my guns are firing, but now i'm having a different problem the first salvo of rockets are great, they all go in the same direction but after that salvo, the turrets start looking around like idiots and by the time they start the next salvo, rockets are going all over the place i've tried disableAI "AUTOTARGET" but that doesn't seem to work neither did disableai "MOVE", they would still run away when enemy vehicles showed up, even with that code