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Posts posted by evromalarkey


    Could you please add bi dynamic groups into next version? It's the squad manager accessed via U.



    ["InitializePlayer", [player, true]] call BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups; // Initializes the player/client side Dynamic Groups framework and registers the player group


    ["Initialize", [true]] call BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups; // Initializes the Dynamic Groups framework and groups led by a player at mission start will be registered

    Also could you add ACE Blufor Tracking to the ACE options? Thanks!

  2. @delta hawk you could also release something like lite version of CUP weapons eg. as I did with ACR_A3 - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28424 it has only the weapons related to ACR, otherwise it's CUP Weapons without some pbos and with one compatible config.

    So people can choose to use full CUP Weapons or lite version that is specific only for the mod. ;)


    EDIT: Well never mind, seems @SilEighty got that idea first :D

  3. Nice update! Cannot wait for future stuff,


    Now as you port more stuff in the future like vehicles will it devalue your Czech Forces pack? Or do you think you will develop that more into a custom unit pack with new units out of arma 3 and arma 2?


    Just wondering :)

    The plan is integrate most of our ascz TKA, CDF stuff. But ACR pack not anytime soon, maybe sometime later.



    You don't need to transport the body bags, you just need to use the gather intel action. You can transport AI by detaining them with cable ties and interacting with a vehicle to load the AI.





    You can edit the unit pools in fnc\fn_settingsPre. I already support RHS units, so you can use them as an example for CAF.


    Would be cool if we could change the faction via parameters :) Eg. So I could select that I want Taki insurgents and civs on takistan etc.

  5. :yeahthat: meaning' date=' make your trigger's condition look like this:

    "isServer && {this && ...}"


    lets start at your execution code

    replace it by this here:

    [] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "script_1.sqf";

    (better to put the entire script into a function and then execute that function but thats a lil bit too much here)

    as alternative you also can change the call to a spawn (if you rly want to get it spawned which is not needed)

    secondly, your trigger will be executed for every computer on the virtual server (meaning every player/server/HC will trigger the trigger) thus you have to add some condition so that the vehicles are rly spawned just once (a simple "if(!isServer) exitWith{};" in first line should do the trick)

    and that should be everything

    just that you then have to do the calculation required by yourself which should make it in theory slower again (still it should be the prefered way of placing objects from a database for example))

    I knew that I'm missing something important, it's working right now, thanks a lot guys!

  6. Hello,

    I'm trying to execute sqf script on trigger in the mp mission. The scripts spawns objects and was generated from Ares. Looks like this:

    _newObject = createVehicle ['Land_fort_rampart', [9934.28,5410.32,-0.0931396], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
    _newObject setPosASL [9932.32,5411.38,253.98];
    _newObject setVectorDirAndUp [[0.879236,-0.476179,-0.0140672], [0.0159973,1.57279e-009,0.999872]];
    _newObject = createVehicle ['INS_WarfareBAircraftFactory', [10071,5419.77,0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
    _newObject setPosASL [10073.4,5420.35,245];
    _newObject setVectorDirAndUp [[0.865179,-0.501464,0], [-0,0,1]];
    _newObject = createVehicle ['Land_fort_rampart', [10096.5,5427.23,0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
    _newObject setPosASL [10094.5,5428.12,245];
    _newObject setVectorDirAndUp [[0.915861,-0.401495,0], [0,0,1]];

    The problem is that everything will spawn 3 times when the trigger is executed. How do I fix it? The trigger condition is that if independent is present then execute - spawn_1 = [] execVM "script_1.sqf";

    So how do I correctly execute this script? My goal is to execute this script when players enter the operation area.

    Thanks for any help.
