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Everything posted by Dedmen

  1. Can you please contact me on our discord https://discord.gg/8emCVsz and provide me with a repro mission for that problem? I can't reproduce that in my tests. I though i experienced the same issue while fixing the issue that dead players could hear Zeus. I thought it was connected to that. Thats why i answered you earlier with a hotfix i made as a look into the code didn't show me any compatability for Curators using the Remote Control module, so i thought it was really broken but appears it isn't. But even now on the current 0.9.12 release i cant reproduce that with a unit synced to a curator module. (The units variable name entered in the curator module) I'm not a mission builder maybe I'm doing it wrong. Or maybe I'm doing it just right and everything else doesn't work. I don't know. Please contact me as quickly as you can as that maybe issue is currently holding off the release to the Steam workshop. Or it would be nice if some more people using 0.9.12 can contact me and confirm that issue or not.
  2. Please join our Slack or Discord at https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/issues/1116 I can't reproduce your problem by downloading the 0.9.12 release from github and using the ts3_plugin installer. If you need a quick fix you can also download just the Teamspeak plugins on the Github release (https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/releases/tag/0.9.12) If you dont want to run 1.0 you can also add this to your init.sqf ["unit", { //current unit changed (Curator took control of unit) if (TFAR_currentUnit != (_this select 0)) then { TFAR_currentUnit setVariable ["tf_controlled_unit",(_this select 0)]; } else { TFAR_currentUnit setVariable ["tf_controlled_unit",nil]; }; }] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
  3. If you are using a zeus module assigned to a unit. TFAR only uses the position of that original unit. If you are assigning the module to a zeus logic (Logic entities) then it uses the player you are currently controlling. But that didn't change in 0.9.12. The only thing we changed was that the positions of curators were not transmitted when a player was dead. So a dead player could hear alive Curators. Edit: I just pushed a build that should fix that, Its available at our github as a Pre-Release. Would welcome if you could help us test it.
  4. Please update to 0.9.12 userconfig in arma root doesnt matter if you dont enable filePatching The latest version is 0.9.12 only available on our github currently. https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/releases Load TFAR on the server with the -mod parameter and set the TFAR enforce usage module in your mission and configure it correctly.
  5. Feel free to join our Slack and ask any question you want: https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/issues/1116 0: NUMBER - Active channel, //Active channel number (number 1-9) 1: NUMBER - Volume, //Volume... AFAIK from 0-20 didn't check. 2: ARRAY - Frequencies for channels, //An array of 9 Strings denoting a frequency. One per channel 3: NUMBER - Stereo setting, //Number between 0-2 (0: both, 1:only left, 2:only right AFAIK.. maybe i mixed up left and right ^^) 4: STRING - Encryption code,//The encryption code. arbitrary string. Only radios with the same encryptionCode can receive eachother 5: NUMBER - Additional active channel, //The channel set as additional (number 1-9) 6: NUMBER - Additional active channel stereo mode, //The stereo mode of the additional channel (modes as above) 7: OBJECT - Owner; //actually not an object but a String. the UID (Steam ID) of the owning player 8: NUMBER - Speaker mode //actually not a number but a boolean whether the speaker is enabled.
  6. With 0.9.12 you can disable the microdagr via the serverside settings. But we will probably Redo the module stuff in 1.0.