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I give up

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Everything posted by I give up

  1. I give up

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    So, you are comparing a game engine with a 3D rendering API? Anyway, told you that BF4 barely uses CPU. Look the performance with a Dual Core and make your conclusions. Obviously you need to a have a decent CPU, obviously you cannot expect to have any kind of performance with a Celeron or with those AMD, with BF4 or with whatever application.
  2. I give up

    Arma 3 flinching mechanics

    Mate, ragdoll is perfect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewcWr4z7e8w
  3. I give up

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    Heck, my low end machine is getting worse every day. I have logged to make a post in a ARMA 3 DX12 thread and now I am in a DayZ DX11 forum. Dam machine.
  4. I give up

    Funny & interesting videos

  5. I give up

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    Mantle, yes. I like it since now I am using AMD. AMD always had troubles with DX11, thats a known fact. Thats why they had to add some tesselation controls in to their drivers (Nvidia does not have such thing). The perfromance with DX11 from AMD always have been a perfect crap, while Nvidia "blunderbuss" always have ruled on it. Why? I dont know. Maybe the owner of Nvidia is cousin of the owner of Microsoft. Not a surpise when Mantle gives a boost for AMD. And since I own 3 AMD, just bring Vulkan to ARMA 3.
  6. I give up

    Arma 3 flinching mechanics

    Mechanics are ok. Probably you are experiencing some form of lag/delay. Check your hardware configuration and/or network conditions.
  7. I give up

    This game is too hard :(

    Well, after more than 5000 hours playing America's Army 1, 2 and 3 (since 2003 till 2009) and with more than 2000 with Counter Strike (Source and GO) I can say. There is nothing dificult in ARMA 3, in fact its a child playground. (btw with ARMA 3 I only have around 1300 hours).
  8. I give up

    Memory Crash

    How much physical ram you have? If you have more than 16 GB just disable pagefile. If you have less than 16 GB, manually increase page file to something around 8/10 GB. Assuming that you are using average graphics quality settings.
  9. In settings disable acceleration and smoothing. These 2 are nothing more than some crap invented by lag fest lovers. And this applies to all games. I am using a Roccat running through mouse driver (not windows driver) and I have never experienced such issues (with whatever game).
  10. I give up

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    That's the whole thing, Frostbite (aka BF4) barely use CPU, you get the same output no matter if you have a low or high end CPU, its all about GPU and that's DX11. And you know why, because those developers knew and know how to adapt the game engine to DX11 architecture, instead of adding, forcing or wanting some "upper" effects such doubtful shadows, terrains, particles or some inventions based on nothing that only work in some illuminated minds. Also they already have done a great work in BFBC2 with DX10, probably that's where they got the knowledge instead of "flying" from DX9 to DX11 with a engine that barely supports DX8. They will move to DX12? Sure they will, they cant afford to lose the train, They need DX12? No. Also it was a good decision from BIS devs not to move to DX12 (for now), with the weight of the effects that we have in game, I cant see a GPU (currently) that could run it under acceptable performance parameters.
  11. I give up

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    Are you serious? Anyway, I will tell you the truth. DirectX 12 is nothing more than Microsoft Windows 10 Train saying everyone to jump a board because is the road to glory. This is the truth. And the way this subject is being aproached over the web is, at least, hilarious. Do you know that basically everything that is being claimed by DX12 can be achieved with DX11? Do you know that DX11 at RAW state (3D/Geometry) DX11 barely use CPU? Heck, I can run DX11 at different stages having mine 3 GPUs working at 99% and mine cpu basically remains idle. The "issues" or "constraints" with DX11 arise when you start to add third part effects (let's say) such like, particles, occlusion, lighting, shadows, etc, and the way these are being applied (as a matter of game architecture) is dependent of the game engine (or its limitations) and/or Developers preferences. Why do you dont ask Frostbite about the plans for DX12? They are not interested and you know why? Because they are already doing with DX11 what DX12 claims to do. TUTUTU, Microsoft Train moving, everyone aboard.
  12. I give up

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    Not exactly. This is pure Nvidia propaganda. In first place, not everyone will be using a 980TI, In second place every Nvidia GPU performs considerably worse with DX12, in comparison with DX11 and even more worse when you go to low end Nvidia GPUs. In third place the only GPUs that are performing (a little) better with DX12 are the AMD ones. In fourth place, who needs DX12 for a AMD gpu, when we have Vulkan?
  13. I give up

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Speaking of "pedantic wannabes" and "children party", let's say that the echoes are the reason why some other sounds are absorbed, since when the open sean returns echoes? I am asking because in the video above the echo is coming direclty from the sea,
  14. I give up

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Also, Someone know why we cant hear the sounds coming from behind? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd6JRPKbUZ4
  15. I give up

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Yes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IIG7-V0BaA Btw, which weapon is 50. cal?
  16. I give up

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Yes mate. https://youtu.be/B-a8Du5RwY4
  17. I give up

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    ^ Propaganda.
  18. I give up

    What are some gpu heavy settings?

    With ARMA 3, the most heaviest for GPU are: Particles (smoke and such). Anything related with foliage (trees and such). These are what makes the GPU work hard.
  19. I give up

    Automatic Mod Downloading

    ^ This. Not to mention that some of them (if not the most) would be outdated. Want to use Mods? Get them and use it whenever you want.
  20. I give up

    FMOD in ARMA 3

    The lack of quality with sound is not related with ARMA 3 and no matter the efforts and goodwill to make it better, I doubt it can be made. It is in fact related with lousy sound API from (Windows/DirectX). Those who travel a little more time will know that after removal of D3D and X2 integration in Windows, the sound quality went down to toilet. That's why, in fact, several game engines already have integrated FMOD. But there are more solutions, as a matter of sound engine, like Wwise for instance.
  21. I give up

    FMOD in ARMA 3

    Well, since atm the sound samples and effects are not the besr, I think FMOD or similar could bring some improvement. I was Here (this is after FMOD) when it was implemented and I can say that it was a nice improvement
  22. I give up

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    The sound is something that need huge improvements in this game. Dont get me wrong, I love this game, but the sound is not even close from what should be,
  23. I give up

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Wikipedia, lawl. Mine experience in these stuff is based on something else. Anyway, The main issue is that the "sonic crack" (unique) sample is being applied to every weapon without taking in consideration a few relevant aspects, such weapon type (caliber), distance, speed or environment. That's why we get the same "sonic crack" sound sample no matter if it is a Gatling at 600 meters or a MX at 3 meters and that is a big game kiiler. But to be fair, not all weapons have the same "sonic crack". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2Qt65LV1pA
  24. I give up

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Im starting to think you people need a soundcard (or something able to produce a sound). In first place the impact on surfaces, is something that barely exist in this game and some dont have it at all. In second place the "sonic cracks" are way to loud and all sound the same and in most of situations it goes over all the rest, we just have a non stop row of sonic cracks copies, no matter the situation. Now, do you think that the "sonic cracks" should sound like we have it? A copy paste that is being applied in to all situations (way to loud, in most cases), no matter the round speed? No matter the distance from where is being fired? Or even no matter the round caliber? Is this what you think? If is the case probably you will not understand the following. If is not, you should know that the way how "sonic crack" sounds is dependent of several factors, like round speed, distance, caliber or even wind speed. Here is a clue for you. The sonic crack that we have in game is able to reflect some type of realistic effect or is able to provide some immersion (even if remote)? Is that what you think? If yes, I rest my case.