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Everything posted by BennetArms

  1. BennetArms

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Hi, nice to have some "new" Maps for ArmA3, but they seem to be unplayable at parts... 3 out of 4 missions broke after 1:30 ~ Runtime. These conflicts killed the map: Conflicting addon AiA_Worlds_DisableInfiniteTerrain in 'A3MP_Utils17\', previous definition in 'AiA_Worlds\disableinfiniteterrain\' Conflicting addon AiA_Worlds_Lighting in 'A3MP_Utils18\lighting\', previous definition in 'AiA_Worlds\lighting\' Conflicting addon AiA_Worlds_ClutterDist in 'A3MP_Utils18\clutterdist\', previous definition in 'AiA_Worlds\clutterdist\' Conflicting addon AiA_Worlds_NoDetailDist in 'A3MP_Utils18\nodetaildist\', previous definition in 'AiA_Worlds\nodetaildist\' Conflicting addon AiA_Worlds_FullDetailDist in 'A3MP_Utils18\fulldetaildist\', previous definition in 'AiA_Worlds\fulldetaildist\' Conflicting addon AiA_Worlds_SkyTexture in 'A3MP_Utils18\skytexture\', previous definition in 'AiA_Worlds\skytexture\' Map was Takistan with 16 Players, at the time that crash happened, only 12-14 AI were on the map
  2. No problem, glad to be of help =)
  3. So in Trig1 activated by alpha you write in descriptiontext (under name): NULL (It disables the Triggertext and will not show by pressing 0-0-x) Then in Trig2:i guess Activate by Blufor present. onActivation: 1 setRadioMsg "yourtextvisibleinradio" 1 - means, Radiocommand Alpha. setRadioMsg commands the Radiomessages 1-10. "yourtextvisibleinradio" Is the text displayed by Pressing 0-0-x
  4. BennetArms

    [Release] Fire Support System

    Thank you sir! I appreciate it.
  5. BennetArms

    [Release] Fire Support System

    Hi Grumpy Old Man. Is there any tutorial or example mission for this? I placed the three named units ungrouped at the map, 700-800 m away opfor with static gmg, tigris and standing still soldiers :D the "FO" spotter takes out his lasermarker and remains silent.
  6. Hi everyone =) I started to make a Coop-Mission, where one of the targets is laying a little minefield in a sector. I can detect named mines, deactivated in a trigger like (MineDeactivated or !mineactive mine1, mine2, mine3 etc.). But my problem is the opposite now. When the Explosive Specialist in my group lays his mines at the target-area, I can´t get a Trigger to count the amount of layed mines, so I could fire the Trigger off to move on. Can anybody give me a hint on doing this? Thank you. Ben.
  7. Thank you Kylania! My Trigger fired off right away, as i layed the third mine. You saved my Mission-Idea and propably my evening :D And your right, it doesnt really matter who is laying the mine, as long as the job is done ;)
  8. Thank you for that quick reply and your help Kylania. It works on my Explosive specialist. Now I only need to know, how the trigger gets fired, if my Soldier lays 3 MineMuzzle. So that the Taskstatus, that is linked to the Trigger, where the mines are layed, change to success. I try something like "{_x in thisList} count "MineMuzzle" > 3" Please forgive me, if this don´t make any sense, as I am new to editing. I thought, Arma 3 would be a good start to get on with editing ;)
  9. Great Work, I feel addicted to it right now. Would like to see the AAF, too. But I read your post and your statement about the hard work it would be making it CSAT/AAF - compatible. NVM Great work!