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Everything posted by connorwarman

  1. Operation Blackfish Operation Blackfish will be our first campaign. The back story and campaign slotting layout will be listed below. Deployment Date: June 1st 2013 Briefing About six months ago the ARL(Lingorian Rebels) launched a swift and decisive offensive across the island of Lingor. Within a week most of the AGL(Lingorian Military) was wiped out. Just last month the Lingorian Government asked the UN for military aid, calling the ARL a "terrorist organization" and a threat to civilian life. Shortly after the statement, the UN conducted an inspection of the ARL and their ways, and concluded that if they ended up in control of the island and its key ports. They could cause economic failure throughout the area. Now the good ole US of A has been called in to do what it does best. Kick some ass and take some names. The 6th fleet has been deployed and is just a mile off the north western coast. It has been decided that their MEU branch will be the first in. Objectives are as follows. Objective #1: Secure the enemy Radio tower. Objective #2: Secure the enemy Barracks. Objective #3: Secure the enemy Airfield. Objective #4: Secure the enemy Checkpoint. Lingor Island Our Objectives
  2. Status Update Core Tactical has grown to 13+ active and have published our Guide to all things ArmA! Over the past few months I have been working off and on, on a guide for the community. And it is now finished and ready for all to see and learn. I doubt its even close to ShackTac's Guide, but its something that I enjoy, and others that have see it do as well. If you are interested download the PDF here: https://mega.co.nz/#!aclmTS5B!LBvLWiRbXNTax8D-iytltSbyhf0y4P3vi7Upju3Nfao
  3. connorwarman

    steam has stopped beta being used

    Must be a problem on your end, most guys I have talked to said they can join any server.
  4. Status Update Core Tactical has recently updated our Mod list and added a set of Winter Units and Maps(see list below), and will start using them in weekly sessions! New Mods -Kuik's Winter Units -Thirsk Winter -Sangin Providence Winter -Klurs Island -Vostok Island After our recent recruitment effort five new recruits have joined the ranks! These recruits were some of the first to go through IPT[infantry Proficiency Training]! They have now been added to the roster and will begin to participate in weekly sessions putting our active player count at ten total and our reserve player count at three. More information about our members and rank structure can be found here http://coretactical.enjin.com/roster. Core Tactical is still recruiting and will continue to until we reach our Teamspeak and ArmA Server max, then recruitment will be halted for a short amount of time before we begin recruitment again. Join us! http://coretactical.enjin.com/recruitment Core Tactical has recently set up a steam group! You can look around the steam group if you are seeking further information here http://steamcommunity.com/groups/coretactical
  5. Please do this BIS. The current armor penetration system in ArmA 2 is meh. I would love to see it improved in ArmA 3.
  6. connorwarman

    Changing/Creating New Ranks

    Although I dont know how to change the ranks, I think it would be awesome if someone who knows how to or if it is even possible would share it here.
  7. You could always set up a mission in Editor with a few Aircraft of your choice on the Airfield, then just mess with them from there.
  8. connorwarman

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    This specific mission was a disaster for me my first few tries. My tips! -Keep your squad members close, the basically never miss and take some of the heat off of you. -Use cover, its there for a reason. -Patience, this game is not a run and gun shooter. Take your time, and sit in one place and recon for a few minutes if you have to. On another note, I wouldent really spend to much time on the SP missions within ArmA 2 Vanilla. They are nothing compared to the fun you can have in a unit or on a MP server.
  9. Core Tactical! What is Core Tactical all about? Core Tactical is based off the idea off "Tactical Fun", and we like to stand by this ideal as we play in and outside of ArmA. The "Tactical" part reflects the way we communicate, move, and function on a large scale. The "Fun" part reflects the way we go about making the experience for our members and ourselves. Basically were looking to make the best experience possible for all of our member base. Most of our missions revolve around intense close quarters infantry contact, with other units/assets acting as supporting elements. We aren't looking for easy, clean and cut scenarios. We like throwing ourselves into intense situations, we want are victories to be earned through teamwork, skill, and determination. If we don't put our all in, we don't expect to come out on top. All of our missions are made in house by members within the community. We provide a wide variety of cooperative and adversarial scenarios. From an air cav squad in the heart of Nam', to a Russian Spetsnaz unit infiltrating into enemy bases. In our adversarial scenarios we are able to take advantage of human dynamics to change the way our missions play and interact with the player. Core Tactical's Virutes Core Tactical has hereby been established to serve as a mature community that focuses on tactical fun. We believe that any set community should be set on a few common principles, which are listed below. Respect. -Simple, treat others as you would like to be treated. If you are found to be disrespecting other members, you can expect to see yourself out the door. Well Thought out Tactics. -Maintain a high level of tactical game play no matter the situation or scenario. Motivated Leaders. -We strive for a high degree of competency in our playerbase insofar as leadership goes, as well as pride ourselves on how well our non-leading players will follow orders and conduct themselves in any given mission. We find that alot of times people are scared to step up to the plate and take that Squad Leader position, thinking that people will get angry at them for leading them to death or something. -While in reality a squad of Core Tactical members will gladly follow you to the gates of hell if need be. Professionalism. -Always exhibit a supreme level of professionalism in and out of the community's official sessions. Quality over Quantity. -At Core Tactical we are always looking for the quality of our player base, over our player count. What makes a good Core Tactical member? Core Tactical expects a certain level of quality from members, at all times. You are expected to follow the virtues listed above, as well as abiding by our technical obligations. When it comes to looking over an application, were looking for individuals who generally meet some of the criteria below. -At least 16 years of age. -Good sense of humor. -Friendly respectful and mature. -Teamwork-oriented mindset. -Motivated and dedicated to making the group and our experiences the best they can be. See us in action! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO4oO3wNJUI Applying to Core Tactical If you are interested in joining the group you can check our official website at http://core-tactical.com If you would like to directly contact me, you can throw me an email at connorwarman.com@gmail.com or my steam name which is simply put, Connorwarman. Status updates will be listed in this thread over the next..well. As long as we exist.
  10. Thank god, ACRE and ACE not being in the ArmA 3 Alpha as of now is the main reason my group has chosen not to switch over.
  11. connorwarman

    Elite suggestion: not being able to see your ammo

    I completely agree. If most of us will end up getting ACE which hides it why not have it set as a default? Hell, why not just hire the ACE devs and add all the stuff from the mod into the base game.
  12. connorwarman

    3rd person view and difficulty levels

    If I has my way first person would be default for all difficulties.... But I don't have my way.
  13. connorwarman

    Will Arma 3 replace Arma 2?

    Currently ArmA 2 still has a very active player base, which I think will continue to stay active until a year or so after ArmA 3's full release when all units have switched over to A3. I myself and my community wont be switching over until full release with ACE/ACRE. Until then ArmA 3 just cant compete with the amount of content ArmA 2 has.
  14. Squad Name- Core Tactical Timezone/Location- US EST Squad gamemode preference- Coop/Adversarial Contact email- connorwarman.com@gmail.com Website address- http://crusadersrise.enjin.com/
  15. I have been looking for Flacons BDU pack that is a popular units mod in Shacktac and United Operations. I have spent the past few hours searching now and have found nothing..if anyone could help me it would be much appreciated.
  16. Looks good man, its a solid idea. I hope it makes into beta or full release.
  17. Hey guys, I have started working on a basic Line defense mission for my group. The mission is coming along well except for a slight problem I have been having with waypoints and triggers. I would like my men to be able to move to a set are before opfor comes to attack. Sadly ATM I am unaware of how to go about doing this with waypoints and triggers. If anyone could help me it would be much appreciated.
  18. connorwarman

    How good is the AI...?

    They are better than they are in ArmA 2. But not by much, they respond quicker but do not always effectively engage.
  19. connorwarman

    Arma3 Alpha Testing Checklist

    Good list.
  20. Im working on a mission and I am in need of a respawn script, I have been working on one right now but it has not been working..... Current Script: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6273 Any help/suggestions would be useful.
  21. I would like to see ACE/ACRE, Domination, and I44(even though I doubt it will be released until a few months after the full game is released.)