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Everything posted by frezinator

  1. i just finished testing it.. i tried to kill myself and it didn't count as teakill.. but this time i tried to kill my teammates it didn't count as teamkill and i didn't get punish... Do you know whats wrong?
  2. THere's one problem about this script... when you accidentally died, it will count as team kill... its really annoying Do you know any other anti-team killing scripts?
  3. anyone know a script for halo option jump for a vehicle??? I tried a script from kylania. http://www.kylania.com/ex/?p=94 but it didn't work :( can someone help me?
  4. Where do I put that? sorry im still new in editing and scriptings This is the script that I used for my halo: I put this in an empty vehicle init's box. this addaction ["(Halo)","Halo.sqs"]; Then I created two files called Halo.sqs and Halo1.sqs Halo.sqs _first = _this select 0 _text = "Halo by single-clicking on the map.You start at a height of 500 above your current location." ?(format["%1",_first] == "Again"): TitleText [_text,"Plain"] ;forceMap true #Marker_1 onMapSingleClick "_StartLocation = player setPos _pos;[_StartLocation] exec ""Halo1.sqs"";onMapSingleClick """"" ; exit Halo1.sqs [Player,500]exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs" exit im not using the init.sqf by the way. I put an addaction called "this addaction ["(Halo)","Halo.sqs"];" in a vehicle init's box. The problem is when I respawn then go into a vehicle, the halo option disappears... Here also a link where I get these scripts from: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=8052
  5. I found a problem. when I respawn then go into a vehicle, the halo option disappears... can u help me plzz??? btw im using the script from the first website link that u gave me
  6. How do i make my user mission online up 24/7 in dedicated server? im playing Arma 2 Free by the way. I just created a user mission. How do I make my user mission always up online in dedicated server?
  7. I download the arma tool it's really easy to use but I have a question, what do I put for paremeter and what is parameter??? Also, Is there a way I can put my mission to server 24/7 without leaving my laptop the whole day? I don't want to waste electricity >.< ---------- Post added at 00:08 ---------- Previous post was at 00:07 ---------- Where do I put that? do I use the whole sentence or just the persistent=1? ---------- Post added at 00:20 ---------- Previous post was at 00:08 ---------- I did I just don't how to make it 24/7 in the server without leaving my laptop on the whole day. I don't want to waste electricity>.<
  8. How do I put my mission in to dedicated server? I want my mission to be always up online in the server. note: Im playing Arma 2 free
  9. How do you set a waypoint for task, for example when a player go to task and click set as current task, A waypoint will show where the task is.. What do I need to add so I can set a waypoint for my task? this is my briefing.sqf [php]player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["*The Last Mission*", "*Infiltrate the Russian Base and kill the Russian dictator*"]]; tskobj_1 = player createSimpleTask["Kill the Russian Dictator"]; tskobj_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["It is confirmed that the Russian dictator has been spotted in a Russian base and he is escorted by a t-90, Our goal is to kill the Russian dictator and eliminate all russian forces who blocks our way", "Kill the Russian Dictator", "Russian dictator"];
  10. I fixed the problem. I made a simple mistake, in the briefing.sqf, I put it on the top instead at the bottom >.< Thank you for helping everyone!!!!!
  11. Thank you iceman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! one last thing could you help with waypoint for task??? I cannot figure it out :/ do I need to make a new marker or triiger or something? Also, do you know how can I put my mission to the server??? so it can be up online in the server 24/7
  12. anyone know a script for anti-teamkilling??? like if he gets 3 team kills he will be kicked
  13. thank you so much it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but how do you remove "remove all the weapons for gunfire1 and gunfire 2"????? I don't want them to be unarmed I just want them to be kicked if they reached 3 teamkills
  14. anyone know how to put a waypoint for task???? For example when you click set as currnent, a waypoint will automatically showup and show where the task is
  15. Where do I put distance? for example: my distance is 1000 also,where do I put the name of the trigger? or do I use marker?
  16. Thnx!! but what do I put for init.sqf? Also, does this line means if he gets a team kill all of his weapons will be removed? *** if(gsFire == 1) then {removeAllWeapons player};
  17. Thank you it worked!!! but one more thing do you know how to add a message or hint??? for example: "Pilots are not allowed to be armed" how do you add that message to the pilot_loop.sqf???
  18. I made my own mission and i want only the pilots to fly the C-130J Planes. Also, i want the pilots to be unarmed and are not allowed to go the ammo crates. Can someone help me plzzzz???? I don't know what to put for int.sqf and pilotCheck.sqf :(
  19. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you !!!!!!!!!!!!!! no homo lol!! thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally fixed it!!!!!! you were right!!!! My pilot was different, I have a USMC_Soldier_pilot, then in the script I used "US_Soldier_Pilot_Ep1", That's why when I go to pilot class it kicks me out of the plane. So, what I did is I followed ur instructions and I changed "US_Soldier_Pilot_Ep1" to "USMC_Soldier_pilot" then it works!!!! Pilot can fly and soldiers can't fly the plane!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God bless you!!!!
  20. kk im using MV-22 aircraft, I only want pilots to fly but soldiers can still get in the mv-22 for transport. Can you specifically tell me what am I supposed to put in int.sqf and pilotCheck.sqf? ---------- Post added at 02:03 ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 ---------- kk its working, it kicks soldiers but my problem is it also kick pilots. im using MV-22 so I changed the "Helicopter" to "Plane". This is what I put in pilotCheck.sqf _vehicleType = _this select 0; // "Plane" / "Tank" _crewType = _this select 1; // "US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1" //hint format["%1 - %2",_crewType, _vehicleType]; if (typeof player != _crewType) then { private "_v"; while {alive player} do { waituntil {vehicle player != player}; _v = vehicle player; if (_v iskindof _vehicleType && !(_v iskindof "ParachuteBase")) then { if (driver _v == player) then { player action ["eject",_v]; waituntil {vehicle player == player}; hint "We shall leave the piloting to those with the appropriate training."; }; }; }; }; This what I used for int.sqf ["Plane", "US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1"] execVM "pilotCheck.sqf"; execVM "TKP.sqf"; veh = [this] execVM "vehicle.sqf" //begin init.sqf //Add briefing execVM "briefing.sqf"; if(true) exitWith {}; Do you see any errors that I can fix????? I've been working for this like 16 hours and I cant find any solution, I almost giving up
  21. do I have to change anything in the script or can I just copy and paste it?