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Everything posted by dreadpirate

  1. I'm not really an ACE guy, I'm sure I'd just slow you down while learning the ropes. Let me know if the new version helps with performance. Do you need reducing that works with vehicles? Because that was giving me a real headache, collisions and what not, which is why I released it as it was..... If your plane only has one life, why do you even need JEBUS? You can hide and disable simulation on the plane in the editor. Look under Objects: Special States. Then you can activate it via trigger. Just put: b1 enableSimulationGlobal true; b1 hideObject false; in the "On Activation" field. That way, you can set up everything in the editor without even needing JEBUS.
  2. In my code, I have: { removeAllAssignedItems _x; removeAllWeapons _x; removeAllContainers _x; _x addUniform "U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo"; _x addVest "V_BandollierB_khk"; _x addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green", 3]; _x addWeapon "arifle_Katiba_F"; } forEach (units _grp); It's the forEach command at the end that uses the _x variable.....
  3. My mistake, try this: [] spawn { for "_i" from 0 to 1000 do { _spawnpos = getMarkerPos "respawn_east"; _spawnpos = [_spawnpos, 1, 20, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _grp = [_spawnpos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam"),[],[],[0.25,0.4]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; { removeAllAssignedItems _x; removeAllWeapons _x; removeAllContainers _x; _x addUniform "U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo"; _x addVest "V_BandollierB_khk"; _x addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green", 3]; _x addWeapon "arifle_Katiba_F"; } forEach ( units _grp); _wp = _grp addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "moveMarker_east", 0]; _wp setWaypointType "SEARCHANDDESTROY"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; sleep 60; }; };
  4. [] spawn { for "_i" from 0 to 1000 do { _spawnpos = getMarkerPos "respawn_east"; _spawnpos = [_spawnpos, 1, 20, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _grp = [_spawnpos, EAST, (configfile >> ""CfgGroups"" >> ""East"" >> ""OPF_F"" >> ""infantry"" >> ""OIA_InfTeam""),[],[],[0.25,0.4]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; { removeAllAssignedItems _x; removeAllWeapons _x; removeAllContainers _x; _x addVest "V_BandollierB_khk"; _x addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green", 3]; _x addWeapon "arifle_Khaybar_F"; } forEach ( units _grp); _wp = _grp addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "moveMarker_east", 0]; _wp setWaypointType "SEARCHANDDESTROY"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; sleep 60; }; }; _x is a "magic" variable that is used inside a forEach loop. So the first time the loop runs, it edits the first unit of the group, the second time the loop runs, it edits the second unit of the group and so on.....
  5. I've decided to release 1.38 "as is" for people to try out. v1.38 (2017/2/26) Vehicles will respawn in editor positions "REDUCE=" added. Reduces a group to just the leader until players are within range (infantry only) Download https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-gOD7yyJ9VJd2N0LVphelU5RnM
  6. A quick update: I have "reduce to leader" working for infantry only groups, just need to work on vehicles. At present, it just hides and disables simulation on units, rather than completely despawning them. Not sure if that's the best way or not. When they are activated, the other group members just teleport to the leader, which complicates things for vehicles. I've made it so vehicles in groups respawn in their editor positions to avoid collisions (um, reduce collisions, it's still Arma). However, that conflicts with "RESPAWNMARKERS=", so I'm still looking for a solution I'm happy with.
  7. dreadpirate

    How to not look like your user profile avatar?

    AFAIK, the profile identity always overwrites the editor identity, so you'll probably need to do it this way.....
  8. dreadpirate

    How to not look like your user profile avatar?

    Here's a demo mission that makes a BLUFOR unit look and sound like a CSAT unit. Check out the description.ext and the init line of the unit. It turns out you do need to setIdentity again on respawn, which is what the onPlayerRespawn.sqf does https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-gOD7yyJ9VJYmhhU2lCNWNmcTg Look at all the identity options here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setIdentity If you're using mods with different faces and voices, you'll have to find the classnames.....
  9. dreadpirate

    How to not look like your user profile avatar?

    You need to set an identity in your description.ext https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#CfgIdentities and then, in the player's init: this setIdentity "myIdentity"; You might need to set the identity again if you respawn, not sure.....
  10. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/independent
  11. Remember that for UPSMON, you have to add some lines to your init.sqf I got it working on land, but I assume from your marker name you're using it on water? When I used it with a boat, it spawned but just sat there. When I used debug it said "MON_disembark started". Yeah, I'll work on this for the next version.
  12. You are missing a single quote after upswater1
  13. Current version just caches everyone, but I've had requests to implement "reduce to leader" instead and I can definitely see the merits of it. Just gotta get my coding mojo back.....
  14. My mistake. Should be: 0 = [this, "DELAY=", [600,1200], "FLYING", "INIT=", "T = [vehicle _proxyThis] spawn { sleep 1; params ['_plane']; _plane removeWeapon 'js_w_su35_kh29Launcher'; _plane removeWeapon 'js_w_su35_s8Laucher'; }; "] execVM "Jebus.sqf";
  15. Try: 0 = [this, "FLYING", "INIT=", "T = [_proxyThis] spawn { sleep 1; params ['_plane']; _plane removeWeapon 'js_w_su35_kh29Launcher'; _plane removeWeapon 'js_w_su35_s8Laucher'; }; "] execVM "Jebus.sqf"; The flyInHeight script command doesn't seem to work properly, I'll see what I can come up with.....
  16. What code are you using to hide vehicles from the F-18? Which F-18 mod are you using? It seems that the easiest way to do this would be: 0 = [this, "FLYING", "INIT=", "[_proxyThis] execVM 'initF18.sqf' "] execVM "Jebus.sqf"; and then having a "initF18.sqf" file that would remove the default loadout, add your preferred loadout and run your hide vehicles code.....
  17. If you have a unit called a1, you can restore its name after respawn using: 0 = [this, "INIT=", " a1 = _proxyThis"] execVM "Jebus.sqf"; But that will only work with single units / vehicles. Could you be more specific on what you want to achieve?
  18. To remove bombs and air-to-ground missiles from CAS Buzzard: 0 = [this, "FLYING", "INIT=", "{(vehicle _proxyThis) removeWeapon _x} forEach ['missiles_SCALPEL', 'GBU12BombLauncher_Plane_Fighter_03_F'];"] execVM "Jebus.sqf"; (Note how I use single quotes around the weapon classnames. It won't work otherwise) Which modules did you have in mind? I will see what is possible.....
  19. dreadpirate

    A-164 texturing problem

    Yes. I think some vehicles have 4 textures.
  20. dreadpirate

    A-164 texturing problem

    You're setting texture 0 twice. Try:
  21. Glad you got it working, but I have custom loadouts working on all unit types, so something is still not quite right. I'll add some more detailed debugging info in the next version, so I can hopefully pick up any lingering bugs.....
  22. Mods shouldn't affect anything but you could try running the demo mission with your mods active and see what happens. Are you still seeing a wall of debugging text?
  23. No, just sync it to the SL and you're done.....
  24. You don't need to run JEBUS from the triggers activation, just the SL init