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Everything posted by McKeighan

  1. I'm not quite sure why this has been happening to me. I am no longer able to see down the gun sites in a vehicle. This plays total havoc with choppers for sure, as it's kinda crucial at times to aim down the barrel to get a better target on an object. How it USED to work was that I would simply click my right mouse button while in the gunner position, and it would change my view to down the barrel (looking through the retical). Now whenever I do this, my view zooms in (and then out when i release the mouse button). So, it's almost like my zoom feature comes first, then my change optics. How do I get it back to optics being the lead, and THEN zoom features? Any help is greatly appreciated. (And yes, I've tried raising and lowering my weapon as well as firing the gun already.)
  2. Maybe someone here can figure out where I'm going wrong in attempting this. Let me start by saying this IS code alteration for the DayZ addon created by Rocket. (for the props and what-not). I've been trying to code this for a few days now, and I'm getting a little confused as to why it's not working. Here's the pertinent information from my dayz_equip.pbo (config.bin) class ItemTent: CA_Magazine { scope = 2; count = 1; type = "(256 * 3)"; displayName = "$STR_EQUIP_NAME_20"; model = "\dayz_equip\models\tentbag_gear.p3d"; picture = "\dayz_equip\textures\equip_tentbag_ca.paa"; descriptionShort = "$STR_EQUIP_DESC_20"; class ItemActions { class Pitch { text = "$STR_PITCH_TENT"; script = "spawn player_tentPitch;"; }; }; }; class ItemDomeTent: CA_Magazine { scope = 2; count = 1; type = "(256 * 3)"; displayName = "6 Man Dome Family Tent"; model = "\dayz_equip\models\tentbag_gearcamo.p3d"; picture = "\dayz_equip\textures\equip_tentbag_ca.paa"; descriptionShort = "6 Man Dome Family Tent"; class ItemActions { class Pitch { text = "$STR_PITCH_TENT"; script = "spawn player_dometentPitch;"; }; }; }; and class WeaponHolder_ItemTent: WeaponHolderBase { scope = 2; displayName = "$STR_EQUIP_NAME_20"; model = "\dayz_equip\proxy\tentbag.p3d"; class eventHandlers { init = "[(_this select 0),'cfgMagazines','ItemTent'] execVM '\z\addons\dayz_code\init\object_pickupAction.sqf';"; }; }; class WeaponHolder_ItemDomeTent: WeaponHolderBase { scope = 2; displayName = "6 Man Dome Tent"; model = "\dayz_equip\proxy\tentbag.p3d"; class eventHandlers { init = "[(_this select 0),'cfgMagazines','ItemDomeTent'] execVM '\z\addons\dayz_code\init\object_pickupAction.sqf';"; }; }; and class ACamp; class Land_A_tent; class TentStorage: Land_A_tent { vehicleClass = "Survival"; transportMaxMagazines = 100; transportMaxWeapons = 10; transportMaxBackpacks = 3; }; class DomeTentStorage: ACamp { vehicleClass = "Survival"; transportMaxMagazines = 200; transportMaxWeapons = 30; transportMaxBackpacks = 10; }; In essence what is happening is that I can loot both objects from the table just fine (both tents create just fine and are lootable objects). I can create the tent, as each calls a different script. The normal tent works as it should and drops... the larger 6 man tent does not do anything. The character goes through the motions of building a tent, and then after the 5 second delay, there's nothing there. The tent item in my inventory is gone, but the tent itself is not placed in the world. Here is the code from my dometent_pitch.sqf private["_position","_tent","_location","_isOk","_backpack","_tentType","_trg","_key"]; //check if can pitch here call gear_ui_init; _playerPos = getPosATL player; _item = _this; _hastentitem = _this in magazines player; _location = player modeltoworld [0,2.5,0]; _location set [2,0]; _building = nearestObject [(vehicle player), "HouseBase"]; _isOk = [(vehicle player),_building] call fnc_isInsideBuilding; //_isOk = true; //diag_log ("Pitch Tent: " + str(_isok) ); _config = configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _item; _text = getText (_config >> "displayName"); if (!_hastentitem) exitWith {cutText [format[(localize "str_player_31"),_text,"pitch"] , "PLAIN DOWN"]}; //blocked if (["concrete",dayz_surfaceType] call fnc_inString) then { _isOk = true; diag_log ("surface concrete"); }; //Block Tents in pounds _objectsPond = nearestObjects [_playerPos, [], 10]; { _isPond = ["pond",str(_x),false] call fnc_inString; if (_isPond) then { _pondPos = (_x worldToModel _playerPos) select 2; if (_pondPos < 0) then { _isOk = true; }; }; } forEach _objectsPond; //diag_log ("Pitch Tent: " + str(_isok) ); if (!_isOk) then { //remove tentbag player removeMagazine _item; _dir = round(direction player); //wait a bit player playActionNow "Medic"; sleep 1; [player,"tentunpack",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak; _id = [player,50,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies; sleep 5; //place tent (local) _tent = createVehicle ["TentDomeStorage", _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _tent setdir _dir; _tent setpos _location; player reveal _tent; _location = getPosATL _tent; _tent setVariable ["characterID",dayz_characterID,true]; //player setVariable ["tentUpdate",["Land_A_tent",_dir,_location,[dayz_tentWeapons,dayz_tentMagazines,dayz_tentBackpacks]],true]; dayzPublishObj = [dayz_characterID,_tent,[_dir,_location],"TentDomeStorage"]; publicVariable "dayzPublishObj"; if (isServer) then { dayzPublishObj call server_publishObj; }; cutText [localize "str_success_tent_pitch", "PLAIN DOWN"]; } else { cutText [localize "str_fail_tent_pitch", "PLAIN DOWN"]; }; And yes - I did create a database object in the deployables table called "TentDomeStorage" with a type id set to 1000 (to make it easy to spot in the instance_deployable table). Any ideas why it's not working?
  3. Thanks ChrisB - what was wierd is that I had to re-map optics to some other key (as I use Keypad 0 for something else). Just strange that the right mouse click doesn't activate optics anymore (in vehicles... it works fine when just running around outside vehicles).. But holding the mouse button works for zoom. (i've verified that optics is set to the new hotkey i picked, and secondary mouse button as well). Perhaps it just means it's time for a new mouse..... Stupid Razor products.
  4. Does anyone know how I can fix this problem? 1 - hop into a vehicle. 3rd person works ok. 1st person works ok. 2 - switch optics (right mouse by default), and the camera view only zooms in (then out when released), rather then changing my view to being down the barrel of the gun (this is what it used to do). Anyone have any idea of how to fix the view so it's again down the barrel of the weapon? Thanks!
  5. This has only started happening recently (since patch 100296 came out). Our private hive has been experiencing some strange behavior in respect to 2 different things. One of which is Rangefinders.... They are in the loot tables, they are being found... but.. 1 - sometimes people that already have binoculars equipped pick them up, and the range finders do not go into the other open slot. They just delete. 2 - those that unequip their binoculars, then pick up the rangefinders, have them... until the server reboots. Upon server reboot, the rangefinders are no more (deleted). Problem 2 is the one I'm more concerned with. Has anybody seen this behavior on other servers? Does anyone know what's causing it? Does anyone have a fix? Thank you for your attention. McKeighan - Admin for Derp Dayz GuideZ. www.theguidez.com
  6. I was able to figure it out and get them working. Not exactly a bug, more of an oversight. Thanks for attempting an assist _MaSSive.
  7. McKeighan

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    BTW - figured it out. A link i used to get CBA was NOT to the newest version like it was claiming.
  8. McKeighan

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    OMER - how did you get it working? I have the newest beta patch installed 100296. I've got a fresh download of the CBA suite (CBA / CBA_A2 / CBA_OA) I've got the full install of JSRS (redownloaded today). When I launch, i'm using the parameters "-mod=@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@JSRS 1.5;Expansion;" When I do that, I get kicked with the following message. So ok... I remove the @CBA_OA part of the call. I then get this error. So... I CAN load JSRS by just using @CBA.... but it doesn't seem right. I had it working on my test server 2 days ago with all three CBA mods working, and the sound was much better. ANYONE got an idea of what's going on and what I can do to fix it?
  9. McKeighan

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Encapsulating the -mod part worked. Thanks so much. Now just to go thru the long task of commenting out lines from scripts.txt so battleye stops kicking people for joining the server with 1.5 loaded.
  10. McKeighan

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Hi - Here's my current additional launch parameters -nosplash -world=empty -maxmem 8192 -exThreads=7 -noPause -mod=@rMod;@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@JSRS 1.5 Now, when I launch into our custom server, which DOES have the newest binkey in it's keys directory by the way... JSRS15_V2.bikey I don't get any sound mod. When leaving the server mission and instance, and get to the main splash screen for arma, it says I'm currently loading all of the above referenced mods (Plus CA and Expansion), but NOT JSRS. What am I doing wrong? Thanks