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Everything posted by wraith2021

  1. I know its nothing special, but as an old time fan of carrier command I remember the original box art, which captured the feeling of the game somehow. This was on the C64/ZX Spectrum/ATARI ST/AMIGA. Original Amiga Box Then came the PC version a few years after its initial release, with a different cover, which to be honest looks kinda naff. Original PC Box Now we have the new game with its cover, and as you can easily see, it appears to be based on the PC game cover. I don't know if this was intentional or not, and I personally don't know why they did this, especially when the majority of CC fans back in the day remember the original cover. Gaea Mission Box PC's at the time were expensive, and not as accessible as they are today, so most people had an Amiga, ST, C64 or ZX Spectrum. It just seems odd that they would use the uncommon image as a basis for design. But then again it could just be coincidence, albeit a very deliberate looking coincidence.
  2. I had a walrus set to dock, and it got stuck on a rock on the beach, after a few seconds of it being stuck there it just yanked it back into the carrier. Also there is a slight improvement between units not bashing into each other.
  3. i have 1.4 installed, walrus AI is improved, but sometimes done by cheating. if a walrus gets stuck it sometimes yanks it back on course. I think patch 1.3 was a good patch, I'm hoping that once 1.5 is taken out of beta stage they might have improved things.
  4. This implies that just because some new bugs have cropped up they don't intend to fix them and the game is now worthless. The game has always been promising, and they get closer to polishing it off with every update. But the latest patch is a beta, and should be treated as such until the next patch.
  5. wraith2021

    Update 360

    Yes you are entitled to a full refund, which is what you should do. Although they have abandoned the 360 (which in my opinion should have never been released on this platform, its the wrong demographic.), they have not abandoned the PC, which is to some degree a good sign that they care about the game. But you are right, they should have ironed out all the bugs before ever releasing it on a console. I have the PC version, but I am forced to boot into Windows on my iMac to play it. But this game was awaited with eagerness as I am a fan of the original game.
  6. wraith2021

    Update 360

    At what point did I mention I personally owned the 360 version? I am glad they are working on the PC updates, but that does not mean those with the 360 version should just go suck eggs. They do have rights.
  7. wraith2021

    Update 360

    Either way, now it has been confirmed that the 360 is not going to be fixed, anyone who has had a copy gathering dust on the shelf waiting for it to be fixed can take it back to the shop given the conformation that they are now not going to fix the game. All you have to say is that you were holding out for a promised patch which they have now confirmed is not going to happen, and that you have not played the game because it is unplayable in its current state and under trading stands I am within my rights to a full refund for a broken, unfinished product. Remember their is no time limit on this kind of thing due to a broken promise by the developers. If they try to pull the 30 day shit, tell them that does not apply to you selling an unfinished, unplayable product, and you will find yourself in a heap of shit if I take it to trading standards.
  8. wraith2021

    Update 360

    Just take the game back to where you bought it and demand a refund due to selling a broken, unfinished game. You are well within your rights. Here check this out: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/281679/buggy-game-purchasers-entitled-to-refund/#
  9. wraith2021

    Update 360

    I have not lost any money, and if you haven't noticed we are on patch 1.4. Which goes to show they are ironing out the bugs, as well as a welcome update to the game coming soon, I see that they are indeed focusing on the PC game.
  10. wraith2021

    Finalizing 1.04 patch?

    its great to hear that things are moving along. Once everything is polished and everything is working as it should, I would be willing to purchase another copy of the game, just to show support.
  11. Dunno what is happening, they have completely ditched the 360 updates by the sound of it. So they might be going full steam at sorting out the PC version. fingers crossed they don't ditch this as well.
  12. wraith2021

    Update 360

    What reasons are those? And does that mean you have abandoned the 360 version completely? Also does this mean you are focusing more on the PC version?
  13. Odd, I have not had this problem at all.
  14. wraith2021

    Box Art

    Infestation was amazing! They really captured the suspense and horror. It had me jumping in my seat. Barbarian was a good game, as was Blood Money. Here is the "Shadow Of The Beast" Box http://www.stanford.edu/group/htgg/cgi-bin/drupal/?q=image/view/415/_original (466 kB) and the T-shirt that came with it http://www.sci-fi-o-rama.com/wp-content/uploads/shadow_of_the_beast_tshirt.jpg (138 kB) Oh, and the music just to take you back http://youtu.be/0TKV_90aYgI
  15. wraith2021

    Box Art

    Yeah, I miss the days when computer games came in big-ass boxes with art that jumped out at you. That was the only way to make them stand out on the shelves. And getting memorabilia and extras were something common. I remember getting Shadow Of The Beast for the Amiga. It came in a massive box, the art blew me away, and I got a T-shirt in the box. Damn I miss the originality of packaging. Now, all we have a choice of are DVD cases with no extras.
  16. wraith2021

    Box Art

    Yeah, you got a bland nondescript box, but at least you got the game.
  17. wraith2021

    Box Art

    That one was the budget box that came out in 1992
  18. wraith2021

    Box Art

    So you got the original box with an IBM sticker on it? Cool. However that does not change the fact that the PC boxed game released by MicroPlay Software, seems to be the design they went for with the CC:GM cover.
  19. Intention can never be truly conveyed in text, and I feel this is where we got off on the wrong foot. Your urgency for these bugs to be addressed is felt by most on this forum, including me, but fixing them without creating a million more takes time, and in that sense I am being patient. Especially as they have said the next patch is not far off. People's need for a refund is all well and good, and yes there are those that have already abandoned the game, especially on the Xbox 360. But I have faith that BIS will do the right thing, especially as the only reason they made the game was to actually have something that they themselves could play. All your points are valid, and justified. I am one of those people who knows my rights when it comes to sales of goods, and I just felt it was an odd place to post about it, rather than in the general section where it would make more sense. However, I also feel that it is a double edged sword, take away the funding, and we don't get a fixed game due to lack of support. I have no doubt that people have asked for a refund, but you get that refund from the place you bought it, not from the developers. As for bugs there are a few that I have learned to avoid, like clicking on a target and expecting you walrus to drive over and shoot it. Instead I click near it, then take it out myself. Clicking 'dock' while a manta is in battle just makes it follow the enemy, so I jump in and get them back to the ship myself. I hope this helps clear things up, and my intentions were to find out what your intentions were, not to get into an argument, some parts did come across as misleading; you have cleared those things up in your last post.
  20. I read the whole post. and as I stated that the game needs work, I found it a bit odd that you throw in something about getting a refund in a post about bugs. I was stating that for me the bugs are not a major issue, and although I can play the game, I am willing to hold out for the patches rather than run off and demand a refund. Yes you are entitled to a refund, but that would be from where you bought it, not from BIS directly. To me the post seemed to be more aimed at stirring up something than reporting known bugs. The conclusion of your post is what I disagreed with. It is probably the only remake of a game (although buggy) that is as close to the original as you are going to get.
  21. Ok, I agree that the game needs work. Is it unplayable? No I and many others play this game fine. The AI is not that much of an issue for those of us who are used to the original, as the waypoints were only used to move units in that direction, if anything was in the way then you crashed into it. That is why it was called 'autopilot' on the original game. As they are still working on patches, then I suggest you just be patient, I'm sure they will get round to fixing all known issues, and patch V1.04 is not far off. Just be thankful that they made Carrier Command in the first place, a game which goes against the grain to be true to the original. Supporting the product is the best way to get the fixes you want, I don't know what getting your money back would achieve other than bury it forever, which is not what we want. I paid £9.99 from Amazon UK for mine. Although it was on offer, I would have easily paid full price. For me this game with patch V1.03.0014 works fine. When they fix the minor annoyances it will be even better; however not for one second do I find this game unplayable.
  22. The easiest way to do this mod without too much hassle, would be to make troops a capsule you add to the walrus. Each capsule would hold 6 robots. The walrus could deploy one robot at a time, if one dies it switches back to the walrus, and you can deploy another or drive away. While the robot is deployed you have no control over your walrus, and clicking on its icon brings you to your robot. You can make your robot get back in the walrus at any time, and at this point you regain control of the walrus. If you want to bunch units, make it so that 3 troops are deployed at a time, when the main one dies it switches to the next as they follow the first, everything else works like i said prior. This is all just suggestions, as I have no intention of making this mod. I'm waiting for access to the weapons statistics etc. I want to make a Wire-Guided Missile.
  23. The problem I see with this mod would be the inability to switch between individual infantry units, as there are no number selections for the troops, having to click on the map to change which unit you want would be kind of clunky. I suppose there would be a way round this, but thinking about it, I can't see it at the moment.
  24. jureidinim - I doubt it will be that involved. More like just the ability to throw out some troops from your walrus so that you can take out the enemy with your troops, thus saving your walrus from having to go headlong into the fight.