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About Dunbagin

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Dunbagin

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I PM'ed you with the script we are using.. reformatting the call function as you stated shouldnt have an effect on our script especially because it loads all other weapons except the block II.
  2. Dunbagin

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    What about this init line command BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo; .... doesnt seem to be working for us.
  3. Dunbagin

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Alright, even with these classnames, the weapons are not showing up. In our custom arsenal we use this call function call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo; and the weapons do not show up...
  4. Dunbagin

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I understand your reasoning for "hiding" the Block II and the Mk18, but could we possibly get the classnames for them so we could use them. Our unit used them every night and we will not update your mod due to this removal..
  5. Hello. I have a suggestion that would increase the functionality of the Chinook even more then it is. Currently the chinook cannot slingload anything greater then the mass of the zodiac. I'm requesting that you increase the mass to allow the slingloading of RHIBs, tanks, and much more like a real life chinook.
  6. Dunbagin

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Forgive me then, I thought the box was supposed to match the color of the helicopter such as this: http://images.military.com/media/equipment/military-aircraft/hh-60g-pave-hawk/hh-60g-pave-hawk_011.jpg
  7. Dunbagin

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Picture: http://i.imgur.com/bZqAmhS.jpg
  8. Dunbagin

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Here are a few things I have noticed: - HH-60 has a missing texture under the gun. - CV-22 is impossible to parachute from. This is due to the eject being inside the CV-22 instead of at the back of the ramp (when opened). I understand this isn't the main function of the CV-22 but it would be nice for operations without the possibility of C130 capable airstrips.
  9. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas
  10. All of them. ATRQ/ Main Rotor will break when running inside the helicopter while it being on and also while getting out in all of the chinooks. Its caused by player stacking but the fixed ramp version is least prone to it happening due to getting out on the outside of the bird.
  11. Steps to replicate for me: -Download from armaholic -Disable all addons -Spawn 1x RLAF AH-64 in Editor w/ Player -Get in RLAF AH-64 -Start Helicopter w/o AFM on. If you need more help or have a problem feel free to contact me, I would love to use this in our ops.
  12. Is there a way to resolve the getting in and out of the helicopter breaking the ATRQ?
  13. Amazing mod! One bug that I've noticed is that there is a continuous beeping sound that happens in First person non AFM. Not sure of the cause but it would hinder our ability to fly the helicopter for long periods of time.
  14. Dunbagin

    ATLAS Mod: LHD Plus

    Hey, we're having troubles with the server key, or something within the mod that is kicking us out of our server. Error: 5:40:59 Player XXX: Wrong sinature for file C:\XXXX\addons\atlas_weapons.pbo
  15. Dunbagin

    ATLAS Mod: LHD Plus

    Server key prease ;)