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Pomi Git

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Everything posted by Pomi Git

  1. Pomi Git

    MK18 Mod 1

    Smart decision. Great work. One of my favourite mods
  2. I can't see how this would work. If you're talking basic infantry then sure maybe, but there's a lot you'd surely have to leave out, hand to hand combat, all the mythical powers, not to mention some of the oversized units such as the Eldar Avatar :confused: Hats off to you if you pull it off but sounds very ambitious.
  3. No pressure at all, I appreciate your keen interest. Keeps me motivated :) The good news is that I've sorted out the issues that were taking a while to resolve, so now I just need to tie up a few loose ends and clean up some code. Should be on track for a release at the end of this week
  4. Pomi Git

    RKSL - Foxhound LPPV 0.5 BETA

    Very nice indeed. I think we need this in ARMA 3 :)
  5. Hi sorry for the delay. Had to take some time out from modding, it was taking up too much time. Ill be back at it shortly. Expect a release in the next week most likely. In the mean time, here's something to keep you going http://www.pgservices.herobo.com/
  6. I take no credit for the blue gun. That ones all GvsE :p
  7. For anyone doing mods with vests there's been some important changes in the beta you need to be aware of. The following information was provided in resolution to a bug I reported about vest hiddenselections not working, now fixed in beta.
  8. There's been quite a few class name changes in the beta. Helicopters in particular now have more generic class names.
  9. Good news folks. I have the go ahead from DnA to include my retextured MX in the mod :D Important note: I have been given approval because I respected the rules and because the MX is still dependent on core files to work. This outcome however applies only to my specific case and should not be taken as a green card for everyone to go nuts editing core content and redistributing. It's still very much a grey area so until BI make a clear public statement I recommend anyone looking to modify core content to contact DnA directly to obtain approval to distribute.
  10. Pomi Git

    Backwards Hat

    Thanks mate, appreciated :)
  11. Pomi Git

    Backwards Hat

    Great stuff thanks for updating. I have a small request if I may. You were kind enough to offer this as open source (thanks again for that) I noticed you have put a local copy of the default black capb texture in the mod and your model is using that version. There shouldn't be any need to do this since they're identical. Would you mind updating the model to use the black cap texture within the core game pbo "characters_f"? I'm using this awesome cap in my PMC mod and in a bid to make my mod dependency free I have created a copy of your cap within my mod using my own PMC cap textures. No problem if you want to leave as is, ill just work around it, but it would save me having to redo texture paths in O2 every time you update it :)
  12. Thanks for your input PuFu. Ultimately I want to ensure I do the right thing and if I have to get rid of the MX retexture so be it :(. I've actually been in contact with BI (DnA to be specific) who has indicated its not quite as black and white as that, its a bit of a grey area and there is no blanket answer. The issue is more broadly about preventing the distribution of content to people who do not own a copy of ArmA 3. I'm currently seeking further clarification and will let everyone know the outcome once I know.
  13. There is a sticky post from DnA about permissions for forward porting content from Arma 1 or Arma 2 (see here) but nothing taking content from Arma 3 and redistributing within Arma 3. I thought this was ok. I'll try find out. Unless someone can point me in the right direction? I hope this is right because I had to do this with the MX as there are no hiddenseletions with weapons.
  14. yes that is true. I adjust my statement to "other than the hunter and ifrit" :)
  15. Thanks mate, ive noticed hiddenselections is a little buggy, its not working consistently for all items that's for sure. I haven't tried retexturing an ifrit but if hiddenselections doesnt work you can just create a copy of the ifrit model and edit the p3d texture paths using a hex editor. Either way im not currently planning on using the hunter or ifrit for this mod. I've got my fingers crossed for some sort of SUV and or MRAP being added at some point. It would be nice to include a car of some sort in the initial release but I wont hold it back if nothing suitable comes up.
  16. Decided to do an MX retexture for this mod. Im finding the reflections on the MX a little too intense which is washing out the colours. Having problems trying to change the properties to reduce it. Thoughts?
  17. Pomi Git

    MK18 Mod 1

    Beautiful work. Looking forward to trying it out
  18. Have you tried making it compatible but not mandatory?
  19. Pomi Git

    Bohemia Interactive @ E3 2013 - DISCUSSION

    I can confirm there are textures in the games character pbo for freedom fighter equipment, so definitely more to come
  20. Looks awesome. Loving this weapons pack. Great work
  21. Pomi Git

    FLAY Hang Glider Mod

    OK so I had a go of this last night and have to be honest, I failed miserably. Turning left or right with the keyboard proved fatal and I just didn't seem to be able to get any lift. I tried to head out to the thermal on the little island but crashed before i reached it. I think the sample mission would benefit from a bit of a basics tutorial to get people started. Also some markers (in-game and on map) for the thermals would be invaluable. There's some 3d arrows you can use in the editor for in-game. Also whats with all the OPFOR everywhere? Its bad enough trying to get a hang of the handling let alone whilst being shot at :p I died a few times from that :( Complaints aside its brilliant and I look forward to future updates, well done. Oh and I recommend updating your original post with download info, controls etc. Saves people scouring through the thread for details.
  22. I was wondering if anyone would notice that. Its the fictional HK430 (based on the HK416) released by g00d69. Not sure if ill be using it with the mod yet but I like it.
  23. Well I wouldnt go that far but thanks :) Because I wanted this mod to be standalone :D On another note, as promised here is a sneak peak of my PMC MH-9
  24. To be honest I've not had any such issues at all. My PMC units work perfectly under Independent side and uniforms show up fine in the inventory. The only bug I did find is if a BLUFOR unit tries to take an independent uniform from a corpse it will duplicate the uniform as opposed to remove it. Yeah I tend to agree with ziggy76 on this (from a realism perspective) but perhaps its better to leave them as independent given its easy for mission makers to change the allegiance of independent side via mission setup. I certainly don't fancy having to duplicate all my units across 3 sides. Remind me of the difference between a Private Military Contractor and a mercenary? ;) From my research (and even in that doco I might add) PMC is just a more politically correct word for merc.