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Heinrich Kramer

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Posts posted by Heinrich Kramer

  1. still awesome and much needed.


    3 Small things:

    1st: when your legs are hurt and you try to kneel while crawling forward, the stancesystem bugs out, resulting in a stancechange every 10 milliseconds or so (wich never gets executed) and therefor i was not able to move. repeatedly hitting "y" (german keyboard) to get up solved it, so no biggie right now.

    2nd: the medical equipment gets recognized as FAK (am pretty sure you are aware of that ;)), i think this is not the best idea... (but that's a design choice, not a bug)

    3rd (actual bug. encountered in your test mission): i can not equip the defibrillator, even if it shows me that i could (white square on the backpack slot instead of the red one).

    and one personal request: could you put in a variable that disables the "dead unit revival" like, units can get knocked out, but not when hit with a .50 cal right in the face from point plank range?

    like in ACE, when you did not set a revivetime.

    that would be great :)

  2. New mod version with some important feature implementations



    Updated the mod to 0.4.0


    * Removed the disableUserInput dummy implementation for KnockedOut/Dead units and added the first version of the BlackScreen
    * Module is now also usable for singleplayer (removed both limitations from previous versions)
    * added exception for isMoveProneMove function if given string is not in correct length
    * added first version of DevReadMe

    *Note to the BlackScreen:

    The black screen has a Respawn button on the right side

    The button will be enabled automaticly after a delay (see devReadMe for the variable to change please. It is planned to add that option to the Module )

    awesome :)

    will test ASAP

    the Userinput bug threw me a bit off, but since it is disabled, i will give it a second go :)

    Really appreciate your work

  3. That did it, thanks so much. Now I just have to figure out why my normals are all screwed up on the duplicated half, should be easy enough to fix though.

    to recalculate notmals, just apply the the mirror modifier, go in edit mode, select the whole model and press ctrl+n to recalculate them to the outside.

    ctrl+shit+n recalculates them to the inside (not that what you want right now ;) )

    when there are errors (like some normals are calculated wrong) your model has still some holes in it.

    use simply Alwarrens export script for blender [http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154289-Arma-Toolbox-for-Blender-Arma-2-3-exporter-script]

    you can model completly in Blender and then simply export it from .blend to .p3d

    i guess that is what he is doing :)

  4. Nvidia Experience is complete garbage.

    nvidia experience suggestet me for war thunder, to turn everything down and only enable the only option my GPU can't handle.

    so "optimised" for NVE means: Looks like garbage and runs like garbage. (and i mean war thunder, the game works on standard-high settings on a laptop with a broken cooler and a gt 650m.)

    no thanks, i prefer tweaking manually.

  5. i don't get where the problem with Six-Projects is...

    to install all mods required on a server you only need to:

    open the six server browser

    type in the name of the server

    find the server

    right click on the server

    click on "new preset with server"

    six updater will then create preset in your preset list on the left side

    you then right click on the preset

    hover over "updater actions"

    click on "install or update mods"

    six updater will then install all mods needed for this server

    then you click "join server"

    you will then directly join the server.

    preset and server address will be saved, so the next time, you only need to click on join server and everything is done.

    steamworkshop as it works now:

    find the server in the ingame server browser.

    open steam workshop.

    search mod 1 for the server

    install mod 1

    search mod 2 for the server

    install mod 2

    search mod 3 for the server

    install mod 3... and so on. some servers use over 70 mods (in arma 2 anyways)

    see that mod 37 is not up to date on the server, yet you can not get the right version, because you can only get the lated version of the mod. no custom repos.

    fail at connecting.

    search new server

    open steam workshop

    search mod 1

    install mod 1...

    i think you get my point.

  6. As far as I Know, they also work on a different Client server Architecture, since the Arma 3 Architecture is made for modability and Clan/Squadbased Coop/ruled TVT games with admins looking out that nothing badly happens (hacking and such)

    while DayZ is more Random-Encounter based, so people tend to hack (wich is still easy doable in arma 3, if it wheren't for BattlEye.) wich showed off in the Arma 2 Mod Version.

    i think the biggest difference (and also difference in the Engine) is at that point.
