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Everything posted by jackTIGR

  1. I have a problem with the newest version. I put in two different repositories CORRECTLY (went through the process also with a friend), but the thing is the Synch doesn't even try to connect to the internet. My firewall reports to me every connection request and I approve or deny manually, but I don't get any request from this program. Then I get error from the app "failed to connect to server". I also tried manually adding permission for it, but still the same.
  2. jackTIGR

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks for the reply! Not really sure what you're saying. Under leaning I meant supporting weapon for better accuracy/less sway. AGM and ACE2 for example have you press keys to support your weapon on various surfaces, from ground and walls to edges of buildings to eliminate sway and recoil, even if you're standing, especially if you have bipods. Like I said, in some posts of this thread I read that this in incorporated into RHS, thus AGM is not needed. Which keys do I have to click to support a weapon, for example on a wall?
  3. jackTIGR

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I have several questions. Sorry if I sound curt, but the latest session in A3 just frayed my temper because of all the bugs, "features" and other crap of the game that either should've been fixed in the last 17 months or shouldn't have appeared in the game, period. Anyway: - is weapon leaning incorporated into this mod? If so, how do I use it? - I know I read in this thread about this mod having it's own hotkey shortcuts (there was also talk about them tied to CBA?). I searched the website, but found nothing. What are these shortcuts and how do I program them? - I think I read something about being able to change the color of the Kobra targeting retticles without switching to another Kobra version. Did I misunderstand something? If no, how do I do that? Something about "Shift+/"? - same about changing camo in arsenal for uniforms etc. without switching to a different article of clothing/equipment. Did I misunderstand something? - will there ever be desert versions of uniforms? Great mod, guys! RHS is actually the ONLY and LAST thing that's keeping me from just throwing this piece of turd that is A3 into the garbage and forgetting about it. How sad that I can't do even that anymore, what with games no longer coming on CD/DVD. When they did you at least had some satisfaction from taking your anger out on that medium if the game pissed you off enough. Now even that, together with the second-hand market (that was destroyed by Steam and greedy publishers), has been taken away from us. Steam is Satan. :( Anyway, thanks for your hard work! PS: does anybody know if Russian uniforms are ripstop? ;-)
  4. jackTIGR

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    IMO ballistics are not the biggest problem, but as the OP said damage non-localisation. In every part of the series it was like this: you get shot in the leg, you can only crawl. You get shot in the arm, your aim is way off. Two shots in the chest will down a man (just tested in A2 vanilla and ace to make sure). A3 completely different. Takes 5 shots to chest to down an enemy. For every shot he will do that freaking, hateful, twitch. And there is absolutely no difference from the AI being hit in the head from being hit in the arm or chest, each part takes the same amount of hits before being killed. It's exactly like the old shooters (Quake, Doom, first CoD, etc.) where you had a health counter and you can function completely fine with 1% health. One of the things that piss me off the most about A3 is when I get hit in the legs, instead of falling to the ground I start walking, very very slowly and that UPRIGHT. WHERE is the sense in that, where is the LOGIC?! Since when do you straighten up when a bullet shatters your knee?!?!?! Inevitably it ends to miserable end since you're such a lovely, stationary, UPRIGHT and thus big target for the enemy. Instead of lying on the ground where you are a smaller target that also has less weapon sway (the fact that the vanilla still doesn't have weapon supporting/leaning is another big peeve for me). Frankly, I regret wasting money on this piece of steaming dung that masquerades as a game, even though I bought it on sale. The only other game as broken and unfinished I ever saw was X-Rebirth, even SIN wasn't as bad. :( Disgrace that this state continues 17 months after release and that NOTHING AT ALL has been done to repair the "health" system. BI, this is the last product from you that I will ever buy. I'm taking my business elsewhere.
  5. Thank you very much for your help! This is the working script:
  6. Thank you for your help, sv! I've had a look at the others and this is what I came up with. This is how the config.cpp looks like. I want to replace the AEK 1p78 and p63 with 1p29 Abakan and AK12 Aimpoint. From what I understand I should have either of those in my hands when I take one of those two AEKs out of the server ammobox. Doesn't work though. :( Maybe the "Class: Rifle" should be different or I'm making some other mistake, I can't figure it out as I've never done this before and there is no real tutorial nor instructions anywhere on the net for just weapon model replacement. Or maybe I should binarize the bin before wrapping it in pbo? Thanks in advance! EDIT: the error when trying to convert config.cpp to config.bin is "file x:\ak12\config.cpp, line 13: /cfgweapons.ace_aek971_1p78: undefined base class 'vil_ak12_ap' config : some input after endoffile error 3 while parsing error in config x:\ak12" If I delete the ak12 entry it throws the same error for the Abakan.
  7. Hi! First off, Vilas, thank you for your work! My question is for anyone who can help me on this, either Vilas or other posters: I've dl-ed the East Weapons pack, which answered my long wishes for the newer Russian weapons, and since I play on a server where they don't allow mods (ban) I would like to use the AK-12 and other guns as a "replacement pack". I find yours light-years better than vanilla or ace weapons. But I have no clue how to write a replacement config. For example, I would like to use the Abakan, the AK-12, various sniper rifles and so on, but for other players to look like stock weapons. On another site it said that all is needed is to make a config that looks like this. But when I do it doesn't work for me, even though I add a PboPrefix.txt and wrap it up in pbo and then run in together with that mod. Also, does anybody know if the weapon I do get when successfully replaced retains the characteristics of the replaced weapon (thus it's only a graphic replacement) or if I am actually playing with the weapon I want (ballistics, sound, firing modes, etc.)? Thanks! PS. to clarify, I'm playing Arma2, no 3.
  8. I'm not using heavy weapons, only rifles. For me blind fire is disabled for anything that has an underbarrel grenade launcher, bipods or silencer. The same goes for many rifles with scope. When I went through ammoboxes, checking each gun if it works, the results were pretty disheartening. I'm using ACE if that perhaps interferes with SMK, but otherwise SMK is working great and I love it (if I'm forced by a server to play without it I actually feel strange). Weird is that many mod weapons work. For example, RH weapons work mostly (50-60% of RH AK's), but vanilla and ace weapons only about 20-30%.
  9. I'm using the SMK mod and with many weapons the hold-over-the-head/at-the-side for blind fire doesn't work. Anybody have any idea why?
  10. I have the exact same problem with intelligence reports not showing up in side chat. Have ported MSO to the East side and adjusted every possible line I could find to make it work. Everything else works correctly, just these reports don't. I'm using 4.55, fully patched game and have checked that the town manager has those settings. Any idea what else except for these settings in town manager could be at fault? Thanks!
  11. Fantastic mod, guys, it's brought me a lot of hours of enjoyment! Now all we need are more missions and especially campaigns for the Russian (or generally OPFOR) side (which is quite sadly horribly neglected, from developers to gamers, all the attention given to over-used BLUFOR). On topic, where in the editor can I find the new Russian flag with the Coat of Arms (seen in the screen-saver? for the mod)? Also what is the title of the song and the artist that's playing during the screen-saver/background in main menu? Thanks!
  12. jackTIGR


    Great job on this mod, but how do I import the weapons into the LEA (loadout editor), there seem to be no equipment loadout screen images to go with it or they're in the pbo's LEA couldn't extract (which is most of them)? Or has perhaps an import file for LEA been created and posted by someone else already?
  13. I put this in my test mission and it worked magnificently. Then I did a few small changes (like set GroupId and naming units and other smaller stuff), which for some reason broke the script, it hasn't been working since. I run the game with the script error reporting and it doesn't report anything. As if, for some reason the script just won't initialize.
  14. Hi! I've stumbled on a restrict-vehicles-for-players script by EightySix, here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?118561-Pilots-only-your-not-allowed&p=1915702&viewfull=1#post1915702 It's too old a thread to be resurrected so I'm asking here. I'm creating my first mp mission for a group of my friends, a large training template actually, with a possible later public release, and have run into a problem. I've got 5 groups on that mission, 4 consisting of 20 playable characters and then a group with only 1 player that I (hopefully) locked for myself (so I can join any group in their vehicles if there are problems). One group are Russian woodland Pilots (pilots), another is Russian Spetsnaz Scouts (in the role of Forward Air Controllers, armed with laser designators), then MVD Operators (role of Paratroopers), then Russian woodland Crewmen (trainees for tanks and APCs) and the last one (lone player) is a Russian woodland Officer (overall commander). I want the Pilots only to be able to be pilots and gunners of planes and choppers. The Crewmen only should be able to use tanks, tracked APCs and wheeled APCs I put in the game. The woodland Officer should be able to use anything and get in any position within any vehicle. The Scouts and Operators should be locked out of tanks and APCs and could only get in as cargo. Anyway, on that thread I found a possible script and modified it, but now I have the problem that everyone gets kicked out of everything, pilots out of planes and choppers, crewmen out of vehicles, etc.. This is my init.sqf line: And this is the vehicle_check.sqf I modified from that one: The kick-out script seems to work, but it does not discriminate. Does the problem have to do with the fact that I renamed every playable unit (soldiers) in their description, for example a pilot into "Pilot Candidate" and set their group id, with putting in the group's leader's init field "this setGroupId ["Pilot Candidates Class 539"];"? I was also using the "NORRN Aerial Taxi Service Script" by norrin and it worked great until I did some tiny changes, among them renaming the units in their descriptions (left the names for which it was set of the specific units). Then it stopped working. I have no idea what could've caused that because I deleted their names and the script still isn't starting. Could these two problems be connected? Thanks!
  15. jackTIGR

    [SP] tom3kb's SP Mission Pack

    Thanks for a great pack!
  16. jackTIGR

    Patrol Operations 2

    Have been playing a lot on the Custom Maps OCB server lately and have got to say this mission rocks! Thank you!