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Everything posted by spookygnu

  1. Anybody got any ideas on how I can get over my hurdle of getting my spawned units into an empty vehicle. Note, I do want it to be scritped, not an editor placed event. thanks
  2. hi folks. Tried this out just now and I was really surprised with myself I actually learnt a bit of scripting. YAAY! Anyway, I'm at a hurdle right now I want the small three man group I spawn in to get into an empty Off roader(armed) then to follow the waypoint chain that is scripted. here is the adjusted script from a previous post to suit my needs, Any advice would be appreciated; //Creates a group with 3 soldiers at position SP1 _group = [getMarkerPos "Sp1", East, ["ISIS_Team_leader", "ISIS_Soldier", "ISIS_AR"],[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _veh = "B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos "jpsp"; //creates the first waypoint at position marker1 _wp1 = _group addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "wp1", 0]; //creates the second waypoint at position marker2 _wp2 = _group addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "wp2", 0]; //creates the third waypoint at position marker3 _wp3 = _group addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "wp3", 0]; //creates the fouth waypoint at position marker4 _wp4 = _group addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "wp4", 0]; //Sets the behaviour and speed of the units to "SAFE" and "LIMITED" and the waypointType to "MOVE" { _x setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; _x setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _x setWaypointType "GetInNearest"; _x setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; _x setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _x setWaypointType "MOVE"; } forEach [_wp1,_wp2,_wp3,_wp4]
  3. to add on to this you can also reference a thread I made about emptying multiple boats for insertion purposes aswell. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?190484-Getting-Multiple-boats-empty
  4. thanks for the response on my query fellas. I got it working with a bit of research and your assistance and I came up with just using a trigger for each boat LZ and in the trigger I placed; {unassignvehicle _x; dogetout _x} foreach units alpha; in the init of each trigger, changing the group name respectively. I re-recorded the unit capture of me driving the boats so that there was enough time for the units to get out. Works great now! Cheers guys!
  5. this is a slightly unique situation I'm trying to create here. I'm currently using unitCapture for 4 speedboats to arrive at the shoreline in two different locations and then offload the units onto the beach. I can however manage to empty the boat I am in if I assign a waypoint and use; {unassignvehicle _x; dogetout _x} foreach units group player; Within the waypoint activation. this does work on a few occasions but not always. I think it is something to do with the lead unit not recognising he is at the waypoint yet. Possibly due to him being preoccupied within a gunfight. Anyway, the three other boats don't tend to follow the same procedure although I would like them too. somethings I am thinking about is this; Carry on as it is and have all the boats empty all at the same time. or Re-Record the boats paths and give a little more time on the shoreline still having all the boats empty at the same time. or Re-record and have the boats cover each other as one drops its team off on the shore. The other would cover fire then rotate the disembark. any help on a solution to getting the boats empty or suggestions on my three options please would be much appreciated.:)
  6. Yeah that is what I have at the moment, two in one location and two in another. I used unit capture to follow each boat and tried to give a slight pause to allow for disembark for each team once on the shore. I'll give this a shot and let you know. thanks! ---------- Post added at 20:12 ---------- Previous post was at 19:45 ---------- that code DreadedEntity works, but I want to ask you this if you don't mind. If I place a trigger on each boat LZ, then execute the same script for each boat in its own trigger. Would I change this; }forEach ((crew B1) + (crew B2) + (crew B3) + (crew B4)); to this }forEach crew boatName; in each script?? ---------- Post added at 20:45 ---------- Previous post was at 20:12 ---------- ok just tried another unit capture of the boats and I was driving, thing I noticed is the crew disembark, I don't actually want this. I only need the passengers. Each team is assigned as group name, alpha, bravo, charlie and delta. The crews I want to drive the boats away after the teams get out. What I'm actually doing is capturing the boat insertion as the driver and waiting til the whole team is out and then I'll drive away. then in Playback the pause will be long enough for the teams to get out and the boats to get away. At this point the player unit will be one of the units in the team ashore in the firefight. ---------- Post added at 21:52 ---------- Previous post was at 20:45 ---------- Found this post on Armaholic. It seems to do just what I'm looking for. http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&id=98686 with a bit of tweaking on the unit capture I can get it working no problem.
  7. spookygnu

    Issues With Roads

    I've seen this a few times myself. Its just a matter of pulling the end of each road forward or back to make it sit right when you see it in BD. Bit of an pain in the proverbial, but thats what we have to deal with currently. Sometimes I find that I have to literally drag the end road (a) over the far edge of the adjoining road(b), to where the beginning and end of the curve on road(a) sits on the edge of road(b). if you get that??
  8. spookygnu

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Very much looking forward to your efforts OS, and yes you are teasing us all with not even a smidgen of a screenshot. But I like your style.:icon_hm: Saves all the "I want it!", "give it to me now!" spam.
  9. Appreciate your response to my post, but I got some help with doing one already. which works great and I've already got up to eight textures on my map. looking to increase that now I understand what I had to do and what I did.
  10. spookygnu

    HAFM NH90 Helicopter

    sorry my confusion! you are thinking of actually adding them in them. So that the ropes actually attach to something, not float or are just stuck to the side of the heli!
  11. spookygnu

    HAFM NH90 Helicopter

    liking the heli so far dude! As a repsonse to your latest post I notice you don't have side points for the ropes to be attached to. Would it be worth adding some in to coincide with the fastrope ability. It'd like great too!
  12. yes but I don't think it was actually working how I think it should have. Am I right in saying this can run independantly to sweetfx. One or the other?? heres the link I found to the sweet fx files. http://dropcanvas.com/l46x9 ---------- Post added at 01:45 ---------- Previous post was at 23:46 ---------- I've come to the conclusion myself it doesn't work on my pc and sweetfx does very well indeed, so I'm sticking with that using the true to life preset. Slight adjustment on my screenbrightness and game gamma resolution and you get the same effect you do with Reshader if you ask me. Plus its kinda to my pc!
  13. I actually did a little experiment, at first I didn't have sweetfx in my directory at all. Then after seeing this and trying the first time, I gave up using it, went and found sweet fx and put that in. I was impressed! Then I thought, "hangon, doesn't this tool need sweetfx to work?", without jumping on here and posting like a bull in a china shop and blurting out my question. I put the constantine files in my directory. I loaded the game again and I got a crash. Here is the difference, I replaced the dxgi.dll with the constantine one and got the crash. I then replaced all the sweetfx files, All of them. but did not remove the constantine files. I even overwrote dxgi.dll with the one from sweetfx. Loaded my game and I got no crash. Whether there is a link to what I did or not, I don't know, but my game loaded and I still have the other files in there except I am not using the dxgi.dll from the Reshadetool. does this give us any clues?? IDK!
  14. AMD FX 6100 6 core processor 3.30 GHZ 8GB ram x2 XfX 7850 2gb I always forget the rest. :rolleyes:
  15. i got the same errors in my log PurePassion. Think I'll wait for a solution I think I'm no techy! Like you said, too beautiful to pass.
  16. spookygnu

    HAFM NH90 Helicopter

    didn't realise this was a complete new heli! looking forward to a little fly about in this. Looks really nice. Well done on the release.:)
  17. spookygnu

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    almost fell of my seat laffing my tits off!
  18. Not compatible with Freetrack NOIR! :(
  19. spookygnu

    Satellite Image Overlap Issue

    you do want to have your texture layers as close to 40 as possible in pretty much any terrain you build. Excluding any other settings you have. It seems to be the done thing from what I've been told and continualy read on the skype channel. Try and keep that as a rule of thumb basically. With your cell size at 5m, have you tried putting the resolution to 5 aswell. I've not tried this but worth a shot. if not try putting it to 10. Or even setting your tiles to 1024x1024, O'lap 16, tex layer, 40. See what happens. In many cases it seems to be a bit of juggling around with these settings. But this tiled map screen in game is a bit of a bug atm and we are having to "live with it" for the time being. Until fingers are unplugged from various dark places. lol!
  20. spookygnu

    Do donations work for arma modders?

    From my own observation and from chatting to various mod makers, one thing that gets peoples backs up is the persistant greediness of the community at times, I'm more going along the lines of "I want this now!", "Gimme all your addons!", "When is it out??"(not reading the forum rules!) etc. I agree with Jackal on his points, but like I said the community can be very demanding of what they want and expect too much from the modders. Rather than take a leap (like I did for maps) and make it themselves, they'd rather others to make it for them, without thinking that modders and addon makers ARE human beings that possibly have families, jobs, lives to live etc. It does take hours and hours, even years for some things for some people to create some pretty amazing things. I do think the community in many ways need to lay of the modders and addon makers with the demanding attitude. You could say that making a pre-release thread of a project can in some ways feed these reactions, because some pieces of work looks pretty amazing, take x-cam for instance. With asking for donations, if a particular project were to need various tools that cost money for the modder to help create it then I don't think its such a bad thing to ask for it. But if its just to ask for money because of the time it takes and the cost of living expenses around it then I do think its a "liiiiittle" bit cheeky. In my opinion aren't we playing a game we can regard as a hobby? I'd like to think that the only thing I had to fork out of my pocket for the game and to create maps was the cost of the game and the cost of L3DT pro. Which, won't even come to £50, (uk pounds). If I decided to ask for donations and I was successful with a map and ended up profiting from that, I don't think it would be right and I'd consider it a bit cheeky considering the cost I paid for it. Generic question here: have you ever done a hobby that you reeeally enjoyed doing then thought, "I'd love to get paid for doing this shit?" only to find out that 3-6 months down the line doing the hobby you love as a job, ruins the very reason why you started the hobby in the first place.
  21. spookygnu

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    there does seem to be a big shortage in afghan style terrains specifically for A3. Mine is centered around those regions, but it is a fictional terrain I built from scratch in L3DT. It seemed like a quicker process to create a mountainous terrain. If I knew how to join multiple mapframes in Terrain builder then I would make it bigger. I have a 3m cell size with the whole map being 10kmx10km. Hopefully I'll get it finished this year, for the past month I've been tweaking the heightmap to get a good variation in valley floor and mountainsides. Plus the satmap is bugging the shit out of me atm, because its fictional I can't use any real world sat images, I basically have to create it all myself.
  22. spookygnu

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    very nice work James! I have this working in the wings https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwGVkyqKfsc0QXRSRHBoNEt2bE0/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwGVkyqKfsc0ZHUtU1loRXhRR00/view?usp=sharing
  23. spookygnu

    Kirkwall Islands

    doh! can't believe I didn't even pick up on that! lol! But in anycase, if you do go on the skype channel Linuxmaster, you don't need to follow every conversation its just a bunch of people talking about a bunch off different map making things. It's there for people if they have a question its a goldmine of resource and information. Any question will get duly answered by someone. There's an abundance of knowledge on there. Probably a better place to get hands on help!