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About xystron

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  1. xystron


    Got it. I'll just do that then. Thanks. Edit: I was able to get it to work as I originally wanted. Since the last time I had edited this mission was over two years ago, the structure has changed inside of the mission. As a result, I was editing the wrong file in the mission and had to sit for a while and understand how the files were now structured in the pbo. I was able to add the action to the map object, instead of the flag, that spawns with HQ as you move it around and added the HALO script to it. My apologies for taking up your time.
  2. xystron


    Hi, I'm trying to add this script to our server's mission of Antistasi to a unit (Petros), but I am having some issues. It has been a while editing a mission and scripts, so please treat me like a novice. First, I am using the script as-is for Antistasi-Altis-BLUFOR-2-3-2 @ https://github.com/official-antistasi-community/A3-Antistasi/releases . It is being run on a hosted server. I have added the script you provided on the front page to the mission in squadscripts\MGI_HALO.sqf. Currently, I am trying to see how to actually add your script to work with either Petros or the FIA flagpole. I've located in fn_flagaction.sqf located in functions\Base\fn_flagaction.sqf and am trying to figure out how to go about adding the action to petros via addAction or other. Here is the code in the sqf: #include "..\Garage\defineGarage.inc" private ["_flag","_typeX"]; if (!hasInterface) exitWith {}; _flag = _this select 0; _typeX = _this select 1; switch _typeX do { case "take": { removeAllActions _flag; _actionX = _flag addAction ["<t>Take the Flag<t> <img image='\A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\takeflag_ca.paa' size='1.8' shadow=2 />", A3A_fnc_mrkWIN,nil,6,true,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])",4]; _flag setUserActionText [_actionX,"Take the Flag","<t size='2'><img image='\A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\takeflag_ca.paa'/></t>"]; }; case "unit": { _flag addAction ["Unit Recruitment", {if ([player,300] call A3A_fnc_enemyNearCheck) then {["Unit Recruitment", "You cannot recruit units while there are enemies near you"] call A3A_fnc_customHint;} else { [] spawn A3A_fnc_unit_recruit; };},nil,0,false,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])",4] }; case "vehicle": { _flag addAction ["Buy Vehicle", {if ([player,300] call A3A_fnc_enemyNearCheck) then {["Buy Vehicle", "You cannot buy vehicles while there are enemies near you"] call A3A_fnc_customHint;} else {createDialog "vehicle_option"}},nil,0,false,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])",4] }; case "mission": { petros addAction ["Mission Request", {CreateDialog "mission_menu";},nil,0,false,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull]) and ([_this] call A3A_fnc_isMember) and (petros == leader group petros)",4]; petros addAction ["HQ Management", A3A_fnc_dialogHQ,nil,0,false,true,"","(_this == theBoss) and (petros == leader group petros)", 4]; petros addAction ["Move this asset", A3A_fnc_moveHQObject,nil,0,false,true,"","(_this == theBoss)"]; petros addAction ["<t color='#DE951F'>Solo Halo</t> ", "delta6\ghst_halo.sqf", [false,600,70], 5, true, true, "","alive _target"]; }; case "truckX": { actionX = _flag addAction ["<t>Transfer Ammobox to Truck<t> <img image='\A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\unloadVehicle_ca.paa' size='1.8' shadow=2 />", A3A_fnc_transfer,nil,6,true,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])"] }; //case "heal": {if (player != _flag) then {_flag addAction [format ["Revive %1",name _flag], { _this spawn A3A_fnc_actionRevive; },nil,0,false,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])"]}}; case "heal": { if (player != _flag) then { if ([_flag] call A3A_fnc_fatalWound) then { _actionX = _flag addAction [format ["<t>Revive %1 </t> <img size='1.8' <img image='\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_reviveMedic_ca.paa' />",name _flag], A3A_fnc_actionRevive,nil,6,true,true,"","!(_this getVariable [""helping"",false]) and (isNull attachedTo _target)",4]; _flag setUserActionText [_actionX,format ["Revive %1",name _flag],"<t size='2'><img image='\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_reviveMedic_ca.paa'/></t>"]; } else { _actionX = _flag addAction [format ["<t>Revive %1 </t> <img size='1.8' <img image='\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_revive_ca.paa' />",name _flag], A3A_fnc_actionRevive,nil,6,true,true,"","!(_this getVariable [""helping"",false]) and (isNull attachedTo _target)",4]; _flag setUserActionText [_actionX,format ["Revive %1",name _flag],"<t size='2'><img image='\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_revive_ca.paa'/></t>"]; }; }; }; case "heal1": { if (player != _flag) then { if ([_flag] call A3A_fnc_fatalWound) then { _actionX = _flag addAction [format ["<t>Revive %1</t> <img size='1.8' <img image='\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_reviveMedic_ca.paa' />",name _flag], A3A_fnc_actionRevive,nil,6,true,false,"","!(_this getVariable [""helping"",false]) and (isNull attachedTo _target)",4]; _flag setUserActionText [_actionX,format ["Revive %1",name _flag],"<t size='2'><img image='\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_reviveMedic_ca.paa'/></t>"]; } else { _actionX = _flag addAction [format ["<t>Revive %1</t> <img size='1.8' <img image='\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_revive_ca.paa' />",name _flag], A3A_fnc_actionRevive,nil,6,true,false,"","!(_this getVariable [""helping"",false]) and (isNull attachedTo _target)",4]; _flag setUserActionText [_actionX,format ["Revive %1",name _flag],"<t size='2'><img image='\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_revive_ca.paa'/></t>"]; }; //_flag addAction [format ["Revive %1",name _flag], { _this spawn A3A_fnc_actionRevive; },nil,0,false,true,"","!(_this getVariable [""helping"",false]) and (isNull attachedTo _target)"]; _actionX = _flag addAction [format ["<t>Carry %1</t> <img image='\A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\take_ca.paa' size='1.6' shadow=2 />",name _flag], A3A_fnc_carry,nil,5,true,false,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull]) and (isNull attachedTo _target) and !(_this getVariable [""helping"",false]);",4]; _flag setUserActionText [_actionX,format ["Carry %1",name _flag],"<t size='2'><img image='\A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\take_ca.paa'/></t>"]; [_flag] call jn_fnc_logistics_addActionLoad; }; }; case "moveS": { _flag addAction ["Move this asset", A3A_fnc_moveHQObject,nil,0,false,true,"","(_this == theBoss)"] }; case "remove": { if (player == _flag) then { if (isNil "actionX") then { removeAllActions _flag; if (player == player getVariable ["owner",player]) then {[] call SA_Add_Player_Tow_Actions}; } else { _flag removeAction actionX; }; } else { removeAllActions _flag; }; }; case "refugee": { _flag addAction ["<t>Liberate</t> <img image='\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_unbind_ca.paa' size='1.6' shadow=2 />", A3A_fnc_liberaterefugee,nil,6,true,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])",4] };//"\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_unbind_ca.paa" case "prisonerX": { _flag addAction ["<t>Liberate POW</t> <img image='\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_unbind_ca.paa' size='1.6' shadow=2 />", A3A_fnc_liberatePOW,nil,6,true,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])",4] }; case "captureX": { // Uses the optional param to determine whether the call of captureX is a release or a recruit _flag addAction ["<t>Release POW</t> <img image='\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_unbind_ca.paa' size='1.6' shadow=2 />", { _this spawn A3A_fnc_captureX; },false,6,true,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])",4]; _flag addAction ["Recruit", { _this spawn A3A_fnc_captureX; },true,0,false,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])",4]; _flag addAction ["Interrogate", A3A_fnc_interrogate,nil,0,false,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])",4]; }; case "buildHQ": { _flag addAction ["Build HQ here", A3A_fnc_buildHQ,nil,0,false,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])",4] }; case "seaport": { _flag addAction ["Buy Boat", {[vehSDKBoat] spawn A3A_fnc_addFIAVeh},nil,0,false,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])",4] }; case "steal": { _flag addAction ["Steal Static", A3A_fnc_stealStatic,nil,0,false,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])",4] }; case "garage": { if (isMultiplayer) then { _flag addAction ["Personal Garage", { [GARAGE_PERSONAL] spawn A3A_fnc_garage;},nil,0,false,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])", 4]; _flag addAction ["Faction Garage", { [GARAGE_FACTION] spawn A3A_fnc_garage; },nil,0,false,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])", 4]; } else { _flag addAction ["Faction Garage", { [GARAGE_FACTION] spawn A3A_fnc_garage; },nil,0,false,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])", 4] }; }; case "fireX": { fireX addAction ["Rest for 8 Hours", A3A_fnc_skiptime,nil,0,false,true,"","(_this == theBoss)",4]; fireX addAction ["Clear Nearby Forest", A3A_fnc_clearForest,nil,0,false,true,"","(_this == theBoss)",4]; fireX addAction ["I hate the fog", { [10,0] remoteExec ["setFog",2]; },nil,0,false,true,"","(_this == theBoss)",4]; fireX addAction ["Move this asset", A3A_fnc_moveHQObject,nil,0,false,true,"","(_this == theBoss)",4]; }; case "SDKFlag": { removeAllActions _flag; _flag addAction ["Unit Recruitment", {if ([player,300] call A3A_fnc_enemyNearCheck) then {["Unit Recruitment", "You cannot recruit units while there are enemies near you"] call A3A_fnc_customHint;} else { [] spawn A3A_fnc_unit_recruit; };},nil,0,false,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])",4]; _flag addAction ["Buy Vehicle", {if ([player,300] call A3A_fnc_enemyNearCheck) then {["Buy Vehicle", "You cannot buy vehicles while there are enemies near you"] call A3A_fnc_customHint;} else {nul = createDialog "vehicle_option"}},nil,0,false,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])",4]; if (isMultiplayer) then { _flag addAction ["Personal Garage", { [GARAGE_PERSONAL] spawn A3A_fnc_garage; },nil,0,false,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])",4]; _flag addAction ["Faction Garage", { [GARAGE_FACTION] spawn A3A_fnc_garage; },nil,0,false,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])",4]; } else { _flag addAction ["Faction Garage", { [GARAGE_FACTION] spawn A3A_fnc_garage; },nil,0,false,true,"","(isPlayer _this) and (_this == _this getVariable ['owner',objNull])",4] }; }; case "Intel_Small": { _flag addAction ["Search for Intel", A3A_fnc_searchIntelOnLeader, nil, 4, true, false, "", "isPlayer _this", 4]; }; case "Intel_Medium": { _flag addAction ["Take Intel", A3A_fnc_searchIntelOnDocument, nil, 4, true, false, "", "isPlayer _this", 4]; }; case "Intel_Large": { _flag addAction ["Download Intel", A3A_fnc_searchIntelOnLaptop, nil, 4, true, false, "", "isPlayer _this", 4]; }; }; Because it is a little complicated for me to understand how Antistasi is handling "petros" and "flagx" to add the actions to the scroll-wheel, maybe there is a different way that I am not seeing that is much simpler, aside from Zeus teleporting players. Is there a way to actually just add an object via Zeus and add too the objects init via the debug console? I'm trying to keep it simple, if possible. Is it possible that someone can point me in the right direction, besides the door?