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Everything posted by narwall14

  1. You are not alone.I get low fps no matter what I do.I just hope they don't let this turn into another arma 2 fps issue
  2. narwall14

    They better have female soldiers...

    I would not mind women in Arma 3.
  3. narwall14

    Things you wish NOT to have in the game!

    I have no probs buying it I'm just looking out for those who cant.
  4. narwall14

    Things you wish NOT to have in the game!

    it would look less a selfish to those who cant afford to get a new game every time they come out
  5. narwall14

    Things you wish NOT to have in the game!

    I hope they do make a arma 3 free for those who don't have money ejaculating out of their pockets
  6. Im not disagreeing with how the forum is moderated Im just surprised that this one is not locked I thought we had a wish list topic open for these kind of stuff
  7. narwall14

    Stream safe UI

    I would like to see some thing like this implemented but I doubt they would put such a thing in last minute.
  8. narwall14

    Conventional Combat Emphasis

    arma 2 was more large scale armies i hope arma 3 is more stealthy
  9. narwall14

    Different Camo for soldier In Arma3?

    guess that will allow you to have different tiers to your army
  10. narwall14

    Opinions on the Alpha Release Date

    I am just praying that they don't get rid of the LAN feature,ive had so much fun with my dad playing the warfare game mode.If it is solo steam to play online i don't think i could bare to call this game the best
  11. A LAN co-op please.Dont turn into all the other game companies that use steam all the time
  12. narwall14

    Arma 3 is not going far enough with Technology

    I don't want a battlefield 2142 or Black ops 2. I think they are using the right tech for that time period
  13. narwall14

    ArmA, view distance and the curvature of Earth

    because some people want it and some people don't
  14. narwall14

    ArmA, view distance and the curvature of Earth

    That kind of view distance will kill some computers
  15. narwall14

    Weapon recoil

    I never knew that they added that in the new update?