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Everything posted by Daeion

  1. I agree. I bought this game because I had fond memories of CC back in 1988... This however... It just feels like a waste of time. I don't want to manually pull out 4 walrus's out of a cliff because they were too dumb to use the bridge. Not to mention that sometimes a succesfull retreat turns into a disaster when the unit drives into a tree and destroys himself. Not to mention repairing/rearming/refueling. There's no other way to do it than manually. It works for 1 unit and the other 3 get stuck, even pulling back from a repair station can turn into a joke... It sure has been a long time since I saw pathfinding/AI this pathetic. I'm contemplating asking my money back. I've got more interesting stuff to do than waste time to handhold a bunch of futuristic tanks over a bridge....