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Everything posted by Enrico

  1. Dear reader, and perhaps player about this title! I have just expressed, maybe in a way too sarcastic http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?164507-So-Arma-3-is-out-now-does-it-set-the-standard-for-future-releases-in-the-series&p=2506636#post2506636,a BIS disrespectful conduct, not only for those who have bought the game at its official release, but especially, for those who have helped, by doing beta testers and financing them in advance. I do not think i've offended anyone, and in any case, if what I said was somehow not true, i invite you to prove me wrong quietly, preferably in PM for correctness of the other people on this forum. Being a fan of ArmA ... and a good customer (from 2001 to 2013, i have bought 8 Bohemia titles...so...dont say..NEVER played...plz!) thisn't mind that my only duty is just pay the games without any objection or critics! Anyway! I wasn't talk about if you like ArmA III or not,but the negative surprise of an unfinished product surpassing the limit that was accepted by all the previous editions .....falling this time to be unacceptable! And the disappoint to wait a express patch for begin to be enjoyable!...Sorry if ask too much Failberry! Regards
  2. We're a lot more than you think about agree your opinion! It would take just more consistency on the part of users to understand their impropriety ...... but whit are talking about videogames ... and everything is permitted! There will be always somebody enthusiastic that will answer that to him the game run smooth and it's enjoy about this fantastic title and he dont know what are you talking about it! Yeap....Blind fans...right! Regards
  3. Enrico

    low FPS on high end PC

    Ok folks! If we wont talk about Vishera CPU , you must before to know how work them architecture. For example, the CPU AMD FX 6300 6 core can to be easily change from BIOS to 2-4-6 core,that's mind that i can apply to the CPU how many core i need and how many Ghz can to be set depending of the application ,infact i play smooth Arma III whit Ultra_High setting in SP ( (FPS 85-88) whit 4 core to 4800 Ghz whit standard temperature in full game (that's mind down to 55° C. in air fan cool) whit a work CPU about to 65-70%!! If we compare Intel I5-4670K Haswell vs AMD Vishera FX 6300 there isn't that difference about...50-70% more perfomance,but 10-20 % in some applications, but whit a prize about 220 Euro vs 90 Euro...sò...unjustified cost plus for get,maybe,3-5 fps more in game!..Because we are taliking about videogames whit CPU priority...right? AMD FX 4300 4 Core 4 Ghz.--6300 2+4 Core 4.1 Ghz.--8350 4+4 Core 4.2 Ghz. Vishera get enough power to play very well any games,especially with a simple OC...thx to multiplier unlock,then combining it with a good GPU (i am talking about play whit the games right now,,,i dont know tomorrow :)).......included ArmA 3! If you looking for a CPU whitout compromise you must move you to the Intel I7 Family,but the prize....WoW!! I repeat again that every issue about ArmA 3 like : Drop FPS issue. Laggy Multiplayers. Latency input........etx...etx It 's absolutely be attributed to the poor/insufficient optimization of the game...that's all! *my GPU it's just a MSI GTX 670 Power Edition. Regards
  4. Enrico

    low FPS on high end PC

    Be serious!.....Let's stop about the famous bottleneck CPU because ArmA ..bla...bla! ArmA 3 ,to the moment,is unplayable also whit the Nasa CPU! ;) Do you play in Multiplayer? Because if yes tell me in whic public server you can keep stable your FPS up to 35 in Altis map. I run ArmA III ,whitout problems, stable on Stratis map in SP to 85 FPS on CPU AMD FX 6300---GTX 670 OC. We know that every new title about ArmA you must to be patient and accept the compromise about bugs ( i am ArmA fun from 2001)....but...this time BIS crossed the absurdity line! No Caimpaigns...and no multiplayers (if we talking about Public Servers)...and you dont wont accept that the official title it's still..whit euphemism...a beta game!...Be honest with yourself! I have tried also to run it whit the last beta patch but is unless because you dont found servers...so!I have back to the standard build patch! The only things that you can do it's wait, and pray ,for the new patch coming to October and...cross your fingers!!..But it is a very improper behavior! Regards
  5. Hi all! I follow BIS from the back in 2001 whit Operation Flashpoint and i must confirm that there isnt another FPS like BIS game..see ArmA and ArmA II + OA. But this time,after bought ArmA III box,i must say that i am very disappointed. ArmA III, right now, look like more a giant addons but whitout solid basament. I am not talking about what it has been promise by BIS and yet realized...weapons...veicols...etx...etx ...i dont wont to shoot to the Red Cross...too easy! But about the product...the final product...What it? Do you reale like it? It's enough inusual to buy a BIS title whitout Caimpagns but...ok i will wait the DLC...so I told myself...It will be optimize to play in multiplayer...right? Forget it! Why? Because the WORD lag (lag it's just a euphemism ) it's everywhere also if i run 45 about ping in the Servers. Ah! Just in case,in SP run smooth and very well and my fps stay always up to 85 FPS....but not in MP...of course! And what do you think about the weapons? You run for 50 mt, you stop in crounch position and aaaaaargh ! How much weight this rifle assault?...30 Kg? I think so because the only alternative is Alzheimer attack ! Como on...be serious ! (Now dont begin whit the famous urban legend about the backpack whit 35 kg.......i was testing whitout nothing!) I know..we know that everytime is out a new bohemia title you must to be patient and accept the compromise that never will be close to be perfect and step by step, or may be it's better to say patch after patch, you will see your game to become more....mature. May be one day it' will be the best game that BIS has never done?...May be! But dont call it now "ArmA" because look like a blasphemy!! There are so many nice things where i agree that it's been good job...graphic texture...lights...new animations...Divers....but all this things together dont make a worthy successor...not for me! I hope..i reale hope, that it's just a demo and very soon....very very soon...the Team BIS say: ..Ahahah...Como on guys...it's was a joke,whit the next patch you will see the real ArmA III! Regards!
  6. I agree! I am not worry about the actual situation alpha, also because there are so many nice gamers that are doing a good job of bringing the various bugs and improvements to bring this sequel in the right direction: http://feedback.arma3.com/my_view_page.php And I dont think that Bohemia staff follow the idea about the,,,,,FRIST IMPRESSION...but something more deep in a more suitable location like upstair link. Regards
  7. Sorry for my english,,,,,,,,I will try to explain better! Frist one: ArmA 3,in alpha,the only things that you can to do,also after update patchs 0.52,it just run like Buster Keaton movie to shoot any bot whitout get a minimum decent gameplay because or dosent work or must to be fix. The A.I squad dosent follow your command,and the a.i enemies dosent check for a cover position when you open the fire, but just run like Forest Gump style, or change the position, from stand up to prone position....that's all! The weapons to crounch position(forget it the stand up position) shake like if you get the azimer ,and in prone position, it's a still enough drunk for call it...real! The veicols run like whitout physical and to keep the controlls it's like drive on the ice road, and the Flight Model chopper (My God!).......ARCADE is efeumism! The weapons still shot the terrain in prone position ,like in armA 2,also if your scope, or metall aim, it's free view in front you! It's very hard undestand the enemies from the friendly, because, they use the same uniform...i want see you in night vision how much time you spend before open fire...and if you spend too much....bang...time over! If you get distance view setting to 2000 mt the terrain over 1000mt it's unwatchable,you need set the distance view about 3500mt if you wont see a normal texture like to 500 mt...but your frame rate will drop about to 35 % less! The effect about explosion or destroy objects could be nice may be in Mission Impossible movie...but so far to be ..realistic! The sprint run about infantry it's so ridicule,look like if the game it's been set to time acceleration to X6...and also the posture in Crounch,it seems that the soldier has lost something in the ground! ...and so on! Second one: If you are impressive for the nice texture,and because dosent crash no more,or less and run smooth :),i am enjoy it,it's alpha version (that's mind very...very lite). Indeed, what we have now: A very small map with four buildings. Two-division of soldiers with same uniforms. Four-five weapons. Two vehicles. two helicopters We will see the perfomance in ArmA 3 official edition,and also if ArmA 2 get always some bugs...do you know some serie about Bohemia where the products it's been perfect before launch the next one?..OPF?--ArmA I?...are you sure?I dont think so!Keep in mind it for ArmA III to Arma IV! I dont know your hardware PC, but about my self ArmA 2 run very well and smooth and if you can run on all High setting and nice filter antialasing...BEH!....ArmA 2 still makes a look good and you get a awesome infinite option for to do wat you wont! I dont care about beautifull texture and so many extra option in ArmA 3,because if i looking for it there are titles whit very gorgeous graphic but so far for call it....simulator and or realistic! Anyway! I have bought ArmA 3 alpha just to help the company to finish the product, because i like so much this series...but plz.....dont tell me that right now it's awesome,because if this is ArmA 3...i really wont my money back,but this time seriously! Regards
  8. Hi there! Ok guys...excuse me if I do not follow your enthusiasm!....YET! I only hope that the day of the release of ArmA 3 you dont come back in Troubleshooting thread whit : Hey!wtf!....... something wrong or miss here!Why....etx..etx .... because it would be really embarrassing for those are convinced for----> 8.5 now and 5.0 ArmA 2! And no money back for who saing...WoW..AWESOME....EPIC....THE BEST...I CANT WAIT....etx..etx LOL!:rolleyes: See you for the time of ArmA 3 Official Edition. Regards
  9. ....i would like know your pusher..LOL! I think that you talking about OFP for that score...como on...be serious plz! If you are happy just for to hear the sound..bang..bang...may be you right...but if we are talking about what miss still in arma 3 alpha........comparate whit ArmA 2 CO + ACE Mod....it's still so long the way! Como a night in the server whit arma 2 in CTI mission and you will see wat mind,,,,,,,,play to 360°!
  10. Sorry m8 but if you give 8/10 right now,,,,,,how much you give to ArmA 2?....100/10?:bounce3: I dont undestand you. What you found so ....WOW?.. The better graphic texture?...the new future about scuba?...That's mind that if the final version, about arma 3, it's look like now, you will be ready and enjoy to buy it? Because 8/10 it's high score...you have been very,very generous about it. There are some many intresting things that let's HOPE a great game,but if you check to 360°,currently, you get many smokes but just for a poor fast-food! It seems to me like you're accepting so many compromises to play it.
  11. Hi! ArmA 2 takes the players on another level completely against any work other title in the FPS. (may be because ArmA has never been just a FPS, but a simulator-tactic-shooters and strategy-games) It 's like wanting to play with DCS Black Shark Simulator and complaining about the excessive difficulty of the Flight Model and the amount of commands that enable you, and know, to be able to fly. Of course,the title about Apache: Air Assault is more immediate and fun, but it is not a relative of a flight simulator. If you tell me that you have some difficulty because there are too many controls is only because you have not played enough time, because the gamers that follow the Bohemia Interactive from 2001 with the OPF (like me for example), they can be very fast and with a full control of any action......always if you know thats controlls of course and with the appropiate devices (nice mouse+speedpad or keyboard game+joystick + rudder). And about the modest HD texture, you must think about the HUGE maps and how many objects that your CPU-VGA must to calcolate in real time in this game....so....Whic type of PC can run ArmA whit same graphic texture like Crisys 3...Nasa Server? Anyway! This is not an instant play for newcomers, but this does not mean that gives satisfaction, indeed, far from it! My opinion about ArmA 3 alpha is nothing more than something between a playable preview trailer,i hope to 5% ..... then nothing at all .... look and dont touch! You should also know that every title about bohemia begin to be stable and or enjoyable after 6 patchs....so calculates another 1 year after the date of the game...and I do not think that ArmA 3 will make an exception to the rule!! If you want to understand what it means for your game you need to install ArmA II: Combined Operations, and if even after you do not like for the usual reasons listed above ... it means that maybe you're more suited for BF3 or COD .... but we are talking about 2 things COMPLETELY different, as between BF3 and COD you can also make some comparisons, but for the series of ArmA exist YET titles for comparison.! Regard.
  12. Is interesting to see how a game can to be seen by players so differently. Perhaps the desire to have ArmA 3 clouds the view without thinking about what you have just installed? Or maybe just not having paid, but downloaded on various sites pirates or the Lite version, could forget that it was not given any financial assistance for the development of this game, and therefore, the feedback with many thanks are not relevant and out of place? Say what you like about ArmA 3 alpha is quite easy, there are 16 pages of it. But the problem is to understand and know what to expect from tons of bugs, and things still missing, including the alpha version and what will then --- Official ArmA 3. I honestly cant see the product still playable and enjoyable, and anything that may or may not like now, it can be completely different from the official version. Then make a judgment it' not yet possible,now, and say thank you .... having done our duty to help them financially with something yet undefined ..... less than ever! I just hope that our trust is rewarded in the moment of truth, that is, to its output. The final verdict will be right just after install ArmA 3 Official Edition ....without apology! Regard
  13. Ok...Ooook!:now: 90% people here they are enjoy about the texture---lights---fluid moviment---awesome cloud---unbelived butterfly whit great colors and go on! But...did you try to test how you feel your weapon in game?...or----How easy/hard you can spot a enemie?---How difficoult it's to aim a target from normal distance? (200mt)...etx..etx I love the full realism in ArmA 2 whit ace mods, and i am fans too by Bohoemia Interactive from 2001, but here,in ArmA 3,you cant see a enemie in front you to 50 mt whit that filter color like a sunrise terrain (texture objects look like OFP Red Dragon but worse), also if i have disable the motion blur. And the weapons?....how much weight a assault rifle? Usually can to be from 7.0Lbs to 10-11Lbs (depend whic models) but in this alpha version cannon pirates look more light...in crounch position,in prone it' like arma 2..well done. The synonymous with more hard is not always accompanied by greater realism...and here dosent make exception! Como on guys! Everybody we will be enjoy to play whit ArmA 3!! I will be the frist one to buy all necessary to upgrade my PC (mine run to 60-80 FPS in arma 3 alpha)...but dont tell me that all is AWESOME, because, or we are talking about 2 different version about arma 3 alpha, or you are testing it like SimCity!;) ArmA 3 get so many awesome future and options,if comparate whit ArmA 2. I know that we are talking about a alpha prodouct,but if we wont realy help to optimize it,we must to be honest whit them and whit us. ArmA 3 whit direct X 11 and some new future/options,like this alpha version,it's still so...so far to be enjoyable like ArmA 2. Just my 2 cents.....of course. Best reagards all!
  14. Hi! It 'hard to comment on without knowing how much Arma 3 is alpha test... eg: 50% ... 70% ... etx etx ... However, starting from this basis, Arma 3 takes a look and feel great (thanks also DX 11) and then lights and effects are finally brought to new glory. The animations of the movements (AI and player) now they are fluid, rather than mechanical, and this brings satisfaction, particularly in litte area or space..... like feel in trapped near a door. In addition to = Up ...Crounch ... Prone position.... now there are also the ability to customize the standard posture with other subcommands.----nice to see...but i think a litte bit hard to use in full action...but it's a great and awesome new. FINALLY there arent problematic whit negative or positive acceleration mouse ... even if in fact ----- if set to smoothing = 0 ..... is still jerky as in ArmA 2 .. but ... you can not have everything ..... right? :) In terms of the optimization of the engine I have to say that the performance of Arma 3 Alpha are well above ArmA 2 ArmA 2 OA .... or at least a 20% - 25%. This is because our GPU-CPU finally now working on a application built in this era! :) The things I'd left me quite puzzled is the great difficulty in targeting crouch position to relaxing. In practice could be compared to ArmA 2 after a run ..... I find it really too much .... maybe with a javelin could esssere right .... but with an assault rifle ... no! See the enemies through the vegetations is .... phew! ... it's not easy thing .... if they are in prone position ..... become chameleons .... but for them, you're a shining star in the night! --- So to see them - and kill it ........ is quite a feat! ... You risk the sniping = CAMPER! Driving vehicles is like having a bar of soap in hand ... or have ice on the road. The A.I is smart alternative to sleeping time or vice versa. The sound alternates from fair to good-bad: -sound of footsteps? ... where is it? Motor vehicles-poor Rifle-? sometime is nice and later .... so bad! and go on ........! For bugs ... the list could be very long but, being alpha,i hope that will be fix for ArmA 3 Official version Edition .... I hope at least in part! However, just at first glance, it might become great ...if well correct! Regards!
  15. Hi all! I was open this thread in another section....but whitout answers.....i hope that here somebody can help me because i have reinstall also OS (Format) but....unsuccessfully!:k: I get ArmA 2 + ArmA 2 OA update to 1.62. I have update my PC for better performance whit a new CPU. From..cpu PHENOM x2 955 to CPU PHENOM X4 965. My SYSTEM: OS Windows Seven 64 Ultimate CPU Phenom X4 965 BE....OC 3.900Ghz...Temp.idle 30 C°---full 50C°. Motherboard Sapphire am2+ RX790 Discrete Crossfire 2 HDD Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 80 GB. in Raid 0 Nvidia GTX 560 Ti temp. full 62° RAM DDR2 corsair XMS2 cl5 4 Gb. PSU GS 700W Corsair. Before upgrading the CPU was fine ArmA 2 --- 49 FPS average benchmark ... no issue ... setting high ... perfect smooth mouse. and....after ? Average 60 fps in benchmark in high-very high setting(yes...i was happy in that moment :D) I was ready for testing gaming in Map-Desert Editor and.......sorprise! It's become unplayable for a strong acceleration device in input mouse + laggy......like a false refresh native. (60Hz) I feel like when you get a DPI mouse too High (like 5000 or more....but it's setting to 400 DPI ) but in option menu game the cursor mouse moves it very very slowly + laggy. I've read so many thread for fix it,like: Enable 1000mhz on the mouse....and or change the DPI. Disable mouse set point accelaration in OS---unistall the mouse driver setpoint 6.32(I get a Logitech G700 mouse). Test whit another 3 different mouse for comparation. Fix Mark seven reg. about hardware acc. mouse Mousesmoothing=0.....***It's impossible--------huge delay input ...must to be force on 100. Disable V-sinc off ---( also if before was run in ON + Triple buffer whitout problems). ***This is has been the only way for givme just a little bit more response control mouse...but so far to be like before and whit a terrific tearing view. GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1 or 0; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=0;and also in nvidia pannel Run ArmA 2 just whit 1 core..2 core....... Delete files arma 2.cfg + profile .cfg and reload a new one. Upgrade bios motherboard. Check about disable HTT in bios but.......i dont get that option. Check background process. Change the monitor resolution. Change the refresh or use nvidia inspector for cap about 58 hz,,,,,my monitor run to 60. Driver nvidia 196.10....***the best for low input lag mouse...test whit 306.23 and back again to the old one. Check how run my cpu in task manger. Add the string.......cpu-4 ...etx...etx in .exe launcher. and so on.............nothing...nada...forget it about,i am always to the same point.......impossible play for too much input mouse acceleration.....etx..etx Now Plz.....tell me something news that i didnt done yet.... THX in advance and Regards!