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Everything posted by melbo

  1. I am trying to incorporate friendly name tags appearing over players when you have your cursor over them at a certain distance, say 100m or less. I've tried all sorts of scripts but just cannot get this working. Any ideas or help would be much appreciated!
  2. Does anyone know of a script that can do this? The mission is complete I just need this working. All it needs to do is display all the human players names (on your team) when you mouse over them from a certain distance. Been searching for hours and cannot find a working one!
  3. I just didn't want people who don't have the designator to have the option to call it in and get the "Target System Aborted: No laser target found." Also trying to make the a10 after its initial gun-run with the GAU8 to fly away and delete itself instead of coming back round and engaging targets.
  4. Awesome stuff! Is there a way to make this work if someone picks up a laser designator from a crate instead of them spawning with it?
  5. It works for AI but not for player controlled units. Any ideas?
  6. Thanks, will test this out as asap and let you know.
  7. I'm trying to make a no shooting zone over some shops that I have set up in a mission. They tend to draw in a lot of idiots that will camp them to get free kills. I'm wanting something that will provide 200m circle that no bullets or projectiles can enter. I have found a few scripts but have not been able to set them up correctly. Any help on this would be awesome, thanks.
  8. Did you manage to get it working?
  9. If I wanted to copy the playertags common.hpp into an existing one to make this work how would I go about it? This is the common.hpp file that I would like it working with. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4gtyghuj7c2n6lk/common.hpp Any ideas?
  10. Trying to create a logo in Photoshop with a transparent background. If I save as a .jpg it works absolutely fine but obviously has a white background where the transparency should be. When I save it as a .tga or and convert it to a .paa via texview it looks fine but when I am in game it comes out looking like this: Any idea as to why this is happening? Made another using using just GIMP but the same thing still occurs.
  11. melbo

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    Tonic, would there be a way to enable icons over your team mates heads? The amount of people killing their own team on our server is getting rediculous. If not I guess a simple kick will have to do.
  12. melbo

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    No problems so far apart from the player inventory not coming up which kind of kills it as you can't eat/drink/repair. Awesome job though.