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Everything posted by MadM0nkey

  1. thanks XxAnimusxX I really appreciate your help I will try this soon. =)
  2. I have been meaning to add a sound effect that auto plays any time a player switches On/Off his nvgoogles similar to an old game I loved to play a long time ago, I'm just not sure how to do it automatically so that no one nearby hears tons of nvgoogles switching on if say we all spawn in together at one time.. for now I am just using the basic easy method just by adding this to the leaders player Init field: playername action ["NVGoggles", playername]; playername say "NVG_On"; Doing it this old boring way means it only happens once when the player spawns in, I would much rather have an auto script that will always play if switched On/Off for a specific mission. the problem: for one is not identifying if the Action nvgoogles is taking place eg being turned on/off in the loop so that it's being checked to set the action of playing the sound as a Type of returned Boolean?? If Type weapon "nvgoogles" mode: String ?? I know this isn't correct or even close but something like this so you get my drift: NVgooglesFX_Init.sqf /* Side is: "WEST", "EAST", etc. -with quotes playername is: name of the player = the sound source distance sound is carried from relation to the active sound =player, eg 1km? nul = ["WEST",playername, 1] execVM "NVgooglesFX_Init.sqf"; */ if (!isServer) exitWith {}; private ["_obj","_sensor","_wait","_check","_SoundOn","_active","_nvgon"]; _side = _this select 0; _obj = _this select 1; _dist = _this select 2; _wait = false; _active = false; _sensor = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", position _obj]; _sensor setTriggerActivation [_side, "present", true]; _sensor setTriggerArea [_dist, _dist, 0, true]; _sensor setTriggerStatements ["this", "", ""]; _sensor setTriggerText "nvgoogle sensor"; _sensor setTriggerTimeout [0, 0, 0, false]; _sensor setTriggerType "SWITCH"; while {alive player and alive leader player} do { _wait = true; while {_wait} do { _check = list _sensor; sleep 5.00; _nvgon = false; if (count _check > 0) then {_nvgon = true}; if (_nvgon) then { if (not _active) then { _soundOn = createSoundSource ["NVG_On", getpos _obj, [], 0]; _active = true; hint " Debug: NV turned on?"; }; } else if (_nvgon) then { if (not _active) then { _soundOn = createSoundSource ["NVG_Off", getpos _obj, [], 0]; _active = false; hint " Debug: NV turned off?"; }; } else { if (_active) then { deletevehicle _soundOn; _active = false; _wait = false; }; }; }; }; description.ext for missions folder for anyone who would care to help with it I have uploaded to share my own created NVgoogles On/Off soundfx for anyone who wishes to use them: yes you may but only under these agreed terms: (1) they are only used for BI ArmA Series Games. (2) they are Not Sold for Profit for any reason period. (3) they do not require registration for any websites to download and use on any servers. (4) if you can't understand the 4 listed terms do not download or use them. Download: NVGoogles On/Off sounds @ sendspace : http://www.sendspace.com/file/do3tsz
  3. MadM0nkey

    Domination for Single Player

    I have always wished Xeno would have made all versions of it for SP that would have been really great. I just tried this out and I must say it's really nice to finally be able to play domi alone without all the kiddie cheats spoiling my game. I hope you decide to add co40 DomiA2! West or TNTversion someday! thank you for sharing it with us. :)
  4. thank you for the lightning speed reply with explination & I will try skype. thanks.
  5. Mission makers one is open = The address type is unknown or unsupported in otherwords dead link =( what we really need here is an ArmA multiplayer scripting guru help center hotline for Armaholic Dummies group
  6. I know life tends to get in the way, that being said we hope you will continue to surprise us with new stuff like releases & any news on your future planned ultra top secret projects. =)
  7. hi wesley, you can use only predefined factions and group classes for factions at BI Wiki here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/faction group classnames here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgGroups as far as creating your own Custom Civilian Groups you may need to do some custom rework on the the script _skill = [0.2, 0.8]; _side = civilian; _units = ["Citizen2", "Citizen1", "Citizen3", "Citizen4", "Doctor", "Profiteer2", "Rocker1", "SchoolTeacher", "Damsel1", "Farmwife4"]; _ccg = [_skill, _side, _units, [], [], _skill]; {[_x] joinsilent (group _ccg)} forEach (units group this); // Custom Insert faction if (_faction == "CIV") then { _unit setVariable ["infantry", ["_ccg"], true]; };
  8. MadM0nkey

    Problems with paratroopers ...

    follow twirlys paradrop Test_Para_Drop.utes scripts with demo example in this topic here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?129636-Eject-script&p=2085298&viewfull=1#post2085298 if you just want to look at the code itself read my post #9 in the below link, it's the same as in the demo above but with exception of the changed vehicle name "truck" rather then "plane" http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?115778-Start-squad-in-transport&p=2528984&viewfull=1#post2528984 the syntax should still work in ARMA: ARMED ASSAULT but may need to change .sqf to .sqs ?? <edit> omg did I just necro reply? *face desk*
  9. You need to Obey Rule #1 pretty sure this belongs as a post and not a thread in Modding 101 Suggestions with Questions and Answers in "Another" forum.
  10. MadM0nkey

    my cd-keys get instantly taken from me

    did you fail to mention if the game was purchased at say a used video game store? or a used game purchased at a store that sells used games? I'm not sure how that works exactly but pretty sure the guy who sells the game to the store "keeps the key" and simply returns home to download the game off the net. = why it was stolen. (that's my guess) <edit> my advise is to reformat your pc (write zeros) then update the OS "then" install a fresh brand new copy of "ARMA X" onto your PC ..after which avoid any sites offering free dayz ish cheatish types of exe ish aps. that should have been done right off the bat. If it gets stolen because you fail at being suspiciously cautious when installing "ArmA tool.exe" then that becomes your fault. for not being suspiciously cautious in the first place.
  11. 41 views & no help? I take it Splinter Cell sound fx editing falls under the category: not cool enough to help you *bumb*
  12. make sure you drop down a functions module and name it BIS_fnc also add a preload manager module name your player: tester test each sound in your editor by placing down a trigger switch near your player when you load into preview. in the trigger switch On Act empty field put: tester say "gate_close"; you should hear it unless your sound files are screwed up in some way. are you sure your path to the file is correct? "\sound\gate_close.ogg" and not-> "\sounds\gate_close.ogg" <edit> K never mind what I wrote above, I see your problem in the code you do not need all the "quotes in the class CfgSounds part of the syntax at the top. (don't change below that) class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {[color=#ff0000]"[/color]gate_close[color=#ff0000]"[/color],[color=#ff0000]"[/color]ping[color=#ff0000]"[/color],[color=#ff0000]"[/color]sg_flash[color=#ff0000]"[/color],[color=#ff0000]"[/color]sg_thrue2[color=#ff0000]"[/color],[color=#ff0000]"[/color]sg_voda[color=#ff0000]"[/color],[color=#ff0000]"[/color]sg_chevronlock[color=#ff0000]"[/color],sgc_alarm}; it should look like this class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {gate_close, ping, sg_flash, sg_thrue2, sg_voda, sg_chevronlock, sgc_alarm};
  13. things you may see in arma2 ca warfare example missions
  14. taken from twirlys old utes mv22 paradrop demo, yes it works for vehicles too. loadsquads.sqf //move sqd1 into truck for "_i" from 0 to (count (units sqd1)-1) do { _unit = (units sqd1) select _i; _unit assignAsCargo truck1; _unit moveInCargo truck1; sleep 0.5; }; //move sqd2 into truck for "_i" from 0 to (count (units sqd2)-1) do { _unit = (units sqd2) select _i; _unit assignAsCargo truck1; _unit moveInCargo truck1; sleep 0.5; }; need to kick them out at a specific waypoint? ejectsquads.sqf //basically do the reverse of putting them in //eject squad 1 for "_i" from 0 to (count (units sqd1)-1) do { _unit = (units sqd1) select _i; unAssignVehicle _unit ; _unit action ["EJECT", truck1]; sleep 0.5; }; sleep 1; //eject squad 2 for "_i" from 0 to (count (units sqd2)-1) do { _unit = (units sqd2) select _i; unAssignVehicle _unit; _unit action ["EJECT", truck1]; sleep 0.5; }; to load in the troops add to init.sqf: nul = [] execVM "loadsquads.sqf"; to kick the squads out at waypoint: in the [On Act] empty field of a waypoint add: nul = [] execVM "ejectsquads.sqf"; lastly make sure each leader has this in their init field: team leader of the first group Init field: sqd1 = group this; team leader of the second group Init field: sqd2 = group this;
  15. best bet is to PM the author .. sometimes I get frustrated with lack of explanations so I get your issue.
  16. MadM0nkey

    US Military Mod (80s, 90s)

    I didn't know it was a "blouse" as you say it is, all I do know is there is an error there.. so I reported it just to make sure it wasn't something I did wrong on my end + double make sure it wasn't released with an error ..Now I regret reporting ..people in here are starting to give me a good stare like- 'look at this guy all upset because he can't wear 'his blouse..''O_o` oh btw don't forget to make us some camo issue purses to match our m16's *runs out of the room crying* MM
  17. try creating a functions module name it BIS_fnc & try it again + ask in that particular mods post + try reading the readme.txt that came with that particular script / addon. + Google is your friend for the basics ArmA 2 Editor Tutorial - Helicopter Insertion Part 1 ArmA 2 Editor Tutorial - Helicopter Insertion Part 2
  18. I didn't even know that was possible.. 2cool :cool:
  19. yes be careful not to post in the wrong sections or Mods here will give you the evil eye + warning + lock your posts.
  20. Hi Meteora and welcome to the forums =) you might want to start out by searching google for video tutorials on how to use the arma2 editor here is a few I found on dealing with the placing triggers: ArmA 2 Editor Tutorial - Triggers Part 1 ArmA 2 Editor Tutorial - Triggers Part 2 Arma 2 Tutorial: Basics of Radio Triggers here is one on objectives ArmA 2 Editor Tutorial - Objectives <edit> here is a quick example of a trigger switch .. create a trigger on the map keyboard F3-Key now *double click map* close to your BLUEFOR West troop player make sure in the settings of the trigger are the same as follows: Axis A:20 Axis B:20 Angle:0 set to [Ellipse] Activation:BLUEFOR set to [once] and [present] and [timeout] Type: [switch] Condition: this On Act: *copy and paste the below code into the On Act: empty field*: hint " message: Trigger Activated! ..hey it works"; nul = [] spawn {_bomb = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle getpos player}; click ok > then click >preview now walk into the area where you placed the trigger on the map. hope that helps get you started & Gluck =)
  21. Demonized has made a pretty decent script that manages how many spawns a player gets in his scripts settings even though his script is for single player respawns you might be able to use the same code for MP by tweaking it a bit. here is the link to the post in which I speak of Demonized Single Player - respawn [script] it's in the SP_respawn.sqf spoiler on his first post. look for the line: _lives = 3; // total amount of lives / number of respawns a unit has. 0 means unlimited.
  22. I'm trying to create a spawned group assigned to a vehicle the problem is getting the driver assigned as the driver out of a unit in the group here is what I have //Create hmv1_sqd on side WEST _hmv1_sqd = createGroup WEST; _unit1 = _hmv1_sqd createUnit ["usm_soldier_80s_w_h_ftl", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; _unit2 = _hmv1_sqd createUnit ["usm_soldier_80s_w_h_ar", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; _unit3 = _hmv1_sqd createUnit ["usm_soldier_80s_w_h_rm1", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; _unit4 = _hmv1_sqd createUnit ["usm_soldier_80s_w_h_rm2", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; //move hmv1_sqd into hmv1 for "_i" from 0 to (count (units hmv1_sqd)-1) do { _unit = (units hmv1_sqd) select _i; _unit moveInDriver [color=#ff0000]else[/color] _unit assignAsCargo hmv1; _unit moveInCargo hmv1; }; the line with red else needs fixing but how should it look? <edit> should it be like this? //move hmv1_sqd into hmv1 for "_i" from 0 to (count (units hmv1_sqd)-1) do { _unit = (units hmv1_sqd) select _i; _unit assignAsCargo hmv1; _unit4 moveInDriver hmv1; _unit moveInCargo hmv1; }; or done like this? //move hmv1_sqd into hmv1 _unit4 assignAsCargo hmv1; _unit4 moveInCargo [ hmv1, 0]; _unit3 assignAsCargo hmv1; _unit3 moveInCargo [ hmv1, 1]; _unit2 assignAsCargo hmv1; _unit2 moveInCargo [ hmv1, 2]; _unit1 assignAsCargo hmv1; _unit1 moveInCargo [ hmv1, 3]; }; ..I must be getting tired
  23. I think i just got chuck norris'd cuz I re updated my post at same time = beaten to the punch + major browser lag :P ok it's updated + officially gave you most credit where credit is due. & Much Thanks for helping! <edit> I added back in a West_wp1 by way of marker "before they move to the patrol marker" as it was before as to follow the tut notes & not confuse people. tested + updated and It's working. =)
  24. this was originally made for spawning custom troops into a empty hmv so that there is no mix of a default bis troop driver that spawns into the hmv with custom troops.. for the sake of the tutorial I changed the "usm_soldier_80s_w_h_ar" troops as stated in my first post above > to defaults for others who do not have my custom addon troops installed. yes there are still issues apparently after testing it then I realized: 1) I left out the humv1 in the code *dur* - I will add + update that code now. 2) problem they now spawn & head to West_wp1 and wait but do not move on to the patrol marker West_pm1. any ideas?
  25. yes, that makes more sense to add them in one at a time verses the whole group at the end, thanks cobra. <edit> k so rather then seeking my help, getting my answer, and selfishly disappearing + not helping others with similar issues I am sharing this in a form of a script tutorial for the sake of anyone trying to pick up on learning some basic spawn scripting. I am in the process of learning here too so if it helps others in the process that's great. you can either use this code with long notes included within the script or jump down to use cobra's below which does basically the same thing without the notes & - the added first move to waypoint marker. ====================================================== script authors: mostly cobra4v320 &, little bit by M.M create a notepad.txt file in your mission folder and name it spawn_hmv_sqd1.txt copy&paste using ctrl+C & ctrl+V on your keyboard the entire code into your spawn_hmv_sqd1.txt //////////////////// // syntax start // //////////////////// if (!isServer) exitWith {}; scriptName "spawn_hmv_sqd1.sqf"; //The spawnpoint marker where they will spawn to on the map. _spawnPos = getMarkerPos "West_sp1"; //The patrol marker where they will patrol on the map. _patrolPos = getMarkerPos "West_pm1"; //The first waypoint marker they will go to. _wp0marker = getMarkerPos "West_wp1"; //Create an empty hmv _hmv1 = "HMMWV" createVehicle _spawnPos; //Create hmv1_sqd on side WEST _hmv1_sqd = createGroup WEST; "USMC_Soldier" createUnit [_spawnPos, _hmv1_sqd, "this assignAsDriver _hmv1; this moveInDriver _hmv1"]; "USMC_Soldier_TL" createUnit [_spawnPos, _hmv1_sqd, "this assignAsCargo _hmv1; this moveInCargo _hmv1"]; "USMC_Soldier_AR" createUnit [_spawnPos, _hmv1_sqd, "this assignAsCargo _hmv1; this moveInCargo _hmv1"]; "USMC_Soldier_Medic" createUnit [_spawnPos, _hmv1_sqd, "this assignAsCargo _hmv1; this moveInCargo _hmv1"]; // now they are sitting in the hmv1 so lets give them a first waypoint location set by a placed marker. // _hmv1_sqd in hmv1 rolls out heading to the first waypoint _wp0marker = "West_wp1" _wp0 = _hmv1_sqd addWaypoint [_wp0marker, 0]; _wp0 setwaypointtype "MOVE"; _wp0 setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _wp0 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp0 setwaypointstatements ["True"]; // After they pass West_wp1 while still in their hmv they drive on to the patrol location // when they arrive at "West_pm1" they will get out of _hmv1 on foot to start a foot patrol. _wp1 = _hmv1_sqd addWaypoint [_patrolPos, 0]; _wp1 setwaypointtype "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; _wp1 setwaypointstatements ["True", "{unassignVehicle _x; doGetOut _x} forEach (units group this)"]; //Once they reach the waypoint, they move to patrol a 500m radius around a patrol marker "West_pm1" [_hmv1_sqd, _patrolPos, 500, 6, "MOVE", "AWARE", "YELLOW", "LIMITED", "STAG COLUMN"] call CBA_fnc_taskPatrol; //////////////////// // syntax end // /////////////////// /* After pasting the above syntax into spawn_hmv_sqd1.txt next we save the spawn_hmv_sqd1.txt and close it.. then we change the name of the .txt to .sqf so now it's named: spawn_hmv_sqd1.sqf to test them in your arma editor we need to do a few things first so first we need to make 3 markers on the map create a default >icon >empty >marker and in the name field name it: West_sp1 = where they will spawn from create another default empty marker and name it: West_wp1 = the first waypoint they move to after they spawn create an >Ellipse >color: blue > fill: solid >Axis a: 500 > Axis b: 500 and name it: West_pm1 = the patrol marker they move to after they reach the first waypoint "West_wp1" to start their patrol. the reason we make the marker 500 in size is to visually see the area radius from the center of the marker that they will be patroling.. keep in mind even if you change the size of the marker they will still patrol a 500m radius so in order to change the radius of the patrol then change the "500" in code above where it says: _patrolPos, 500 to change the distance of the patrol from center of the placed marker. now we need to make a trigger switch so that we can view it for testing purposes what will happen is if BLUEFOR is present "YOU -the player " enters the switch and it triggers them to spawn as long as you make sure your player that you select and place on the map is a BLUEFOR West troop so create a trigger on the map close to the (West_sp1 marker) but not on top of so we don't get squished make sure in the settings of the trigger are the same as follows: Axis A:10 Axis B:10 Angle:0 set to [Ellipse] Activation:BLUEFOR set to [once] and [present] [timeout] Type: [switch] Condition: this On Act: *copy and paste the following into the field*: nul = [] execVM "spawn_hmv_sqd1.sqf"; now we can create a player near the trigger and preview it once we are in game we walk into the trigger area to activate the switch and we should have a scripted patrol */