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About FrankieBeans

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  1. FrankieBeans

    ArmA2 / OA (low) performance issues

    In the campaign, I get 30-40fps, but online it's 10-30 depending on map and whatnot. In Chernarus, I get around 25, in Lingor I actually usually get 30ish, in Takistan I get 15ish. that's where it is actually the lowest.
  2. FrankieBeans

    ArmA2 / OA (low) performance issues

    Unfortunately, there is pretty much no room on my current mobo for OC'ing my CPU. I would like to, but this motherboard is not so great for it (Asus m4n686-m v2) I'm definitely going to try windowed mode though. I never really thought of that, but it would probably help a lot. Edit: I just tried something and got some odd results. I went into a dom server with nobody else online. I was getting like 30-40 fps depending on my location. So, I got into an SUV and just sat there and watched my fps. It hovered around 30-34 if I didn't move my view. So, in doing this, I went into video settings and tried fiddling with EVERYTHING. I changed all options that I could. The only one that made any sort of noticeable difference, was turning object detail to very low. That boosted my fps to about 40. The rest? They didn't affect a single thing, other than how it actually looked. I turned all options to low, and even lowered my resolution to several options and it STILL stayed at 30ish. Then, brought it back up to max settings, still 30ish. So, it appears as though, nothing matters in this game. It wouldn't matter if I was playing on a 480p res with everything superlow, I'd still get the same FPS. What the heck man?!
  3. FrankieBeans

    ArmA2 / OA (low) performance issues

    So, increasing my settings would actually boost my fps? Isn't it the opposite?? I'll give it a try, but that seems backwards XD
  4. FrankieBeans

    ArmA2 / OA (low) performance issues

    No problem. I am up to date with everything except for having I am on 2.5. The only reason I haven't upgraded is that the takistan servers I have been on, are stil I am on beta patch 96584, and 1.62. I recently even formatted my HDD and started over. I just did this about 4 days ago, so nothing is fragmented or anything. I even tried defragging the game via Steam, and verifying the cache and I still get these awful frame rates. Here is a screenshot of my video settings: I turned down object/terrain settings because I read that it should help, but frankly, it didn't increase/decrease my framerate at all. In fact, almost none of my visual settings did. Even changing it to a lower resolution doesn't seem to really help. As for my drivers for the 6870, I am on Catalyst Version 12.8 which appears to be the latest. Hope this information is sufficient to get a solid answer! Thank you.
  5. FrankieBeans

    ArmA2 / OA (low) performance issues

    Alright, so I need some help, badly. I've got: AMD Phenom ii x6 1045t 2.6ghz 8 gigs of 1600mhz DDR3 XFX HD Radeon 6870 Double D edition Win7 64 bit 1tb 7200rpm HDD So, with those specs, I should be able to run this game just fine. After all, I can max out BF3, Just Cause 2, and others with still getting 40+ fps. I've chatted with a few people in-game with lesser cards, that still run the game WAY better than I do. Depending on the mission, I will get from 12-25 fps. In some DayZ servers, I MIGHT get up to 50 in the wilderness. On things like Takistan Life, I get usually 10-20 no matter where I am. My settings are all pretty much maxed, except for object/terrain detail, and HDR. I have my video memory set to default as well, and PP is turned off. My 3d res. is the same as my monitor (1650X1050) etc. I have read what feels like every dang article on the subject, but I can't seem to get a straight answer on how to up this. I know Arma 2 has performance issues...but really? 10-20 fps is standard for a game this old? Even if I turn down most specs, it still seems to be pretty iffy. Before I got the 6870, I had a GTS 450 that seemed to run it pretty great on lower settings. I'd get like 20-30 in towns, and 60-100 in the wilderness. So, I do NOT have Catalyst Control Center. I apparently can only use Vision Engine Control Center since I have an AMD cpu+gpu. Can anyone help me?? I love this game so much, but 10fps is damn near impossible to play with.