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Everything posted by marker

  1. Can anyone show me the correct way to pull an icon from the config using rank? Tried _rank = rank player; _rank = getText (configFile >> "Cfgvehicles" >> "rank" >> _rank >> "Icon"); And if possible, is there a page I can visit that will show me the paths available for grabbing stuff from configfile? Thanks
  2. Roy Couple of questions if you don't mind. First of all, I want to change the pilots to the pilot model. I get the no licence hint when I do so. Had a look and couldn't see where to change it so that the helicopter pilot model can be used. Also, I want to add a script to a heli. I can get it to run obviously first time via the init field. But how and where would I add a script so that it runs when a heli respawns? Many thanks.. Again, brilliant mission..
  3. Messed around with the AiA terrain pack and ported OPs 3.1 to Chernarus if anyone wants it. All In Arma Terrain pack is rqd to play.. Ran a few missions and everything seems to run ok. Tested it with TFR not ACRE. Added a few custom mil bases in. Everything is vanilla patrol ops. http://www71.zippyshare.com/v/k5PAj38z/file.html
  4. Had a little flyover in a LB... Map is absolutely stunning...
  5. Oh this is going to be a beast to run :) Anything from 20 - 50 fps while flying over in a littlebird. I was recording at the time, so maybe another few fps would have been gained from not doing so. View Distance @ 5500 Object dis @ 2200 Everything else at least very high or ultra. i5 2500K @ 4.4 Nvidia 970 1500/7000 16gig 1800 ram.
  6. Many thanks Silola, map looks wonderful.. Maybe a good idea for people testing out to post their set up and what fps they are getting, would give some an idea on what to expect!
  7. marker

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    Vorpx supports A2 on both A3 on DK1 only.. http://www.vorpx.com/supported-games/
  8. marker

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    Well said Rock... Totally agree with everything you have said there. Although I never released much, a few scripts here and there, it still galls me that people like A3L so called devs can basically rip the proverbial out of the community, with BIS doing hee haw about it.. All I can see happening is more and more serious devs leaving the mod scene for ARMA, which in turn will lower sales for say A4. For BIS to take the appropriate action would surely settle the confidence issues most if not all mod makers have in them just now..
  9. marker

    X-Cam prototype map

    Silola Quick question if you don't mind. The assets used within your test map, are they all from A3, or do you have any from A2. Just wondering what mods if any would be needed. Thanks, and keep up the amazing job.
  10. Need some help with the code below. Basically it show up a vehicle hud that show driver gunner etc, but we also have turret direction and target IDs. For the life of me I cannot work out how to stop the cursortarget returning everything, including buildings etc.. Any comment would be great. Thanks Private ["_name","_vehicle","_vehname","_weapname","_weap","_target","_picture","_vehtarget","_azimuth","_wepdir","_hudnames","_ui"]; disableSerialization; while {true} do { 1000 cutRsc ["HudNames","PLAIN"]; _ui = uiNameSpace getVariable "HudNames"; _HudNames = _ui displayCtrl 99999; if(player != vehicle player) then { _name = ""; _vehicle = assignedVehicle player; _vehname= getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf vehicle player) >> "DisplayName"); _weapname = getarray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf (vehicle player) >> "Turrets" >> "MainTurret" >> "weapons"); _weap = _weapname select 0; _name = format ["<t size='1.25' color='#556b2f'>%1</t><br/>", _vehname]; { if((driver _vehicle == _x) || (gunner _vehicle == _x)) then { if(driver _vehicle == _x) then { _name = format ["<t size='0.85' color='#f0e68c'>%1 %2</t> <img size='0.7' color='#6b8e23' image='a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\getindriver_ca.paa'/><br/>", _name, (name _x)]; } else { _target = cursorTarget; _picture = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _target >> "picture"); _vehicleID = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _target >> "displayname"); _wepdir = (vehicle player) weaponDirection _weap; _Azimuth = round (((_wepdir select 0) ) atan2 ((_wepdir select 1) ) + 360) % 360; _name = format ["<t size='0.85' color='#f0e68c'>%1 %2</t> <img size='0.7' color='#6b8e23' image='a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\getingunner_ca.paa'/><br/> <t size='0.85' color='#f0e68c'>Heading :<t/> <t size='0.85' color='#ff0000'>%3</t><br/><t size='0.85' color='#f0e68c'> Target :<t/> <t size='0.85' color='#ff0000'>%4</t><br/><t size='0.85' color='#f0e68c'> Display : </t><t size='0.85' color='#f0e68c'><img size='1' image='%5'/></t><br/>", _name, (name _x), _Azimuth,_vehicleID, _picture]; }; } else { _name = format ["<t size='0.85' color='#f0e68c'>%1 %2</t> <img size='0.7' color='#6b8e23' image='a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\getincargo_ca.paa'/><br/>", _name, (name _x)]; }; } forEach crew _vehicle; _HudNames ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _name; _HudNames ctrlCommit 0; }; sleep 1; };
  11. Hey guys. Having recently came across from dayz, a small group of us have experienced how good arma ii is. Now the question is. I runs small 20 man server, running patrol ops and insurgency with ace etc. I am hoping to find out what dictates a mod needs to be enabled server side as well. I was hoping just to be able to upload the keys to enable the use of the mods while playing. I am guessing, anything that changes the actual internals of the game needs to be uploaded, ie. New models, islands, sounds, vehicles and skins? Is that right? Thanks
  12. Fancy trying this one out for the littlbirds Kju? Had it from a while ago when I was messing around, no idea if it fits into the new AFM or not.. <!-- REFERENCES [1] Technical Description.pdf [2] Wikipedia [3] Field manual [4] Technical manual [5] Blueprints --> <?xml version="1.0"?> <GenHeli600 version="1.0"> <!-- Estimation Calculated after the ration R_mass = (empty weight of dauphin) / (empty weight of MD500) ratio = (2271)/(722) = 3.1454293629. Ixx = 11000/R_Mass = 3497 Iyy = 2704/R_Mass = 859 Ixx = 9900/R_Mass = 3147 --> <MomentsOfInertia Ixx="3497" Iyy="859" Izz="3147"/> <!--[2] Empty Weight=722 kg Max Takeoff Weight=1610 kg Any value between empty weight and max takeoff weight is valid. --> <Mass mass="722"/> <Fuselage rotationalResistance="100" > <MainRotorDownwash scale="0.5"> <Low_a1 a1 ="-6"> 0 1.4958 10.0000 1.4955 20.0000 1.4939 30.0000 1.4881 40.0000 1.4694 50.0000 1.4149 60.0000 1.2801 70.0000 1.0072 80.0000 0.5652 90.0000 0.0000 </Low_a1> <Medium_a1 a1 ="0" scale="0.5"> 0 1.4958 10.0000 1.4955 20.0000 1.4939 30.0000 1.4881 40.0000 1.4694 50.0000 1.4149 60.0000 1.2801 70.0000 1.0072 80.0000 0.5652 90.0000 0.0000 </Medium_a1> <High_a1 a1 ="6" scale="0.5"> 0 1.4958 10.0000 1.4955 20.0000 1.4939 30.0000 1.4881 40.0000 1.4694 50.0000 1.4149 60.0000 1.2801 70.0000 1.0072 80.0000 0.5652 90.0000 0.0000 </High_a1> </MainRotorDownwash> <MainRotorInplanewash scale="0.5"> <Low_a1 a1 ="-6"> 0 0.1124 10.0000 0.1125 20.0000 0.1127 30.0000 0.1138 40.0000 0.1176 50.0000 0.1333 60.0000 0.2000 70.0000 0.4472 80.0000 1.0415 90.0000 1.5000 </Low_a1> <Medium_a1 a1 ="0" scale="0.5"> 0 0.1124 10.0000 0.1125 20.0000 0.1127 30.0000 0.1138 40.0000 0.1176 50.0000 0.1333 60.0000 0.2000 70.0000 0.4472 80.0000 1.0415 90.0000 1.5000 </Medium_a1> <High_a1 a1 ="6" scale="0.5"> 0 0.1124 10.0000 0.1125 20.0000 0.1127 30.0000 0.1138 40.0000 0.1176 50.0000 0.1333 60.0000 0.2000 70.0000 0.4472 80.0000 1.0415 90.0000 1.5000 </High_a1> </MainRotorInplanewash> <LiftDueToAoA scale="0.1"> -180.0000 -0.0001 -170.0000 0.4658 -160.0000 0.9087 -150.0000 2.7566 -140.0000 4.1489 -130.0000 4.9260 -120.0000 4.9619 -110.0000 3.3846 -100.0000 1.7154 -90.0000 -0.0005 -80.0000 -1.7144 -70.0000 -3.3820 -60.0000 -4.9578 -50.0000 -4.9208 -40.0000 -4.1432 -30.0000 -2.7511 -20.0000 -0.5829 -18.0000 -0.5107 -16.0000 -0.4336 -14.0000 -0.3544 -12.0000 -0.2757 -10.0000 -0.1996 -8.0000 -0.1278 -6.0000 -0.0620 -4.0000 -0.0034 -2.0000 0.0474 0 0.0898 2.0000 0.1237 4.0000 0.1492 6.0000 0.1671 8.0000 0.1781 10.0000 0.1835 12.0000 0.1848 14.0000 0.1839 16.0000 0.1829 18.0000 0.1843 20.0000 0.1907 30.0000 -0.0001 40.0000 0.4658 50.0000 0.9087 60.0000 2.7566 70.0000 4.1489 80.0000 4.9260 90.0000 4.9619 100.0000 3.3846 110.0000 1.7154 120.0000 -0.0005 130.0000 -1.7144 140.0000 -3.3820 150.0000 -4.9578 160.0000 -4.9208 170.0000 -4.1432 180.0000 -2.7511 </LiftDueToAoA> <SideForceDueToSideslip scale="0.1"> -180.0000 0 -171.4977 0.3326 -154.4931 0.8516 -130.4378 1.4803 -100.5760 1.9598 -79.4240 2.0621 -63.6636 2.0724 -48.7327 2.0314 -30.4839 1.7361 -20.0000 1.3702 -18.0000 1.2471 -16.0000 1.1193 -14.0000 0.9873 -12.0000 0.8515 -10.0000 0.7125 -8.0000 0.5708 -6.0000 0.4269 -4.0000 0.2815 -2.0000 0.1349 0 -0.0121 2.0000 -0.1592 4.0000 -0.3057 6.0000 -0.4511 8.0000 -0.5949 10.0000 -0.7365 12.0000 -0.8755 14.0000 -1.0111 16.0000 -1.1431 18.0000 -1.2708 20.0000 -1.3937 30.4839 -1.7361 48.7327 -2.0314 63.6636 -2.0724 79.4240 -2.0621 100.5760 -1.9598 130.4378 -1.4803 154.4931 -0.8516 171.4977 -0.3326 180.0000 0 </SideForceDueToSideslip> <DragDueToAoA scale="0.1"> -180.0000 0.8000 -170.0000 0.8133 -160.0000 1.0119 -150.0000 2.2253 -140.0000 4.0787 -130.0000 6.4404 -120.0000 9.1441 -110.0000 9.8355 -100.0000 10.2580 -90.0000 10.4000 -80.0000 10.2581 -70.0000 9.8365 -60.0000 9.1465 -50.0000 6.4448 -40.0000 4.0856 -30.0000 2.2349 -20.0000 1.3727 -18.0000 1.2424 -16.0000 1.1396 -14.0000 1.0621 -12.0000 1.0077 -10.0000 0.9740 -8.0000 0.9582 -6.0000 0.9578 -4.0000 0.9700 -2.0000 0.9918 0 1.0203 2.0000 1.0528 4.0000 1.0862 6.0000 1.1179 8.0000 1.1450 10.0000 1.1650 12.0000 1.1754 14.0000 1.1739 16.0000 1.1583 18.0000 1.1268 20.0000 1.0776 30.0000 0.8000 40.0000 0.8133 50.0000 1.0119 60.0000 2.2253 70.0000 4.0787 80.0000 6.4404 90.0000 9.1441 100.0000 9.8355 110.0000 10.2580 120.0000 10.4000 130.0000 10.2581 140.0000 9.8365 150.0000 9.1465 160.0000 6.4448 170.0000 4.0856 180.0000 2.2349 </DragDueToAoA> <PitchingMomentDueToAoA scale="0.1" > -180.0000 -7.9390 -170.7661 -7.7714 -162.7016 -6.7996 -158.2661 -5.7272 -138.5081 6.8733 -130.4435 10.3251 -126.0081 11.0958 -118.7500 11.5315 -109.4758 11.7661 -99.7984 11.5315 -94.5565 10.8613 -65.5242 -6.6655 -60.0000 -7.7275 -51.8145 -8.2071 -39.7177 -8.3412 -30.8468 -8.1401 -20.0000 -7.7275 -18.0000 -7.3963 -16.0000 -7.0066 -14.0000 -6.5610 -12.0000 -6.0621 -10.0000 -5.5124 -8.0000 -4.9147 -6.0000 -4.2714 -4.0000 -3.5852 -2.0000 -2.8587 0 -2.0944 2.0000 -1.2951 4.0000 -0.4632 6.0000 0.3986 8.0000 1.2877 10.0000 2.2016 12.0000 3.1376 14.0000 4.0931 16.0000 5.0655 18.0000 6.0522 20.0000 7.0507 23.9919 8.5824 31.2500 9.8559 42.9435 11.0958 56.2500 11.4645 70.7661 11.6320 85.2823 11.5650 102.6210 11.0288 116.7339 9.8224 126.8145 7.9792 141.3306 4.4269 150.6048 1.3773 157.8629 -1.3036 163.1048 -3.6830 168.7500 -6.5650 172.3790 -7.6709 180.0000 -7.9390 </PitchingMomentDueToAoA> <YawingMomentDueToSideslip scale="0.1" > -180.0000 0 -170.0000 -4.0856 -159.9496 -6.8499 -145.2520 -9.5845 -133.8206 -9.8794 -123.1149 -9.6113 -111.8649 -7.9491 -100.2520 -4.8291 -88.9631 -1.1184 -78.5945 2.1930 -66.5668 5.0658 -53.8004 7.5302 -45.0907 8.9779 -38.7788 9.1447 -32.1429 8.7500 -25.5069 7.5029 -20.0000 6.1514 -18.0000 5.5362 -16.0000 4.9211 -14.0000 4.3060 -12.0000 3.6908 -10.0000 3.0757 -8.0000 2.4606 -6.0000 1.8454 -4.0000 1.2303 -2.0000 0.6151 0 0 2.0000 -0.6151 4.0000 -1.2303 6.0000 -1.8454 8.0000 -2.4606 10.0000 -3.0757 12.0000 -3.6908 14.0000 -4.3060 16.0000 -4.9211 18.0000 -5.5362 20.0000 -6.1514 25.5069 -7.5029 32.1429 -8.7500 38.7788 -9.1447 45.0907 -8.9779 53.8004 -7.5302 66.5668 -5.0658 78.5945 -2.1930 88.9631 1.1184 100.2520 4.8291 111.8649 7.9491 123.1149 9.6113 133.8206 9.8794 145.2520 9.5845 159.9496 6.8499 170.0000 4.0856 180.0000 0 </YawingMomentDueToSideslip> </Fuselage> <Engines> <Engine type="ConstantRPMEngine"> <DebugInfo printDebugInfo="false" /> <General inertia="5" /> <Performance maxPower="375" maxTorque="1000" rotationResistance="0.000009"/> <ControllerParams P="0.5" I="1.5" D="0.0" offset="150" targetRPM="5000" /> </Engine> </Engines> <DriveTrains> <DriveTrain type="GenericDriveTrain"> <GearBox gearRatios="1" reverseGearRatio="1" /> <Clutch maxClutchTorque="5000" /> <Engine index="0" /> <Load name="MainRotor" gearRatio="10.7" /> <Load name="TailRotor" gearRatio="1.739" /> </DriveTrain> </DriveTrains> <ControlSystem> <FCSComponent type="FCSAutoHoverTOH"> <YawController P="0.0" D="0"/> <PitchController P="0.15" D="0.05"/> <RollController P="0.15" D="0.05"/> </FCSComponent> <FCSComponent type="FCSHelicopterAutoTrim100" > <YawRateAndSideslipController printDebugInfo="false"> <YawRatePID P="0.18" I="0.02" D="0.0" offset="0.0" integralMin="-50" integralMax="50" /> <SideslipPID P="0.1" I="0.02" D="0.002" offset="0.0" integralMin="-50" integralMax="50" /> <Transition speedLow="10" speedHigh="20" /> <Maximums maxYawRate="30" maxSideslip="30" /> <InputMapping nonlinearity="1" /> </YawRateAndSideslipController> <PitchRateController printDebugInfo="false"> <PID P="0.02" I="0.04" D="0.001" offset="0.0" integralMin="-25" integralMax="25" /> <MaxPitchRate maxPitchRate="35" /> <InputMapping nonlinearity="1.5" /> </PitchRateController> <RollRateController printDebugInfo="false"> <PID P="0.02" I="0.04" D="0.001" offset="0.0" integralMin="-25" integralMax="25" /> <MaxRollRate maxRollRate="70" /> <InputMapping nonlinearity="1.5" /> </RollRateController> </FCSComponent> <FCSComponent type="FCSRotationDamper"> <YawController P="1" D="0"/> <PitchController P="1.0" D="0"/> <RollController P="0.2" D="0.00"/> </FCSComponent> </ControlSystem> <Rotors> <Rotor type="FGRotorBladeElementTheory"> <ModelConfiguration updateSubstepCount="360" /> <InfoPrint printControlInputs="false" printFlappingInfo="false" printOmega="false" /> <Geometry> <Position x="0.0" y="0.260" z="0.8720" /> <Tilt lateralTilt="0.0" longitudinalTilt="0" /> <Blades radius="4.165" chord="0.171" count="5" hingeOffset="0.128" flappingHingeLowerLimit="-5" flappingHingeHigherLimit="10" /> <Rotation clockwise="false" /> </Geometry> <MechanicalFeatures Ir="355" Ib="71" maxBrakeTorque="500" /> <AerodynamicFeatures> <DesignRPM rpm="467"/> <Blades twist="-9"> <LiftCoefficient> 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 5.0 -180 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -176 0.5133 0.5133 0.5133 0.5133 0.5133 0.5133 -168 0.725 0.725 0.725 0.725 0.725 0.725 -160 0.665 0.665 0.665 0.665 0.665 0.665 -152 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.875 -144 0.8525 0.8525 0.8525 0.8525 0.8525 0.8525 -136 0.7225 0.7225 0.7225 0.7225 0.7225 0.7225 -128 0.5925 0.5925 0.5925 0.5925 0.5925 0.5925 -120 0.4625 0.4625 0.4625 0.4625 0.4625 0.4625 -112 0.3325 0.3325 0.3325 0.3325 0.3325 0.3325 -104 0.2025 0.2025 0.2025 0.2025 0.2025 0.2025 -96 0.0725 0.0725 0.0725 0.0725 0.0725 0.0725 -88 -0.0575 -0.0575 -0.0575 -0.0575 -0.0575 -0.0575 -80 -0.1875 -0.1875 -0.1875 -0.1875 -0.1875 -0.1875 -72 -0.3175 -0.3175 -0.3175 -0.3175 -0.3175 -0.3175 -64 -0.4475 -0.4475 -0.4475 -0.4475 -0.4475 -0.4475 -56 -0.5775 -0.5775 -0.5775 -0.5775 -0.5775 -0.5775 -48 -0.7075 -0.7075 -0.7075 -0.7075 -0.7075 -0.7075 -40 -0.8375 -0.8375 -0.8375 -0.8375 -0.8375 -0.8375 -32 -0.9675 -0.9675 -0.9675 -0.9675 -0.9675 -0.9675 -28 -0.996 -0.955 -0.946 -0.93 -0.918 -0.918 -24 -0.988 -0.962 -0.938 -0.89 -0.854 -0.854 -20 -0.98 -0.966 -0.93 -0.85 -0.79 -0.79 -16 -0.972 -0.970 -0.922 -0.81 -0.726 -0.726 -12 -0.724 -0.535 -0.66 -0.79 -0.662 -0.662 -8 -0.19 -0.3 -0.55 -0.75 -0.62 -0.62 -4 -0.45 -0.42 -0.47 -0.47 -0.425 -0.425 0 0.03 0.05 0.075 0.08 -0.05 -0.05 4 0.46 0.510 0.613 0.56 0.45 0.45 8 0.89 0.98 0.915 0.810 0.8 0.8 12 1.25 1.13 1.0 0.845 0.865 0.865 16 0.98 0.96 1.08 0.86 0.895 0.895 20 0.9856 0.9714 1.053 0.9 0.925 0.925 24 0.9912 0.9828 1.031 0.94 0.955 0.955 28 0.997 0.9942 1.01 0.98 0.985 0.985 32 0.9675 0.9675 0.9675 0.9675 0.9675 0.9675 40 0.8375 0.8375 0.8375 0.8375 0.8375 0.8375 48 0.7075 0.7075 0.7075 0.7075 0.7075 0.7075 56 0.5775 0.5775 0.5775 0.5775 0.5775 0.5775 64 0.4475 0.4475 0.4475 0.4475 0.4475 0.4475 72 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175 80 0.1875 0.1875 0.1875 0.1875 0.1875 0.1875 88 0.0575 0.0575 0.0575 0.0575 0.0575 0.0575 96 -0.0725 -0.0725 -0.0725 -0.0725 -0.0725 -0.0725 104 -0.2025 -0.2025 -0.2025 -0.2025 -0.2025 -0.2025 112 -0.3325 -0.3325 -0.3325 -0.3325 -0.3325 -0.3325 120 -0.4625 -0.4625 -0.4625 -0.4625 -0.4625 -0.4625 128 -0.5925 -0.5925 -0.5925 -0.5925 -0.5925 -0.5925 136 -0.7225 -0.7225 -0.7225 -0.7225 -0.7225 -0.7225 144 -0.8525 -0.8525 -0.8525 -0.8525 -0.8525 -0.8525 152 -0.875 -0.875 -0.875 -0.875 -0.875 -0.875 160 -0.665 -0.665 -0.665 -0.665 -0.665 -0.665 168 -0.725 -0.725 -0.725 -0.725 -0.725 -0.725 176 -0.5133 -0.5133 -0.5133 -0.5133 -0.5133 -0.5133 180 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 </LiftCoefficient> <DragCoefficient > 0.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 5.0 -180 0 0 0 0 0 0 -176 0.733 0.733 0.733 0.733 0.733 0.733 -168 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.995 -160 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 -152 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 -144 0.7825 0.7825 0.7825 0.7825 0.7825 0.7825 -136 0.9762 0.9762 0.9762 0.9762 0.9762 0.9762 -128 1.1712 1.1712 1.1712 1.1712 1.1712 1.1712 -120 1.3662 1.3662 1.3662 1.3662 1.3662 1.3662 -112 1.561 1.561 1.561 1.561 1.561 1.561 -104 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 -96 1.952 1.952 1.952 1.952 1.952 1.952 -88 2.079 2.079 2.079 2.079 2.079 2.079 -80 2.086 2.086 2.086 2.086 2.086 2.086 -72 2.005 2.005 2.005 2.005 2.005 2.005 -64 1.826 1.826 1.826 1.826 1.826 1.826 -56 1.554 1.554 1.554 1.554 1.554 1.554 -48 1.262 1.262 1.262 1.262 1.262 1.262 -40 0.9725 0.9725 0.9725 0.9725 0.9725 0.9725 -32 0.6975 0.6975 0.6975 0.6975 0.6975 0.6975 -28 0.562 0.57 0.578 0.593 0.601 0.601 -24 0.417 0.448 0.469 0.52 0.543 0.543 -20 0.267 0.33 0.361 0.44 0.486 0.486 -16 0.12 0.208 0.285 0.364 0.428 0.428 -12 0.018 0.022 0.191 0.29 0.37 0.37 -8 0.008 0.009 0.07 0.16 0.248 0.248 -4 0.0075 0.008 0.0125 0.065 0.152 0.152 0 0.0075 0.008 0.008 0.017 0.09 0.09 4 0.0085 0.0085 0.011 0.09 0.1525 0.1525 8 0.011 0.014 0.073 0.17 0.249 0.249 12 0.026 0.098 0.179 0.285 0.37 0.37 16 0.23 0.23 0.283 0.361 0.428 0.428 20 0.345 0.345 0.358 0.435 0.486 0.486 24 0.455 0.455 0.467 0.508 0.543 0.543 28 0.56 0.56 0.576 0.583 0.601 0.601 32 0.6975 0.6975 0.6975 0.6975 0.6975 0.6975 40 0.9725 0.9725 0.9725 0.9725 0.9725 0.9725 48 1.2625 1.2625 1.2625 1.2625 1.2625 1.2625 56 1.554 1.554 1.554 1.554 1.554 1.554 64 1.826 1.826 1.826 1.826 1.826 1.826 72 2.005 2.005 2.005 2.005 2.005 2.005 80 2.086 2.086 2.086 2.086 2.086 2.086 88 2.079 2.079 2.079 2.079 2.079 2.079 96 1.9525 1.9525 1.9525 1.9525 1.9525 1.9525 104 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 112 1.5612 1.5612 1.5612 1.5612 1.5612 1.5612 120 1.366 1.366 1.366 1.366 1.366 1.366 128 1.171 1.171 1.171 1.171 1.171 1.171 136 0.976 0.976 0.976 0.976 0.976 0.976 144 0.7825 0.7825 0.7825 0.7825 0.7825 0.7825 152 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 160 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 168 0.996 0.996 0.996 0.996 0.996 0.996 176 0.733 0.733 0.733 0.733 0.733 0.733 180 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 </DragCoefficient> </Blades> <Controls A1UL="6.5" A1LL="-6.5" B1UL="13" B1LL="-13.0" thetaLL="8" thetaUL="17.3" useExtendedCollectiveRange="false" /> </AerodynamicFeatures> </Rotor> <Rotor type="FGRotorMomentumTheory"> <Geometry> <Position x="-0.1" y="-4.9460" z="-0.0080"/> <Tilt lateralTilt="-90.0" longitudinalTilt="0.0" /> <Blades radius="0.71" chord="0.050" count="2" hingeOffset="0.0" /> <Delta3 angle="0" /> </Geometry> <MechanicalFeatures Ir="0.35" Ib="0.027"/> <AerodynamicFeatures> <GroundEffect magnitude="0.1" /> <DesignRPM rpm="2874"/> <Blades liftCurveSlope="0.11" zeroLiftDragCoefficient="0.007" twist="-9.4" /> <Controls A1UL="0" A1LL="0" B1UL="0" B1LL="0" thetaLL="37" thetaUL="-37" useExtendedCollectiveRange="true"/> <Power inducedPowerCorrectionFactor="1.05" /> <DynamicPressureRatio> <Sideslip> -1000 0.91 -30 0.91 -25 0.80 -20 0.72 -15 0.65 -10 0.60 -5 0.58 0 0.56 5 0.58 10 0.60 15 0.65 20 0.72 25 0.80 30 0.91 1000 0.91 </Sideslip> </DynamicPressureRatio> <Inplanewash> <Low_a1 a1 ="-6"> -1000 0 0 0 10 -0.17 20 0.043 30 0.26 40 0.464 50 0.69 60 0.89 70 1.12 80 1.33 90 0.69 100 0 1000 0.86 </Low_a1> <Medium_a1 a1 ="0"> -1000 0 0 -0.34 10 -0.52 20 -0.17 30 0.10 40 0.31 50 0.52 60 0.71 70 0.91 80 1.12 90 0.57 100 0 1000 0 </Medium_a1> <High_a1 a1 ="6"> -1000 -0.48 0 -0.48 10 -0.69 20 -0.64 30 -0.27 40 0.03 50 0.27 60 0.52 70 0.74 80 0.96 90 0.46 100 0 </High_a1> </Inplanewash> <Downwash> <Low_a1 a1 ="-6"> -1000 -0.12 0 -0.12 10 0.71 20 1.60 30 1.62 40 1.66 50 1.67 60 1.67 70 1.73 80 1.50 90 1.26 100 1.01 1000 1.01 </Low_a1> <Medium_a1 a1 ="0"> -1000 0.36 0 0.36 10 0.84 20 1.64 30 1.70 40 1.76 50 1.82 60 1.85 70 1.90 80 1.68 90 1.44 100 1.20 1000 1.20 </Medium_a1> <High_a1 a1 ="6"> -1000 0.69 0 0.69 10 1.21 20 1.70 30 1.76 40 1.83 50 1.90 60 1.97 70 2.03 80 1.92 90 1.74 100 1.39 1000 1.39 </High_a1> </Downwash> </AerodynamicFeatures> </Rotor> </Rotors> <StabilizersAndWings> <HorizontalStabilizerRight> <Geometry> <Position x="1.8140" y="-4.9460" z="0.9800"/> <Up x="0.0" y="0.03489" z="0.9993908"/> <Front x="0" y="0.9993908" z="-0.03489"/> <SurfaceArea area="0.291028"/> </Geometry> <ControlResponse controlSurfaceLiftCoeffDerivative="0.0" controlSurfaceForceArmPos="0.0" /> <AerodynamicFeatures> <DynamicPressureRatio> <AoA> -1000 0.93 -30 0.93 -25 0.93 -20 0.88 -15 0.71 -10 0.71 -5 0.71 0 0.71 5 0.71 10 0.71 15 0.76 20 0.85 25 0.93 30 0.93 1000 0.93 </AoA> </DynamicPressureRatio> <MainRotorInplanewash> <Low_a1 a1 ="-6"> -1000 0 0 0 10 -0.18 20 0.04 30 0.26 40 0.47 50 0.70 60 0.91 70 1.14 80 1.36 90 0.70 100 0 1000 0 </Low_a1> <Medium_a1 a1 ="0"> -1000 -0.35 0 -0.35 10 -0.53 20 -0.18 30 0.11 40 0.32 50 0.53 60 0.73 70 0.93 80 1.14 90 0.58 100 0 1000 0 </Medium_a1> <High_a1 a1 ="6"> -1000 -0.49 0 -0.49 10 -0.70 20 -0.65 30 -0.28 40 0.03 50 0.28 60 0.53 70 0.76 80 0.99 90 0.47 100 0 1000 0 </High_a1> </MainRotorInplanewash> <MainRotorDownwash> <Low_a1 a1 ="-6"> -1000 -0.12 0 -0.12 10 0.74 20 1.66 30 1.67 40 1.71 50 1.73 60 1.76 70 1.78 80 1.55 90 1.30 100 1.05 1000 1.05 </Low_a1> <Medium_a1 a1 ="0"> -1000 0.37 0 0.37 10 0.86 20 1.69 30 1.76 40 1.82 50 1.88 60 1.91 70 1.97 80 1.74 90 1.49 100 1.24 1000 1.24 </Medium_a1> <High_a1 a1 ="6"> -1000 0.72 0 0.72 10 1.25 20 1.76 30 1.82 40 1.89 50 1.97 60 2.03 70 2.10 80 1.99 90 1.80 100 1.43 1000 1.43 </High_a1> </MainRotorDownwash> <GroundEffect startDistance="1.6" strength="0.0"/> <LiftCurve> -1000 0 -180 0 -150 0.61 -140 0.69 -130 0.69 -120 0.61 -110 0.46 -100 0.24 -90 0 -80 -0.24 -70 -0.46 -60 -0.61 -50 -0.69 -40 -0.69 -30 -0.61 0 0 30 0.61 40 0.69 50 0.69 60 0.61 70 0.46 80 0.24 90 0 100 -0.24 110 -0.46 120 -0.61 130 -0.69 140 -0.69 150 -0.61 180 0 1000 0 </LiftCurve> <DragCurve > -1000 0.0 -180 0.0 -140 0.42 -130 0.56 -120 0.71 -110 0.84 -100 0.93 -90 0.96 -80 0.93 -70 0.84 -60 0.71 -50 0.56 -40 0.42 0 0.008 40 0.42 50 0.56 60 0.71 70 0.84 80 0.93 90 0.96 100 0.93 110 0.84 120 0.71 130 0.56 140 0.42 180 0.0 1000 0.0 </DragCurve> </AerodynamicFeatures> </HorizontalStabilizerRight> <HorizontalStabilizerLeft copy="HorizontalStabilizerRight"> <Geometry> <Position x="-1.8140" /> </Geometry> </HorizontalStabilizerLeft> <VerticalStabilizer> <Geometry> <Position x="0" y="-4.778" z="0.1340"/> <Up x="-1.0" y="0.0" z="0"/> <Front x="0" y="1.0" z="0"/> <SurfaceArea area="0.59"/> </Geometry> <ControlResponse controlSurfaceLiftCoeffDerivative="0.0" controlSurfaceForceArmPos="0.0" /> <AerodynamicFeatures> <DynamicPressureRatio> <Sideslip> -1000 0.95 -30 0.95 -25 0.84 -20 0.75 -15 0.68 -10 0.63 -5 0.61 0 0.59 5 0.61 10 0.63 15 0.68 20 0.75 25 0.84 30 0.95 1000 0.95 </Sideslip> </DynamicPressureRatio> <MainRotorInplanewash> <Low_a1 a1 ="-6"> -1000 0 0 0 10 -0.18 20 0.04 30 0.27 40 0.49 50 0.73 60 0.95 70 1.18 80 1.41 90 0.73 100 0 1000 0 </Low_a1> <Medium_a1 a1 ="0"> -1000 -0.36 0 -0.36 10 -0.55 20 -0.18 30 0.11 40 0.33 50 0.55 60 0.75 70 0.96 80 1.18 90 0.60 100 0 </Medium_a1> <High_a1 a1 ="6"> -1000 -0.51 0 -0.51 10 -0.73 20 -0.67 30 -0.29 40 0.04 50 0.29 60 0.55 70 0.78 80 1.02 90 0.49 100 0 1000 0 </High_a1> </MainRotorInplanewash> <MainRotorDownwash> <Low_a1 a1 ="-6"> -1000 -0.12 0 -0.12 10 0.74 20 1.67 30 1.69 40 1.73 50 1.75 60 1.78 70 1.80 80 1.57 90 1.32 100 1.06 1000 1.06 </Low_a1> <Medium_a1 a1 ="0"> -1000 0.37 0 0.37 10 0.87 20 1.71 30 1.78 40 1.84 50 1.90 60 1.93 70 1.99 80 1.76 90 1.51 100 1.26 1000 1.26 </Medium_a1> <High_a1 a1 ="6"> -1000 0.72 0 0.72 10 1.26 20 1.78 30 1.84 40 1.92 50 1.99 60 2.05 70 2.12 80 2.01 90 1.82 100 1.45 1000 1.45 </High_a1> </MainRotorDownwash> <GroundEffect startDistance="0" strength="0.0"/> <LiftCurve > -180 0 -170 0.34 -160 0.74 -150 0.80 -140 0.72 -130 0.57 -120 0.43 -110 0.29 -100 0.15 -90 0 -80 -0.15 -70 -0.29 -60 -0.43 -50 -0.57 -40 -0.72 -30 -0.80 -25 -0.80 -20 -0.74 0 0 20 0.74 25 0.80 30 0.80 40 0.72 50 0.57 60 0.43 70 0.29 80 0.15 90 0 100 -0.15 110 -0.29 120 -0.43 130 -0.57 140 -0.72 150 -0.80 160 -0.74 170 -0.34 180 0 </LiftCurve> <DragCurve> -1000 0.0 -180 0.0 -140 0.42 -130 0.56 -120 0.71 -110 0.84 -100 0.93 -90 0.96 -80 0.93 -70 0.84 -60 0.71 -50 0.56 -40 0.42 0 0.008 40 0.42 50 0.56 60 0.71 70 0.84 80 0.93 90 0.96 100 0.93 110 0.84 120 0.71 130 0.56 140 0.42 180 0.0 1000 0.0 </DragCurve> </AerodynamicFeatures> </VerticalStabilizer> </StabilizersAndWings> <GroundContacts> <GeneralConfiguration gearExtensionTime="3" gearDragCoefficient="0" gearReferenceArea="0" maxSteerableGearDeflection="80" steerableGearSpeedCorrectionFactor="0.0"/> <GroundContact type="FGGroundContact200" > <Features isBrakable="false" isRetractable="false" isSteerable="false" /> <Aerodynamics equivalentFlatPlateArea ="0.0" /> <Suspension> <MountStation x="-1.052" y="1.6933" z="-1.6717"/> <SliderAxis x="0" y="0" z="1" /> <SuspensionLength length="0.2" /> <SpringParameters springConstant="420000" damperConstant="50000" maxCompression="0.18" /> </Suspension> <Wheel mass="1" radius="0.1" > <RollAxis x="1" y="0" z="0" /> <Friction slidingFriction="0.8" resistanceTorqueNoBrake="1000" resistanceTorqueFullBrake="1000" /> </Wheel> <Damage thresholdLoad="20000000" /> </GroundContact> <GroundContact type="FGGroundContact200" > <Features isBrakable="false" isRetractable="false" isSteerable="false" /> <Aerodynamics equivalentFlatPlateArea ="0.0" /> <Suspension> <MountStation x="1.052" y="1.6933" z="-1.6717"/> <SliderAxis x="0" y="0" z="1" /> <SuspensionLength length="0.2" /> <SpringParameters springConstant="420000" damperConstant="50000" maxCompression="0.18" /> </Suspension> <Wheel mass="1" radius="0.1" > <RollAxis x="1" y="0" z="0" /> <Friction slidingFriction="0.8" resistanceTorqueNoBrake="1000" resistanceTorqueFullBrake="1000" /> </Wheel> <Damage thresholdLoad="20000000" /> </GroundContact> <GroundContact type="FGGroundContact200" > <Features isBrakable="false" isRetractable="false" isSteerable="false" /> <Aerodynamics equivalentFlatPlateArea ="0.0" /> <Suspension> <MountStation x="0.944" y="-0.6387" z="-1.5650"/> <SliderAxis x="0" y="0" z="1" /> <SuspensionLength length="0.2" /> <SpringParameters springConstant="420000" damperConstant="50000" maxCompression="0.18" /> </Suspension> <Wheel mass="1" radius="0.1" > <RollAxis x="1" y="0" z="0" /> <Friction slidingFriction="0.8" resistanceTorqueNoBrake="1000" resistanceTorqueFullBrake="1000" /> </Wheel> <Damage thresholdLoad="20000000" /> </GroundContact> <GroundContact type="FGGroundContact200" > <Features isBrakable="false" isRetractable="false" isSteerable="false" /> <Aerodynamics equivalentFlatPlateArea ="0.0" /> <Suspension> <MountStation x="-0.944" y="-0.6387" z="-1.5650"/> <SliderAxis x="0" y="0" z="1" /> <SuspensionLength length="0.2" /> <SpringParameters springConstant="420000" damperConstant="50000" maxCompression="0.18" /> </Suspension> <Wheel mass="1" radius="0.1" > <RollAxis x="1" y="0" z="0" /> <Friction slidingFriction="0.8" resistanceTorqueNoBrake="1000" resistanceTorqueFullBrake="1000" /> </Wheel> <Damage thresholdLoad="20000000" /> </GroundContact> <GroundContact type="FGGroundContact200" > <Features isBrakable="false" isRetractable="false" isSteerable="false" /> <Aerodynamics equivalentFlatPlateArea ="0.0" /> <Suspension> <MountStation x="0" y="-4.341" z="-0.65"/> <SliderAxis x="0" y="0" z="1" /> <SuspensionLength length="0" /> <SpringParameters springConstant="420000" damperConstant="50000" maxCompression="0" /> </Suspension> <Wheel mass="0.1" radius="0.1" > <RollAxis x="1" y="0" z="0" /> <Friction slidingFriction="0.8" resistanceTorqueNoBrake="1000" resistanceTorqueFullBrake="1000" /> </Wheel> <Damage thresholdLoad="20000000" /> </GroundContact> </GroundContacts> </GenHeli600>
  13. Started messing around with the TT650 motorbikes from arma 2, no idea if anyone has ported them across yet. If they have ignore this post then :) Never got round to finishing them and have no intention of going back into the hell that is O2. So, to finish them it needs the phyxs sorted out and one LOD removed if I recall correctly.. Anyone is free to do anything they wish with them Rar file http://www26.zippyshare.com/v/89686715/file.html
  14. marker

    Please BI add a photo mode

    Have a look here mate. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?181251-FLAY-Photography-Mod-%28wip%29
  15. Hey Guys Anyone having problems with the new internal launcher? Tried to launch it for the first time, and it just sits in the taskbar, cannot get anything to show on the desktop? Ran as admin etc, still the same.. Thanks
  16. marker

    [WIP] USAF Air Asset MOD

    LoL fuller, take your time mate :)
  17. Have you tried calling it from the players init? this = execVM "tags.sqf"; Or even an eventhandler? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addEventHandler Oh, and it's considered rude to remove the headers from scripts! :)
  18. Managed to fix that error, selected the proxie, then opened up the texture mapping with E and removed the tick for shadows! Onward and upward for Physx :(
  19. Hey guys.. Working on importing some vehicles in A3. So far they are in game, working, ridable, damage works etc etc.. Still need to work out the extra config parameters such as Phsyx etc... One problem I am having is with Proxies showing as shadows while in game as below! I have double checked everything, and I seem to have swapped over the correct proxies path from A2 to A3 for the model.. But it seems that it may be the cargo and driver proxy showing as triangles! As below http://i.imgur.com/V6Yxj55.jpg (478 kB) Any advice is appreciated! Go easy on me please, still very noobish at modelling/O2 work.
  20. Hey guys. A silly problem here.. Working with the sample model of the SU25, inside O2 I am using the texture remapping tool to make sure the textures are pathed correctly. Now, when I point the textures to the correct path they still appear red within the tool, ie cannot find them. Tried every path configuration I could think of. My main folder is marker_su25\su25\ data\ penetration\ weapons\ The marker_su25 folder is stored in my downloads folder within my F: drive.. SO teh full path for that is F:\downloads\marker_su25\su25\ data\ penetration\ weapons\ Any advice would be good.. Thanks
  21. A WIP for importing the SU25/39 from A2 into A3. So far, all the textures are in, sounds are from the A-164 for the moment. I love the sounds of that plane.. The plane flies properly at the moment, all the major animations are in, such as landing gear etc. Still to do. Fix some LODS. Position pilot properly within cockpit. Fix a few animations. Possibly import the original weapons from A2. Possibly use original sounds from A2. Fix a strange pilot neck extending bug when entering and leaving cockpit.
  22. Going to have all textures from A2 on the first release. Very nice Jon, maybe have to ask if he would allow the use of them. FIA, already done. :) I was going to ask John and spartan if I could possibly somehow implement their awesome skin/load out script.. First of all needs a first release before I could even think about going there!
  23. Ok.. I thought I would mess around with the sample files from BIS / A2.. So, in my mind it should be easy enough to get the SU25 in game and possibly working 50/60%... With the configs below, I can get the SU25 in game, with a texture, be able to fly it third person and fire the weapons. The major problems are. The config paths for the textures etc are bang on, I get cannot find icon.picture and textures when I place the SU25 down in the editor. Also, it seems that it isn't using the rvmat etc as I cannot see out of the glass. The model I think needs to be opened up in O2 to get the memory points for the weapons to attach to I think, and maybe also something in the model is still linking to ca\a2\texture path. The problem is I get a binarized error when I load it up in O2, I thought we were allowed to use the models to prot to A3? Thanks and any advice is greatly appreciated! config_.cpp class CfgPatches { class AIR2_Su25 { units[] = {}; weapons = "{}"; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Air_F"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { #include "cfgVehicles.hpp" }; config.cpp class CfgPatches { class AIR2_Su25 { units[] = {Su25}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.100000; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Air_F"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { #include "cfgBase.hpp" class Su25_IND_F: Su25_a3 { scope = 2; side = 1; faction=IND_F; crew= I_pilot_F; typicalCargo[]={I_pilot_F}; displayName = "SU25"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = { "air2\Su25\data\su25_body1_cdf_co.paa", "air2\Su25\data\su25_body2_cdf_co.paa" }; }; class Su25_Ind_G_F: Su25_a3 { scope = 2; side = 2; faction=IND_G_F; crew= I_pilot_F; typicalCargo[]={I_pilot_F}; displayName = "SU25"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = { "air2\Su25\data\su25_body1_rus_co.paa", "air2\Su25\data\su25_body2_rus_co.paa" }; }; class Su39: Su25_a3 { scope = 2; side = 0; faction=OPF_F; crew= O_pilot_F; typicalCargo[]={O_pilot_F}; displayName = "SU39"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = { "air2\Su25\data\su25_body1_rus_co.paa", "air2\Su25\data\su25_body2_rus_co.paa" }; class Library { libTextDesc = "SU39_opf"; }; }; }; cfgVehicles // Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys class CfgVehicles { class Air; // External class reference class Plane : Air { class NewTurret; // External class reference class ViewPilot; // External class reference }; class Su25_base : Plane { destrType = "DestructWreck"; model = "air2\su25\su25.p3d"; displayName = "SU25"; icon = "\air2\data\su25icomap_su25.paa"; picture = "\air2\data\su25.paa"; simulation = "airplane"; animated = true; mapSize = 17; attenuationEffectType = "HeliAttenuation"; class Library { libTextDesc = "Su25_cdf"; }; weapons[] = {"Cannon_30mm_Plane_CAS_02_F", "Missile_AA_03_Plane_CAS_02_F", "Missile_AGM_01_Plane_CAS_02_F", "Rocket_03_HE_Plane_CAS_02_F", "Rocket_03_AP_Plane_CAS_02_F", "Bomb_03_Plane_CAS_02_F", "CMFlareLauncher"}; magazines[] = {"500Rnd_Cannon_30mm_Plane_CAS_02_F", "2Rnd_Missile_AA_03_F", "4Rnd_Missile_AGM_01_F", "2Rnd_Bomb_03_F", "20Rnd_Rocket_03_HE_F", "20Rnd_Rocket_03_AP_F", "120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"}; soundGetIn[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\getin", 0.562341, 1}; soundGetOut[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\getout", 0.562341, 1, 40}; soundDammage[] = {"", 0.562341, 1}; soundEngineOnInt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_start_int", 0.794328, 1.0}; soundEngineOnExt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_start_ext", 1.0, 1.0, 500}; soundEngineOffInt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_stop_int", 0.794328, 1.0}; soundEngineOffExt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_stop_ext", 1.0, 1.0, 500}; soundLocked[] = {"\A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\locked_1", 0.1, 1}; soundIncommingMissile[] = {"\A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\locked_3", 0.1, 1.5}; soundGearUp[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\gear_up", 0.794328, 1.0, 150}; soundGearDown[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\gear_down", 0.794328, 1.0, 150}; soundFlapsUp[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\Flaps_Up", 0.630957, 1.0, 100}; soundFlapsDown[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\Flaps_Down", 0.630957, 1.0, 100}; class Sounds { class EngineLowOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_engine_idle_ext", db5, 1.0, 2100}; frequency = "1.0 min (rpm + 0.5)"; volume = "camPos*2*(rpm factor[0.95, 0])*(rpm factor[0, 0.95])"; }; class EngineHighOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_engine_max_ext", db6, 1.2, 2500}; frequency = "1"; volume = "camPos*4*(rpm factor[0.5, 1.1])*(rpm factor[1.1, 0.5])"; }; class ForsageOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_forsage_ext", 2.51189, 1.2, 2800}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(thrust factor[0.6, 1.0])"; cone[] = {3.14, 3.92, 2.0, 0.5}; }; class WindNoiseOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\noise", 0.562341, 1.0, 150}; frequency = "(0.1+(1.2*(speed factor[1, 150])))"; volume = "camPos*(speed factor[1, 150])"; }; class EngineLowIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_engine_idle_int", 0.630957, 1.0}; frequency = "1.0 min (rpm + 0.5)"; volume = "(1-camPos)*((rpm factor[0.7, 0.1])*(rpm factor[0.1, 0.7]))"; }; class EngineHighIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_engine_max_int", 0.630957, 1.2}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(1-camPos)*(rpm factor[0.85, 1.0])"; }; class ForsageIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_forsage_int", 0.630957, 1.2}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(1-camPos)*(engineOn*(thrust factor[0.6, 1.0]))"; }; class WindNoiseIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\noise_int", db-6, 1.0}; frequency = "(0.1+(1.2*(speed factor[1, 150])))"; volume = "(1-camPos)*(speed factor[1, 150])"; }; }; driverAction = "pilot_plane_cas_02"; getinAction = "pilot_plane_cas_02_Enter"; getoutaction = "pilot_plane_cas_02_Exit"; precisegetinout = 1; viewDriverShadowDiff = 0.5; viewDriverShadowAmb = 0.5; accuracy = 0.2; // accuracy needed to recognize type of this target landingSpeed = 220; acceleration = 250; maxSpeed = 900; // max speed on level road, km/h armor = 75; damageResistance = 0.00485; armorStructured = 1; irScanRangeMin = 100; irScanRangeMax = 10000; irScanToEyeFactor = 3; aileronSensitivity = 0.9; // relative aileron sensitivity elevatorSensitivity = 0.8; // relative elevator sensitivity envelope[] = {0.0, 0.1, 0.65, 2.2, 3.7, 5.3, 6.0, 5.5, 5.6, 4.8, 3.6, 1.8, 0}; //landingAoa = "rad 10"; landingAoa = 0.174533; laserScanner = true; gunAimDown = 0.045; cabinOpening = 1; driverLeftHandAnimName = ""; driverRightHandAnimName = "ControlStick"; memoryPointLRocket = "L raketa"; memoryPointRRocket = "P raketa"; flapsFrictionCoef = 0.32; minFireTime = 30; // minimal time spent firing on single target // threat (VSoft, VArmor, VAir), how threatening vehicle is to unit types threat[] = {1, 1, 1}; class Reflectors { class Left { color[] = {0.8, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0}; ambient[] = {0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 1.0}; position = "L svetlo"; direction = "konec L svetla"; hitpoint = "L svetlo"; selection = "L svetlo"; size = 1; brightness = 1.0; class Attenuation { start = 0; constant = 0; linear = 5; quadratic = 2; hardLimitStart = 400; hardLimitEnd = 500; }; }; class Right { color[] = {0.8, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0}; ambient[] = {0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 1.0}; position = "P svetlo"; direction = "konec P svetla"; hitpoint = "P svetlo"; selection = "P svetlo"; size = 1; brightness = 1.0; class Attenuation { start = 0; constant = 0; linear = 5; quadratic = 2; hardLimitStart = 400; hardLimitEnd = 500; }; }; }; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"air2\Su25\data\su25_body1_cdf_co.paa", "air2\Su25\data\su25_body2_cdf_co.paa"}; class Damage { tex[] = {}; mat[] = {"\air2\Su25\data\su25_glass.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_glass_damage.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_glass_damage.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_glass_in.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_glass_in_damage.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_glass_in_damage.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_body1.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_body1_damage.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_body1_destruct.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_body2.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_body2_damage.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_body2_destruct.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_glass.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_glass_damage.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_glass_destruct.rvmat"}; }; class MFD { class AirplaneHUD { class Pos10Vector { type = "vector"; pos0[] = {0.52, 0.03+0.06}; pos10[] = {2.02, 1.29}; }; topLeft = "HUD LH"; topRight = "HUD PH"; bottomLeft = "HUD LD"; borderLeft = 0; borderRight = 0; borderTop = 0; borderBottom = 0; color[] = {0, 1, 0, 0.1}; class Bones { class ILS_H { type = "ils"; pos0[] = {0.5, 0.5+0.06}; pos3[] = {0.95, 0.5+0.06}; }; class ILS_W : ILS_H { pos3[] = {0.5, 0.92}; }; class PlaneW { type = "fixed"; pos[] = {0.5, 0.5+0.06}; }; class HorizonBankMGun { type = "rotational"; source = "HorizonBank"; center[] = {0, 0}; min = -6.28319; max = 6.28319; minAngle = -360; maxAngle = 360; aspectRatio = 0.8; }; class HorizonBankReverted { type = "rotational"; source = "HorizonBank"; center[] = {0, 0}; min = -3.14159265*2; max = 3.14159265*2; minAngle = 360; maxAngle = -360; aspectRatio = 0.8; }; class HorizonDive { source = "horizonDive"; type = "linear"; min = -1; max = 1; minPos[] = {0.0, 1.06}; maxPos[] = {0.0, 0.06}; }; class WeaponAim : Pos10Vector { source = "weapon"; }; class Target : Pos10Vector { source = "target"; }; class VelocityNotCenter : Pos10Vector { type = "vector"; source = "velocity"; pos0[] = {0.0, 0.0}; pos10[] = {1.5, 1.2}; }; class SpdMove2 { source = "speed"; min = 0; max = 200; type = "linear"; minPos[] = {0.0, 0.0}; maxPos[] = {0.0, 1.0}; }; class ASLMove1 { type = "linear"; source = "altitudeASL"; min = 0; max = 500; minPos[] = {0.0, 0.1}; maxPos[] = {0.0, 0.8}; }; class Heading { type = "linear"; source = "Heading"; min = -36; max = 36; minPos[] = {0.0, 0.0}; maxPos[] = {1.0, 0.0}; }; }; class Draw { alpha = 0.6; color[] = {0.0, 0.3, 0.05}; condition = "on"; class Static { clipTL[] = {0.0, 0.1}; clipBR[] = {1.0, 0.0}; type = "line"; points[] = {{"PlaneW", {-0.21, 7.34351e-009}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {-0.28, 9.79135e-009}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {0.21, -2.00338e-009}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.28, -2.67117e-009}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {-0.105, 0.145492}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {-0.14, 0.19399}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {0.105, 0.145492}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.14, 0.19399}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {-0.181865, 0.084}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {-0.242487, 0.112}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {0.181865, 0.084}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.242487, 0.112}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {-0.202844, 0.0434816}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {-0.270459, 0.0579755}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {0.202844, 0.0434816}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.270459, 0.0579755}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {-0.209201, 0.0146422}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {-0.244068, 0.0170825}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {-0.20681, 0.0291729}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {-0.241278, 0.034035}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {0.20681, 0.0291729}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.241278, 0.034035}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {0.209201, 0.0146422}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.244068, 0.0170825}, 1}, {}}; }; class HorizonBank { clipTL[] = {0.0, 0.1}; clipBR[] = {1.0, 0.9}; type = "line"; points[] = {{"PlaneW", 1, "HorizonBankReverted", {0.21, 0.0}, 1}, {"PlaneW", 1, "HorizonBankReverted", {0.07, 0.0}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", 1, "HorizonBankReverted", {-0.21, 0.0}, 1}, {"PlaneW", 1, "HorizonBankReverted", {-0.07, 0.0}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", 1, "HorizonBankReverted", {0.0, 0.14}, 1}, {"PlaneW", 1, "HorizonBankReverted", {0.0, 0.07}, 1}}; }; class HorizonDive { clipTL[] = {0.0, 0.1}; clipBR[] = {1.0, 0.0}; type = "line"; points[] = {{"HorizonDive", {0.8, 0}, 1}, {"HorizonDive", {0.2, 0}, 1}}; }; class Missile { condition = "missile"; class Target { type = "line"; points[] = {{"Target", {0, -0.08}, 1}, {"Target", {0.05, -0.0696}, 1}, {"Target", {0.087, -0.50*0.10/(1.5/1.2)}, 1}, {"Target", {0.1, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {0.087, 0.04}, 1}, {"Target", {0.05, +0.87*0.10/(1.5/1.2)}, 1}, {"Target", {0, 0.08}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.05, 0.0696}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.087, +0.50*0.10/(1.5/1.2)}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.1, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.087, -0.04}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.05, -0.87*0.10/(1.5/1.2)}, 1}, {"Target", {0, -0.08}, 1}}; }; }; class Cros { condition = "on"; class Cros { type = "line"; points[] = {{"WeaponAim", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.015, 0}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.04}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.012}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.015, 0}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.04}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.012}, 1}}; }; }; class SpeedNumber { type = "text"; align = "right"; scale = 1; source = "speed"; sourceScale = 3.6; pos[] = {{0.06, 0.07}, 1}; right[] = {{0.14, 0.07}, 1}; down[] = {{0.06, 0.12}, 1}; }; class AltNumber : SpeedNumber { source = "altitudeASL"; sourceScale = 1; pos[] = {{0.86, 0.07}, 1}; right[] = {{0.94, 0.07}, 1}; down[] = {{0.86, 0.12}, 1}; }; class HeadingNumber : SpeedNumber { source = "HorizonDive"; align = "right"; sourceScale = 57.2958; pos[] = {"HorizonDive", {0.81, -0.05}, 1}; right[] = {"HorizonDive", {0.89, -0.05}, 1}; down[] = {"HorizonDive", {0.81, 0.0}, 1}; }; class MGun { condition = "mgun"; class Lines { type = "line"; points[] = {{"VelocityNotCenter", 0.001, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {0.2, 0.0}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.1, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {0.18, -0.01}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.2, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {0.16, -0.03}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.3, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {0.14, -0.06}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.4, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {0.12, -0.1}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.5, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {0.1, -0.15}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.6, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {0.08, -0.21}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.7, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {0.06, -0.28}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.8, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {0.04, -0.4}, 1}, {}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.001, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {-0.2, 0.0}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.1, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {-0.18, -0.01}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.2, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {-0.16, -0.03}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.3, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {-0.14, -0.06}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.4, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {-0.12, -0.1}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.5, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {-0.1, -0.15}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.6, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {-0.08, -0.21}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.7, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {-0.06, -0.28}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.8, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {-0.04, -0.4}, 1}}; }; }; class weapons { type = "text"; source = "weapon"; align = "right"; scale = 1; sourceScale = 1; pos[] = {{0.06, 0.88}, 1}; right[] = {{0.12, 0.88}, 1}; down[] = {{0.06, 0.92}, 1}; }; class ammo { type = "text"; source = "ammo"; align = "right"; scale = 1; sourceScale = 1; pos[] = {{0.06, 0.93}, 1}; right[] = {{0.12, 0.93}, 1}; down[] = {{0.06, 0.97}, 1}; }; class ILS { condition = "ils"; class Glideslope { clipTL[] = {0.0, 0.0}; clipBR[] = {1.0, 1.0}; class ILS { type = "line"; points[] = {{ILS_W, {-0.4, 0}, 1}, {ILS_W, {0.4, 0}, 1}, {}, {ILS_W, {0, 0.04}, 1}, {ILS_W, {0, -0.04}, 1}, {}, {ILS_W, {0.2, 0.04}, 1}, {ILS_W, {0.2, -0.04}, 1}, {}, {ILS_W, {0.4, 0.04}, 1}, {ILS_W, {0.4, -0.04}, 1}, {}, {ILS_W, {-0.2, 0.04}, 1}, {ILS_W, {-0.2, -0.04}, 1}, {}, {ILS_W, {-0.4, 0.04}, 1}, {ILS_W, {-0.4, -0.04}, 1}, {}, {ILS_H, {0, -0.4}, 1}, {ILS_H, {0, 0.4}, 1}, {}, {ILS_H, {0.04, 0}, 1}, {ILS_H, {-0.04, 0}, 1}, {}, {ILS_H, {0.04, 0.2}, 1}, {ILS_H, {-0.04, 0.2}, 1}, {}, {ILS_H, {0.04, 0.4}, 1}, {ILS_H, {-0.04, 0.4}, 1}, {}, {ILS_H, {0.04, -0.2}, 1}, {ILS_H, {-0.04, -0.2}, 1}, {}, {ILS_H, {0.04, -0.4}, 1}, {ILS_H, {-0.04, -0.4}, 1}, {}}; }; }; }; }; }; }; HeadAimDown = 4; }; };
  24. Getting there guys :) All the textures are in, just got to work on the LODS etc now! http://i.imgur.com/N2Xh7it.jpg (588 kB)
  25. Much obliged guys... Figured some stuff out, mainly the paths for the textures wouldn't take unless I was in P: drive and also I didn't realise the rvmats also held their path in text format. A lot to learn, but as I am doing this mainly for enjoyment there is no rush! Can't believe I actually said enjoyment :) Also please excuse any wrong terminology I use, first time ever messing around with models!