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Everything posted by BlenderRUS

  1. BlenderRUS

    Ukraine General

    Thats not logical because ukrainian government came to power in a result of the revolution and started to kill own people which wasn't agree with that, even journalists a month ago. There are many videos of drunk bandits in ukrainian uniform firing a mortar, ran over kids, bombing citizens in cities - there are many of such terrible things happens in Ukraine. US follows politics of "bloody revolutions" - thats a fact and gets a profit. But I dont understand why some EU countries supports them. Also, Igor Strelkov is not actual FSB officer. He quit his job in 2013. And statements like: "The Kremlin also promoted a violent uprising in Donbass" are insane, its started much earlier - when first molotov coctail was throwen on Kiev's Maidan. And if you are talking about International Conventions - where you have been when USA/NATO has bombed: - Panama'89, - Somali'93 (during civil war), - Yugoslavia'95 (without UN permission), - Yugoslavia'99 (also without UN permission), - Afghanistan'01 (as a result - about 500'000 citizens were killed), - Iraq'03 (more than 100'000 citizens casualties, and no chemical weapon?)
  2. BlenderRUS

    Ukraine General

    I have 3 friends who dismissed from the regular army and went to fight for Donbass. Maybe this deserters just wanted to immigrate - I dont know, but actually government dont need to send troops because there are many skilled volunteers. I've heard this story about this guys from 106th Airborne Division and maybe it can be truth, but this story really strange - Russia have enough volunteers. Another story that government can *unofficially* support people from Donbass with vehicles and equipment.. but EU and USA does the same.
  3. BlenderRUS

    Ukraine General

    Almost every month they "catch" special forces soldiers with documents (!) of GRU (like CIA) officers and rifles... and of course, all of this were fake ;) This two guys could be a former russian soldiers and nothing unusual here because there are many volunteers from Russia (inc. ex military), former Soviet republics and even EU countries.
  4. BlenderRUS

    Ukraine General

    Nothing special... just meat for the ukrainian soldiers :)
  5. BlenderRUS

    JBAD Release Thread

    You can easily fix this by yourself. Just change this crazy explosionShielding value from '50' to at least '1' in 'HitPoints' subclass of this building (Land_Jbad_Mil_ControlTower). Same issue also presents in 'Land_Jbad_Mil_House' class. UPD: Here is some 'express' version of buildings replacement addon for All In Arma we've made. Maybe it will be useful for someone. https://yadi.sk/d/78bNAAtdgZ6Kn
  6. There is a new problem with Steam Query Protocol today: Arma 2 servers dont send back players information after correct challenge response. Challenge packet response is absolutelly correct! It works with arma 3 servers but since today - not with arma 2. Same problem in my C++, C# and PHP query libraries. A2S_INFO response is correct but this request is not using challenge packet. There was a similar problem with GameSpy query protocol when gamespy has finished (last 4 challenge bytes simply didnt sent back from the servers). Is there also some sever-side dependencies on external services (ex. Steam/BE master servers) which can be down? Example players query sent by me: ---------- Post added at 18:17 ---------- Previous post was at 16:52 ---------- OK. It seems that players information is handled by Steam services which are currently down/broken or something..
  7. BlenderRUS

    Steam Master Server protocol

    Hey! Check this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/STEAMWORKSquery and this: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Server_queries I wrote C++, C# and PHP libraries based on this information.
  8. BlenderRUS

    configure correct path to arma2oa.exe

    Just copy "addons", "dta" folders from Arma 2 to your Arrowhead and forget about arma 2 problems.
  9. http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/1619/blendvi.jpg (250 kB) Advanced Vehicle Interaction for ArmA 3 Alpha Author: Blender Current version: 0.9 Installation/Usage: - Unpack blend_avi-arma3_v09.rar to your ArmA 3 directory (should be like C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamApps\common\Arma3\@blend_vehInt) - Start Arma 3 with parameter: -mod=@blend_vehInt; - Place Adv. Vehicle Interaction module on the map in editor - You can access VI menu by pressing SHIFT+E keys Its not a final version due to Arma 3 alpha status. Video: Download (19,14Kb): - ArmA3.RU - RGHost.net
  10. Description: Because ArmA's "sleep" command isnt working proper in multiplayer (for example: "sleep 600;" on a server can actually "be" 800 seconds or even more on overloaded servers) - I wrote this small extension for ArmA 2 which can get system date & time, and count time in seconds between specific calls using windows system date & time. This will be useful for example: for multiplayer mission makers to start some side-missions every 10 minutes... Usage: Just put blend-time.dll inside any of your server addons folder or create one (i.e. <Arma 2 Folder>\@time\blend-time.dll). To get current date and time: _dateTime = "blend-time" callExtension "date"; This will return an array: ["date", <DAY>, <MONTH>, <YEAR>, <HOUR>, <MINUTE>, <SECOND>]; for example: ["date", 19, 12, 2012, 04, 21, 09]; // This means: 19 of December 2012 04:21:09 To start time count use: _startCount = "blend-time" callExtension "set"; If everything is ok the answer will be: ["set", 0]; To show how much seconds elapsed after "set" call: _timeElapsed = "blend-time" callExtension "check"; If everything is OK and timer was started with "set" call - this will return an array: ["check", <ELAPSED TIME IN SECONDS>]; To start a new time count call "blend-time" callExtension "set"; again. All call arguments are case sensitive! Author: Blender Download: - ARMA3.RU FTP - ARMA3.RU HTTP
  11. We've got the same bug after survive update... 1/5 of our side started without uniform/vests on weekly sunday games (~140 players)
  12. Nice one... but how can I change color scheme?
  13. ArmA Tactics Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/224860/?snr=1_7_15__13 BIStore: https://store.bistudio.com/arma-tactics Will be available October 1, 2013 Is there something exclusive for PC version?
  14. DEN: Problem solved with latest update. Now you can change language in CONFIGURE >> GAME >> LANGUAGE http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14368
  15. Guys... Please think twice before post... You cant just change language in executable when content is absent! BTW look at the arma 2 language changer's author..... just to avoid unnecessary questions... UPDATE: OK, small ArmA 3 update (~1,6Mb) just 5 minutes ago can solve this problem (at least stringtable.xml now seems valid).
  16. ramius86: Lol :) First of all I disabled development build, selected language, verified cache... It doesnt helped! After that I removed all content and redownloaded. Game says that version is 1.00... I can join servers but no localization inside xml files! I asked my mates who owns Standart edition to share with me their stringtable files... and discovered that localization is missing in Supporter Edition xml files! Thats it.
  17. OK. stringtable_f.pbo from Supporter Edition only have Original and English languages When standart version have 10 languages (inc original)
  18. Better stay on english... russian translation is terrible... not much better then google translator :)
  19. BlenderRUS

    ARMA3 Russian (Cyrliic) Font Support

    Magirot: Yes it was. In ArmA 3 we have a different font (Purista) which dont have Cyrillic and other chars by default (I mean even not in arma 3).
  20. Hi there. I've been a little confused because of no cyrillic support in Arma 3. So here is a small addon I made to fix this lack for our games but it will be unfair if I not share this with community :) RusFont addon replaces standart Arma 3 font with a new one which supports cyrillic characters. UI may looks unusual because of new font but its the closest to Purista font that I found. Download: - ARMA3.RU FTP - ARMA3.RU HTTP - zalil.ru
  21. BlenderRUS

    ARMA3 Russian (Cyrliic) Font Support

    Foxhound: Thanks, much appreciate! :) Ceh: Not sure but there are some similar characters also presented in this font
  22. Fixed DTAS due to removed classes in the latest stable Arma 3 update. Download: ARMA3.RU FTP
  23. BlenderRUS

    Dedicated server - status

    The same as for Arma 2 but without BattlEye yet. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_2:_Dedicated_Server
  24. BlenderRUS

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    upagumtree: First - use search... Update to the latest development build which have fixes mentioned in hack announcement
  25. ... or just subscribe to development update which have fix for this hack...