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Posts posted by bangabob

  1. I've being thinking about simulating an EMP.

    What i want the EMP to do:

    1. MUST be multiplayer/JIP

    2. Damage vehicles. Example 'destroy the rear rotor'

    3. Empty Fuel on vehicles

    4. Remove players GPS/maps/guns or ammo

    5. Make the screen go White briefly

    I know i am asking for a lot but i dont think it is that hard.

    I need help espcially with 1,4 and 5.

  2. Hello everybody.

    I have experience using DAC and other AI spawning scripts.


    Making a mission involving players travelling anywhere on the map.

    These players should have enemy AI near them at all times.


    1.Placing enemies all over the map can cause map lag.

    2.Placing DAC spawn triggers on every part of the map will take forever

    I know about the DAC option to make the DAC area follow a player. However, AI units might lag behind the players.

    Any help is appreciated

  3. Operation Devils Highway

    Date: 11/09/12, Tuesday, 19.00

    Requirements: @ACE @ACEX @ACEX_RU @ACE_SM @CBA @EOD @Sangin @ASR_AI (@beton @MBG_KillHouses @opx_objects @mb_objects) All added automatically for Sangin

    Coop Mission

    LOCATION: Sangin, Afghanistan


    WARNING: Hardcore players recommended. Map markers/3rd person disabled. Very limited visibility (Due to fields).


    Patrolling the Afghan highway is your top priority. This road is 5km long and is the boundary between Taliban territory and the safezones. On your patrol you may encounter other objectives. These are secondary and are not required to finish your mission. Along the highway you will encounter VP's. A VP is a vulnerable point. Or an area that is highly likely to have IED's placed by the Taliban. Approach these areas with extreme caution.

    Added systems

    Medivac System. Only one medic for the sections. This medic must work with his pilot to treat injured players. Epinephrine is only available from of-site base which is accessible by flying.


    B section



    Team Leader:

    Automatic rifleman:


    D section



    Team Leader:

    Automatic rifleman:


    CAS Support

    Apache pilot(Part-time):

    Apache Gunner(Part-time):

    Medivac Pilot:

    Medivac Medic:

    Player feedback

    'the most realistic thing i have played that is close to the real deal.'

    'Honestly one of the most realistic missions I have played in a while'

    'intense fighting going on! Most of the casualty's seemed to come from RPG's or IED's which is pretty realistic I would imagen'

    'Best mission yet was awesome.'

    Download link: http://www.2shared.com/file/oHh1qXQt/Operation_Devils_Highway_7hell.html

    Youtube link:

    Operation Devils Highway Co-14 (@)

    Fairly basic revision. No special extras. Just a good realistic mission that works.

    Created by Me/ BangaBob

  4. The destroying car trigger is simple.

    Its the Tasks (objectives) that may cause you problems.

    I suggest you check this out: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?86206-Taskmaster-creating-and-updating-tasks-for-any-set-of-players-with-JIP-support

    That is the one i use. Very simple to use.

    As for the trigger

    Condition: !alive carname && !alive carname1 && !alive carname2

    On act: hint 'Add taskmaster tasks here'

  5. Hi guys. You lot have being so useful so far with scripting.

    I want to make a defence mission with waves of enemies BUT i dont want the waves to start until a trigger tells it too. For example BLUFOR present.

    So heres my current problem.

    I have tried the random spawn direction mod. http://www.kylania.com/ex/?p=31

    This mod is nice but it doesn't automatically respawn the enemies when they have being killed.

    I have also tried the UPS script. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6540

    This mod works except i can't trigger the enemies. They just spawn at the beginning of the mission.

    Ideally i would like a script like this (my normal spawn enemy script i use). The problem with this script is that i cant designate the waypoints and they dont respawn after they are killed


    Condition: Blufor present

    On act: Exec 'spawnenemies.sqf'


    if (!isServer) exitWith {};

    _spawnPos = markerPos (_this select 0);

    _group1 = createGroup EAST;

    _unit1 = _group1 createUnit ["TK_INS_Bonesetter_EP1", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; sleep 0.2;

    _unit2 = _group1 createUnit ["TK_INS_Soldier_2_EP1", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; sleep 0.2;

    _unit2 = _group1 createUnit ["TK_INS_Soldier_AT_EP1", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; sleep 0.2;

    _unit3 = _group1 createUnit ["TK_INS_Soldier_AR_EP1", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; sleep 0.2;

    [_group1, _spawnPos, 100, 7, "MOVE", "AWARE", "WHITE", "LIMITED", "WEDGE", [3,6,9]] call CBA_fnc_taskPatrol;

    Any help would be appreciated

  6. Hi. I have an odd problem. I am using ACE wounds with the basic description.ext for respawn.

    I have two playable sides in my mission. BLUFOR and INDEPENDENT.

    I want INDEPENDENT to respawn. but i don't want BLUFOR to respawn. (If that makes sense)

    I have already tried removing the respawn_gurilla but the independent just respawn at the BLUFOR marker instead.

    Please help

  7. I am making a mission which involves a blufor team escaping Chernarus.

    I want civilians to spawn on roads preferably driving around when the BLUFOR approach the roads ect

    I have a spawnunitsciv.sqf script with this code:

    if (!isServer) exitWith {};

    _spawnPos = markerPos (_this select 0);

    _group1 = createGroup Civilian;

    _unit1 = _group1 createUnit ["Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; sleep 0.2;

    _unit2 = _group1 createUnit ["Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; sleep 0.2;

    [_group1, _spawnPos, 100, 7, "MOVE", "SAFE", "WHITE", "LIMITED", "WEDGE", [3,6,9]] call CBA_fnc_taskPatrol;

    And a trigger

    Condition: Blufor detected

    Act: 0 = ["markername"] execVM "spawnUnitsciv.sqf";

    When i use this script no civilian cars spawn. (BTW i have placed a civilian on map)

    Any help would be appreciated.

  8. Okay cheers. Very useful scripts there and i will be sure to implement one of them.

    I have another question although not related to the topic.

    Is it possible to have a BLUFOR group spawn together at the start of the mission at a number of different predetermined positions.

    For example. 5 different spawn points for the BLUFOR group at the mission start while the OPFOR spawn in one static position?

  9. I searching all over the web but couldn't find what i was looking for. I have some editing knowledge and have created missions in the past.

    Basically my mission involves 2 SIDES for a MP mission night

    WEST and EAST.

    The WEST tasks involve getting to one of the 8 triggers Marked on the map. These are defined in the Briefing.sqf

    While the EAST will have a task to destroy the WEST soldiers. (The WEST team leader has a marker that updates on his location every 5 minutes. This marker will be the task marker in the briefing.sqf for the EAST.

    So my question is how can i get both sides to have separate tasks?

    Any help would be appreciated
