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Everything posted by bangabob

  1. Yould need to change _eastHeavyInfantry = ["OIA_InfSquad_Weapons","OIA_InfTeam","OIA_InfTeam_AT"]; _eastHouseInfantry = ["OIA_InfTeam","OIA_InfTeam_AT"]; _eastMotorisedInfantry = ["O_Ifrit_GMG_F","O_Ifrit_MG_F"]; and case 0: { if (_debugHint) then {Hint "EAST AI selected";}; _heavyInfantry = _eastHeavyInfantry; _houseInfantry = _eastHouseInfantry; _motorisedInfantry = _eastMotorisedInfantry; _grpType = "OPF_F"; _sideAdjust = East; _GrpClass = "infantry"; _heavyGrpClass = "infantry"; _aiSide = "EAST"; _detectionSide = "WEST"; _eastTanks = ""; }; To ARMA 2 commands so _grpType = "OPF_F"; would be _grpType = "RU";
  2. bangabob

    Simple Mortar script

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I will have a look soon
  3. bangabob

    Running Suicide bomber

    Yeah that would simply be a matter of plaing the code in a loop for instance _suicidebomber = "mental guy"; //bomber name _suicidepos = getpos _suicidebomber; //Bomber location waitUntil { sleep 1; ( {side _x == WEST && (_x distance _suicidepos) < 10} count allUnits) > 0 }; while (_terroise) do { _units = []; // all WEST units within 10m of _suicidepos { if (side _x == WEST && (_x distance _suicidepos) < 10) then { _units set [count _units, _x]; }; } forEach allUnits; _suicidebomber DoMove _units; if (!alive _suicidebomber) then [exitwith]; sleep 1; }
  4. Awesome. If you get it working please share your configs. It will be very useful
  5. bangabob

    Running Suicide bomber

    be something like _suicidebomber = "mental guy"; //bomber name _suicidepos = getpos _suicidebomber; //Bomber location waitUntil { sleep 1; ( {side _x == WEST && (_x distance _suicidepos) < 10} count allUnits) > 0 }; _units = []; // all WEST units within 10m of _suicidepos { if (side _x == WEST && (_x distance _suicidepos) < 10) then { _units set [count _units, _x]; }; } forEach allUnits; _suicidebomber DoMove _units; Please don't take this code as final. This is simply a brief idea on how to acheive what you are looking for. Expect to mess about with this code to get it working.
  6. Yeah. Feel free to adapt the script with more squads but good luck. I've tried that route and things get very weird
  7. Thanks :D . Yeah should be as simple as swapping the ai group pools with Arma 2 units and _grpType = "OPF_F"; changed to "BAF"; I wont be doing it myself because im finished with Arma 2 editing. But feel free to adapt the script for ARMA 2 ---------- Post added at 13:48 ---------- Previous post was at 13:47 ---------- Place more markers. You can make some markers invisible and it will still work in exactly the same way
  8. You would need to edit the script to create a variable which detects when the marker has turned green and somehow compile them all and detect when every marker has been turned. I looked into it briefly but frankly i found it more hastle than its worth
  9. Large update v0.8 NEW FEATURES - Selects spawn position within marker (No longer in the center) - REINFORCEMENTS module added (Finds safe spawn for enemy reinforcements and automatically moves group into the marker.) For extra realism and added difficulty - Now supports spawning WEST units when playing as EAST ---------- Post added at 20:10 ---------- Previous post was at 19:54 ---------- Yes, good idea. I will look into it
  10. Its possible. Just run the EOS script when you create the marker. Maybe in the same trigger you use to create the marker
  11. I have been making a script that allows you to choose which side you want AI to spawn However when trying to replace EAST with my variable the game doesnt spawn the units For example: _grpSide = "EAST"; _grpType = "OPF_F"; _sideAdjust = East; _grp1 = [_spawnPosition, _sideAdjust, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> _grpSide >> _grpType >> "Infantry" >> _heavySelection),[],[],[0.25,0.4]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; Default code _grp1 = [_spwnpos, East, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam"),[],[],[0.25,0.4]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; So my question is how can i get the letters EAST into my variable _sideAdjust without using speechmarks UPDATE: I realised that my variable wasnt stored as private. Doh. Incase your interested _sideAdjust = East; works just fine
  12. bangabob


    Updated with some minor fixes. Including global hints. And updated task hints
  13. bangabob


    I will look into it once we get a dedicated exe from BI
  14. bangabob


    Yes you didnt look at the whole script. If you did you would know that i was on about a different script AND even if i was talking about the AI spawning the script has !isserver checks before spawning any units anyway
  15. bangabob

    how do i create a timelapse?

    To make a timelapse you must set up a program to take a screenshot every 0.2 or 0.5 seconds. Then leave the game running for about an hour or two. (Will make a 60 second video) Then you can open the images in Adobe Premiere and select import as "numbered stills". Then compile in a video format. The tricky part is finding a program that takes stills every 0.5 seconds...
  16. The script will respawn the whole squad.
  17. bangabob


    Thats very strange. I havnt been able to test any of my scripts on a dedi. Id recommend looking in the EOS folder and find the occupationtile.sqf . That script is responsible for spawning all AI. Let me know what you think could be the issue. (I have no idea about dedicated servers otherwise i'd look myself) It may also be the occupationinit.sqf Inside that there is if(not isServer) exitWith{}; You could try removing this and see if it spawns the AI
  18. bangabob


    Okay thanks for letting me know about the repair trigger. Be as simple as clicking repeatedly in the trigger though. As for the Taskhint... Well as far as im aware no one has made a fully JIP task system for ARMA III yet. Taskmaster still does the job... for now Edit : Tested repair pad and it works fine for me.
  19. Awesome thanks a lot :) ---------- Post added at 14:40 ---------- Previous post was at 14:35 ---------- I dare say that is far beyond me :D . And i dont believe there are any items in ARMA III which are suitable for intel yet. Such as suitcases.
  20. bangabob


    Its similar to Insurgency. Of course it will like other insurgency clones to a degree. Although the only thing other than that which is connected it is the name. The AI scripts are made by myself and the insurgency respawn was made because i requested help with it. Try it out. Let me know what you think
  21. Updated script to 0.7. Several tweaks and added randomised group selection
  22. bangabob

    Loop .sqf

    BTW you can easily remove the NVgoggles from VAS. Search for the missionfolder/gear/config.sqf Iniside the config file just add "NVGoggles" to the bottom string //Items to remove from VAS vas_r_items = []; So it looks like //Items to remove from VAS vas_r_items = ["NVGoggles"];