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Everything posted by bangabob

  1. To help isolate the problem try running your killed eventhandler on non-cos units. If the problem is solved then it is a error with COS and I may be more help
  2. Yeah you can make markers invisible. See the instructions for how to do it
  3. Open eos_core.sqf found in: Arma 3 - Other Profiles\username\missions\EOS_1_98.Altis\eos\core Browse to lines 33,35,38,40 and remove the "&& isplayer _x" from each code beginning with _actcond.
  4. bangabob

    Deleted Units Won't Disappear

    I think it's necessary to delete the crew then delete the vehicle. Give it a bash and let me know. Actually, check this code out. You dont need to set the variable for the driver manually. The code is adjusted to delete them automatically. this setVariable ["IP_Scene", "start"]; // Variables IP_SceneStartObjects = []; // All Objects { _scene = _x getVariable ["IP_Scene", ""]; if ((_scene != "") && {(_scene == "start")}) then { IP_SceneStartObjects pushBack _x; }; } forEach (allMissionObjects "All"); { _x deleteVehicleCrew driver _x; deleteVehicle _x } forEach IP_SceneStartObjects;
  5. I see. To add the action to 20%-30% of the civilians an IF statement would suffice. For example _unit = (_this select 0); _chance = 20 + (random 10); if ((random 100) <= _chance) then { //RUN SCRIPT HERE FOR 20%-30% OF UNITS };
  6. Demolition Game Mode for ArmA 3 Release date | Work-in-progress Description Close combat terrorist vs counter terrorist scenario. Based on the competitive game mode from Counter strike. Pictures Features Unique maps suitable for 5 vs 5 (Help wanted) Automatic team-switch at halftime Bomb animations Full HUD including mini-map, team-score, kill ticker, round timer Buying of weapons (defuser, Armour, helmet) at round start Server controlled rounds New sound assets Parameters customization (Round time limit, Total rounds, defuse time, bomb timer) Spectator mode for players Progress report [13/03/15] I have made considerable progress and I am looking for scriptwriters willing to help with this project (Particularly anyone with expereince at creating dialog's and map makers.). I would also like to implement some kind of ranking system when the core game mode is released.
  7. It's very hard to say without knowing the error message you are getting. But this while loop with no sleep worries me because this will be a infinite loop for each civilian spawned. + It will continually add actions to the unit forever
  8. bangabob

    Round end script?

    I like this idea. Are you planning to implement a money system similar to CS GO?
  9. Nope. It doesnt have that ability. Sorry
  10. Weird. So its like the EOS zone is a donut shape?
  11. Is anybody else having this issue?
  12. This is another method which completely removes the array manipulation except for an initial randomization. _spots = ["spot1","spot2","spot3"]; _numberOfUnits = 2; _shuffledArray = _spots call BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle; for "_i" from 1 to _numberOfUnits do { _grp = createGroup east; _spot = _shuffledArray select _i; _unit = _grp createUnit ["I_G_resistanceCommander_F", getMarkerPos _spot, [], 0, "corporal"]; _grp setBehaviour "AWARE"; _grp setCombatMode "yellow"; };
  13. bangabob

    JIP And setpos

    Try this in the init.sqf "respawn_west" setMarkerPos (markerPos "respawn_west"); player setPos (markerPos "respawn_west"); This should update the marker position to the 'current' position before the player is moved.
  14. ArmA AI would require complex FSM scripts to achieve any kind of realistic covert behavior. AI spawning in buildings and maintaining defensive positions is about as good as you will get from scripts. I think this is a thin superficial layer that adds very little to engaging gameplay. However mods exist that dramatically augment the AI behavior, Zeus AI was the big one for ArmA 2. I would recommend keeping covert ops to Player VS Player scenarios and using AI as dumb aiming practice.
  15. What exactly are you looking for with CQB AI spawning script? BTW you can edit EOS if you like.
  16. You could detect when the zone is cleared via a color check waitUntil {("mkr" getMarkerColor) == "colorGreen"}; //task complete
  17. You may find this useful. It is a small script that makes AI shoot a target forever. It can be called in the units init field via null = [this,target1] execVM "shoot.sqf"; //shoot.sqf _unit = (this select 0); _target = (_this select 1); _unit dotarget _target; sleep 2; while {alive _unit} do { sleep 0.3; _unit setAmmo [currentWeapon _unit, 1]; _unit forceWeaponFire [ weaponState _unit select 1, weaponState _unit select 2]; };
  18. Marker Localisation System (MLS) By BangaBob Description Easily localise markers according to players - side, group, faction and name. Fully MP compatible. Instructions Add this code into the init.sqf null = [] execVM "H8_LocMkr_OpenMe.sqf"; Open "H8_LocMkr_OpenMe.sqf" and place your initial markers inside. Arguments 0 = [["ARG1"],[ARG2],ARG3] spawn H8_addMarker; ARG1 - Marker Name (String) | Paste the name of the marker you wish to localise. Can be ordered as a list for multiple markers. ARG2 - (SIDE, GROUPNAME, UNITNAME, FACTION) | Define who can see the marker. Can be ordered as a list for multiple conditions. SIDES = WEST, EAST, INDEPENDENT, CIVILIAN FACTIONS = "BLU_F","BLU_G_F","OPF_F","OPF_G_F","IND_F","IND_G_F","CIV_F" ARG3 - Marker Alpha (Integer) | Define the alpha of the marker. 0 = Invisible. 1 = Max Alpha. (Default 1). Examples Localise "mkr_3" to ONLY west units 0 = [["mkr_3"],[WEST]] spawn H8_addMarker; Localise "mkr_1" and "mkr_2" to ONLY independent units 0 = [["mkr_1","mkr_2"],[iNDEPENDENT]] spawn H8_addMarker; Localise "mkr_4" to "BLU_F" faction and the unit named PLAYER1 0 = [["mkr_4"],["BLU_F", PLAYER1]] spawn H8_addMarker; Localise "mkr_5" and "mkr_6" to groups, group1 & group2 and set the alpha to 0.7 0 = [["mkr_5","mkr_6"],[group1,group2],0.7] spawn H8_addMarker; Functions Update Marker Alpha 0 = [["MKR_1"],0.3] spawn H8_updateAlpha; Remove Marker 0 = ["MKR_2"] spawn H8_removeMkr; Get local Marker _localMkr = ["mkr"] call H8_getLocalMkr; Get all markers _addedMarkers = H8_markerArray (Returns array of all markers); waitUntil INIT complete waitUntil {!isNil ("H8_initComplete")}; Download here v1.0 ArmaHolic Link OR Take a look inside the script below! H8_LocMkr_OpenMe.sqf
  19. bangabob

    Marker Localisation System

    Each marker is local to the player. Therefore to move/change the marker the script has to be run on the players machine.(Not dedicated). Something like this ran from the init.sqf (After MLS has initiated) MoveMarker.sqf _civs = []; //INSERT CIVILIANS HERE while {true} do { { _localMkr = [(format ["%1mkr",_x])] call H8_getLocalMkr; //MARKER NAME INSERTED HERE _localMkr setMarkerPos _x; }forEach _civs; sleep 1;//DELAY FOR UPDATING THE MARKER }; This is a rough concept. It will need adapting depending on how you are generating the markers.
  20. EnableSimulation (might) stop shadows appearing.
  21. Yes. Script1.sqf private ["_myVar"]; _mrVar = 34; missionNameSpace setvariable ["myVariableName",_myVar]; script2.sqf _getVar = MissionNameSpace getVariable "myVariableName"; hint str _getVar;
  22. ClawHammer asked how to detect when the VIP leaves the trigger. Your code activates when the VIP enters the trigger