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Everything posted by bangabob

  1. bangabob


    Updated v5.2 Fixed JIP markers for Side missions and FOB's! @MassAsster - You can. There is an addaction towards the back of the osprey which allows you to destroy it
  2. Thanks that appear to half work. I have JIPmarker.sqf if (!isServer) exitwith {}; hint "called"; [[FOB_ONE],"JIPmark", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; [[FOB_TWO],"JIPmark", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; [[FOB_THREE],"JIPmark", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; init.sqf [] execVM "jipmarker.sqf"; JIPmark = { private ["_baseName","_basePos"]; _baseName = (_this select 0); _basePos = getpos (_this select 0); _baseID = format["um%1",_baseName]; _baseMarker = createMarkerLocal [_baseID, _basePos]; _baseMarker setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_flag"; _baseMarker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlue"; }; Markers show when a player re-connects. But when launching from the lobby they aren't shown. I suppose i have to create the markers twice? If theres a way to make this run from the start then it would be perfect. (Im a bit of a perfectionist, cant stand extra things that arent needed.lol)
  3. bangabob


    Glad your enjoying it :D Thanks for letting me know the table can be knocked over by an ATV.lol. I will look into moving the VAS to something more sturdy
  4. But.... it doesn't for a marker created via script.lol. Is this in the non-development build? I've been messing about with it for the last 2 days on my dedicated server and if it worked then i wouldnt be asking the question ;)
  5. Care to explain a bit more. 1.I hope your not referring to the example mission because that is set at 50m spawn and 65m de-spawn to demonstrate the script! 2.Are you running on a dedicated server? 3.Squads are set to 40m randomisation spawn. Can be easily changed using _Randomisation 4.Have you tried turning debug on to find out which part is going wrong? (That would really help me find what is going on). Change _debugHint = false to _debugHint = true 5.There are reinforcements? Have you enabled them?
  6. Lol. I wasn't aware of any problems with reinforcements. Let me know if you still get that problem
  7. Good idea. I will work on finishing touches like that soon when im satisfied the script works fully
  8. bangabob


    Thanks. I had no idea BTC wasnt working :( . Fixed and download link updated
  9. bangabob


    sorry. I have been working my ass off getting this mission out there as fast as possible. And I use bits and pieces from lots of editors. And every bit of help I get helps me create a better mission for everybody. I will mention you in the credits next time I update the mission
  10. Check out my eos script. Easy to use and does exactly what you are looking for and more if you want
  11. bangabob


    Okay. Well the problem with the checkpoints is that created markers arent sent via network for JIP. Therefore I need to create a local marker for each checkpoint for each player that joins. As for the side mission marker I need to make a it update for jip too. This may take a few days. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. bangabob


    Thanks for letting me know. I will look into a fix. By any chance did this happen with v4.2 aswell?
  13. EOS has been rewritten for Beta. A number of changes listed in thread topic. Enjoy!
  14. bangabob


    New version available. V5 - Fully updated for Beta (New vehicles and weapons) - Rewritten Side missions for increased performance - Rewritten Side mission EOS script for increased performance - Implemented bases which can be captured to access fast travel and new vehicles - Added BTC revive - Updated Occupation Respawn to show names - Removed invisible units from groups - Added fast travel option from forward operating bases - Multitude of bug fixes and optimizations Due to the major changes there may be some bugs i havn't found yet. Please let me know of any bugs you find.
  15. bangabob


    When I get back from holiday on Monday im going to focus on. 1. Update to beta, reward vehicles,enemy classes,base assets 2. Implement a revive system. Giving hosts choice as to whether occupation respawn or standard revive 3. Add capturable bases which will replace the need for mhqs. 4. Improve recover sidemission. 5. Rewrite sidemission eos scripts to suit sidemissions better And a few minor changes. Any big things ive missed?
  16. bangabob


    Thanks for all the comments. It helps me construct a better mission one step at a time. Keep the comments coming. Im afraid v4.2 will be latest version for a while as i am going away for a week. But i will keep an eye on this thread and start planning future updates.
  17. Find _spotFriendlies trigger. Replace _spotFriendlies setTriggerStatements ["this","",""]; with _spotFriendlies setTriggerStatements ["this && {((getPosATL _x) select 2) < 5} count thislist > 0 ","",""];
  18. Yeah, you have to add a height check in all the triggers. Although why don't you want a helicopter to spawn the zones
  19. bangabob


    Update. V4.2 - Added parameter for Agia Marina spawn distances. Recommended, High, very high, INSANE - Side mission hints improved to show objective names instead of classnames - Improved Respawn script. Now says name of player you have spawned on - Introduction hint improved. - Bug fixes (Side mission marker not disappearing, tweaks to AI spawn distances)
  20. bangabob


    I'll see what i can do with regards to adding different settings for spawn distance parameters in Agia. The Marina is a pain in my butt for a few reasons. 1. ALPHA is ALPHA and the Marina is simply fps laggy no matter what i do 2. The inner squares (75m) of the town aren't really relevant until players breach the outer squares (150m) anyway. 3. I have spawned a large group with vehicle spawn on the northern side (350m) which can be sniped.
  21. Cool script. Does this work in MP environment?
  22. bangabob


    New update. 4.1 - Added following parameters Number of side missions Allow bonus vehicle Mission start time Spawn at base or squadmates JIP. Respawn system is always respawn on squadmates Force first person Base protection - Unlimited Side missions - Scuba diving, recovery tasks, search and destroy. @beerkan - The stable build (non-development) has not being updated yet and VAS still works NOTE: Small amendment. Fixed. Side mission marker not showing. 17:06
  23. This is really annoying espicially as old fixes go out the window with the removal of vehicleinit. Heres my script if (!isServer) exitwith {}; private ["_randomisedDistance","_SideRandomPos","_SideObject","_SO1","_SideLandSea","_eosType","_isDestroyObject","_addVehicle","_descriptiontwo"];_SidePosition = markerPos (_this select 0); //---------------------------------------------------------------SET OBJECTIVE BELOW---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// ["SecondSide"," Destroy the object","Check your map for the the location of the valuable cargo "] call SHK_Taskmaster_add; _isDestroyObject = true; //True = Blow up to complete/ False = get within 10 meters _SideLand = true; //land = true - Sea = false _SideObject = "Land_CinderBlocks_F"; //Set object to spawn _radiusPlacement = 50; //Set randomisation _globalSideMkrName = "SOMarker"; //In editor Marker name //------------------------------------------------------------------GO TO BOTTOM----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// _sideMkrName = (_this select 0); _globalSideMkrName setmarkerpos getmarkerpos _sideMkrName; _globalSideMkrName setMarkerAlpha 1;_globalSideMkrName setMarkerText "Side Mission"; _SideRandomPos = [_SidePosition, random _radiusPlacement, random 359] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _SO1 = _SideObject createVehicle _SideRandomPos; _SO1 lock true; if (_isDestroyObject) then { _SO1 addAction ["Plant/Arm C4 Explosive","sides\Sabotage.sqf"];}; if (_SideLand) then {_eosType = "sides\EOSside.sqf";_addVehicle=True;} else {_eosType = "sides\EOSdivers.sqf";_addVehicle=false;}; null = [_sideMkrName,true,_addVehicle] execVM _eosType; if (_isDestroyObject) then { waituntil {!alive _SO1}; deletevehicle _SO1; _globalSideMkrName setMarkerAlpha 0; } else { waitUntil { sleep 1; ( {side _x == WEST && (_x distance _SO1) < 10} count allUnits) > 0 }; _units = []; // all WEST units within 10m of _spwnpos { if (side _x == WEST && (_x distance _SO1) < 10) then { _units set [count _units, _x]; }; } forEach allUnits; deletevehicle _SO1; _globalSideMkrName setMarkerAlpha 0; null = [] execVM "sides\sidebonus.sqf"; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------SET NEXT TASK (IMPORTANT)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------// ["SecondSide","succeeded"] call SHK_Taskmaster_upd; SecondSide = true; publicVariable "SecondSide"; So basically i have spawned an object named "_SO1" which i am trying to add an action to. Works in editor and when i host my own server. But when played on a dedicated it stops working faster than a chocolate teapot. I have looked at several fixes. None of which have worked for. Any help is appreciated.
  24. Thanks i will try that out.
  25. Or you can change their special from "in formation" to "none"