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Everything posted by bangabob

  1. Yes it's possible to have a dialog map with a livefeed rsc included. It is a lot of work and requires good knowledge in dialogs
  2. Hello guys. Made a small video tutorial. Similar to ICEMAN77 tutorial so hope someone finds it useful
  3. Its possible but its looks wrong. If multiple markers flash at the same time they tend to flash at different speeds.
  4. This is resolved in 'non-dedicated' environment. However it remains an issue on dedicated servers. I will look into it when i get the time.
  5. Sorry, i dont know the answer to your question but why not use one of the task scripts such as Shukos taskmaster? It will make creating tasks much easier
  6. bangabob

    ArmA 3 | Flappy Bird Game

    I plan to make this local to the player AND dedicated server compatible. Imagine 60 people playing flappy bird on a single server :D Lol
  7. bangabob

    ArmA 3 | Flappy Bird Game

    New version released. Lots of great additions. See video for details
  8. I didn't but i probably will look into it now
  9. Helicopter transport is a real pain to make 100% reliable. As for the dropped patrol. They are an extra patrol ontop of everything in the call line. When they disembark they are given the same patrol script as the rest of the EOS units
  10. You have to load the mission in multiplayer to respawn ---------- Post added at 03:43 ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 ---------- v0.2 changelog: - Addactions & scripts handled by BRS_launch - Improved reliability of updating spawn points - Units accessing BRS will no longer show as spawn points - Replaced map button with toggle switch - Replaced NV button with toggle switch - Improved cycle buttons - Added tooltips to buttons - Replaced following: _name with just name - increased efficiency by removing duplicate scripts - Text is structured in ss_text_fnc - Fixed several bugs - Player setcaptive during BRS - Addaction & Script now use seperate parameters
  11. Open launch_spawn.sqf for some basic instructions
  12. For preprocessing scripts watch this video. As for scripting efficiency check out the following link https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Code_Optimisation#10.2C000_Iterations_Limit_in_Loo ps Professional looking scripts IMO its all about writing code that makes sense to YOU. You can replace variable names that look 'pro' at the cost of understanding the code at first glance. For instance while {_a == _g} do {}; is worse than while {_unitsKilled == _unitsSpawned} do {};
  13. In the latest update all house patrol units are set to stand rather than crouch.
  14. Thanks. I didn't realise that EOS worked that well with civilians since they are given the same patrol paths as military units. What is this alive i keep hearing about?
  15. This is what i use to unload troops from helicopters in EOS. You may find it useful private ["_pad","_getToMarker","_cargoGrp","_vehicle"]; _mkr=(_this select 0); _veh=(_this select 1); _debug=false; _vehicle = _veh select 0; _grp = _veh select 2; _cargoGrp= _veh select 3; _pos = [_mkr,false] call SHK_pos; _pad = createVehicle ["Land_HelipadEmpty_F", _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; {_x allowFleeing 0} forEach units _grp; {_x allowFleeing 0} forEach units _cargoGrp; _wp1 = _grp addWaypoint [_pos, 0]; _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp1 setWaypointType "UNLOAD"; _wp1 setWaypointStatements ["true", "(vehicle this) LAND 'GET IN';"]; waituntil {_vehicle distance _pad < 30}; _cargoGrp leaveVehicle _vehicle; waitUntil{sleep 0.2; {_x in _vehicle} count units _cargoGrp == 0}; if (_debug) then {hint "Transport unloaded";}; _wp2 = _grp addWaypoint [[0,0,0], 0]; _wp2 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointStatements ["true", "{deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew (vehicle this) + [vehicle this];"]; deletevehicle _pad;
  16. bangabob

    2 bis_fnc_spawnvehicle asks

    This is my function i made for EOS. It fills empty seats in vehicle. Null= [grp4] execVM "cargoFill.sqf"; //cargofill.sqf if (!isServer) exitWith {}; private ["_cargoPool","_emptySeats","_vehicle","_debug","_grp","_grpSize"]; _vehicle=(_this select 0); _debug=false; _cargoPool=[];// ADD INFANTRY CLASSNAMES HERE _grp = createGroup WEST; _grpSize=20;// SET SIZE OF GROUP // FILL EMPTY SEATS _emptySeats=_vehicle emptyPositions "cargo"; if (_debug) then {hint format ["%1",_emptySeats];}; // IF VEHICLE HAS SEATS if (_emptySeats > 0) then { // LIMIT SEATS TO FILL TO GROUP SIZE if (_grpSize > _emptySeats) then {_grpSize = _emptySeats}; if (_debug) then {hint format ["Seats Filled : %1",_grpSize];}; for "_x" from 1 to _grpSize do { _unit=_cargoPool select (floor(random(count _cargoPool))); _unit=_unit createUnit [GETPOS _vehicle, _grp]; }; {_x moveincargo _vehicle}foreach units _grp; };
  17. Hi redfield, I checked this as soon as i read it. Units are cached correctly and no issues at my end.
  18. All the new Probabilty values are all completely optional. Therefore the script can't be more cumbersome to use? The processing power EOS saves far out strips the extra cpu power a few random commands use. I don't understand how global variables would help anything
  19. Will 1.98 break previous EOS missions? Simple answer yes. EOS is called in a new format. Therefore you will need to update your 1.972 calls to fit the 1.98 version. What if a vehicle crew pool is not assigned? Vanilla ArmA 3 factions have crew and helicrew pools assigned by default. Non-vanilla factions will need to be added into the crew pools (All infantry can fill the crew pool) What IS the height limit for aircraft to trigger a zone? By default 5m. I'd love to have units of one mod manning vehicles I found in another. This is possible through creating a custom faction. Fill the crew pool with some infantry and place vehicles into motorpool and EOS will do the rest. ---------- Post added at 20:10 ---------- Previous post was at 20:09 ---------- Thanks a lot
  20. A nice juicy update for you all changelog 1.98 - Vehicles are crewed manually using unitpools "_crew" and "_helicrew". Increase flexibility for custom units. - Removed functions;EOS_LightVeh,EOS_Armour,EOS_spawnStatic,EOS_Chopper. Replaced with EOS_fnc_spawnvehicle. - EOS Unit eventhandlers function created. Named: eos_fnc_grouphandlers. (functions\setskill.sqf) - Safe positions for vehicles handled by: EOS_fnc_findSafePos . (functions\findsafepos.sqf) - Cargo fill function adapted for EOS_fnc_spawnvehicle - New unit pools created for EOS_fnc_spawnvehicle function. Define _crewPool and _helicrew in (eos\unitPools.sqf) - Optional probability parameter added for each type of unit spawned (yes that's right) - Optional height limit and debug parameters added Please note: Bugs may be present since i am yet to receive feedback for the new features. There will be iterative updates to this version to fix some bugs/errors that i have missed in this main update. However, i will do my best to ensure future updates are optional.
  21. Features like teleporting, lifting vehicles with helicopters are achieved through scripts. These scripts already exist and most include instructions you can follow.
  22. You could pass each AI group into a script which waits until the they are in a hostile combat mode. Something like _group=(_this select 0); waituntil {((combatMode _group)=="RED") OR ((combatMode _group)=="YELLOW")}; //YOUR CODE HERE http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/combatMode