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Everything posted by bangabob

  1. Player addAction ["Laser On",{ _target=(_this select 0); _caller=(_this select 1); _id=(_this select 2); _caller enableIRLasers true },[],2,false,true,"",""]; Player addAction ["Laser Off",{ _target=(_this select 0); _caller=(_this select 1); _id=(_this select 2); _caller enableIRLasers false; },[],2,false,true,"",""];
  2. bangabob

    RscPicture Color

    Change the color text to {0,0,0,1} or try {1,1,1,1}
  3. bangabob

    has helmet or head gear

    player hasweapon "arifle_MX_ACO_F" && (headgear player == "H_PilotHelmetFighter_B")
  4. bangabob

    Domination Redux by Champy and Tankbuster

    Re-downloaded the non-addon version 1.22. Copied pbo straight into MP missions and launched domination. After getting into the Merlin helicopter and taking off. (Approximately 20 seconds) the errors spring up.
  5. bangabob

    has helmet or head gear

    _headgear=headgear player; if (_headgear == "H_PilotHelmetFighter_B") then {};
  6. Here is a handy video for Notepad++. If you dont already use it i highly recommend that you do!
  7. bangabob

    Repeatedly Lightning Bolt

    I use this script for lightning ambientLightning.sqf //Parameters private ["_position", "_direction", "_distance"]; _position=position player; _distance=300; _direction=random 360; //Relative positionn private "_relativePosition"; _relativePosition = [_position, _distance, _direction] call bis_fnc_relPos; //The bold private "_bolt"; _bolt = createvehicle ["LightningBolt", _relativePosition, [], 0, "can_collide"]; _bolt setVelocity [0, 0, -10]; //The lighting _lighting = "lightning_F" createvehiclelocal _relativePosition; _lighting setdir random 360; _lighting setpos _relativePosition; //The light source _light = "#lightpoint" createvehiclelocal _relativePosition; _light setpos _relativePosition; _light setLightBrightness 30; _light setLightAmbient [0.5, 0.5, 1]; _light setlightcolor [1, 1, 2]; //Some delay sleep (0.2 + random 0.1); //Clean up deletevehicle _bolt; deletevehicle _light; deletevehicle _lighting; sleep 0.8; //Play thunder sound //Random thunder sample private "_thunder"; _thunder = ["thunder_1", "thunder_2"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; playSound _thunder; //Some delay sleep (7 + random 7); null=[]execVM "ambientLightning.sqf";
  8. bangabob

    Graphical HUD

    You're in luck. I made a video about cutRSC last night. It will show you the correct format for making cutrsc. Its different from dialogs
  9. The steam upload service is buggy and doesnt always work. I had a similar problem where i would update my mission but when downloading the file through ArmA it would give me the old version... You could try emptying your ArmA 3 - Other profiles\profile\Saved\Steam\
  10. bangabob

    Domination Redux by Champy and Tankbuster

    Thanks. Unfortunately i am running into another error. After taking off in a lift helicopter i am spammed with error messages. Error in expression <_vec) select 2 > 2.5} && {(_nearestu in _possible_types)}) }; }; sleep 0.001; ;> Error position: <_possible_types)}) }; }; sleep 0.001; ;> Error Undefined variable in expression: _possible_types File G:\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\BangaBob\missions\Domi3.Altis\x_client\x_f\fn_chop_hudsp.sqf, line 95 Error in expression <ble_types)}) }; }; sleep 0.001; ; if (_check_cond) then { 67321 cutRsc ["chopp> Error position: <_check_cond) then { 67321 cutRsc ["chopp> Error Undefined variable in expression: _check_cond File G:\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\BangaBob\missions\Domi3.Altis\x_client\x_f\fn_chop_hudsp.sqf, line 102
  11. bangabob

    Domination Redux by Champy and Tankbuster

    Hi mate. Good job porting with COS. ;) Still getting errors with NON-addon version when testing in editor File G:\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\BangaBob\missions\test2.Altis\x_shc\x_f\fn_makevgroup.sqf, line 33 Error in expression <dOf "Tank"): { if !((toUpper _vname) in d_heli_wreck_lift_types) then { _vec add> Error position: <d_heli_wreck_lift_types) then { _vec add> Error Undefined variable in expression: d_heli_wreck_lift_types File G:\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\BangaBob\missions\test2.Altis\x_shc\x_f\fn_makevgroup.sqf, line 33 String STR_A3_dlc_loading_screen_text not found String STR_A3_dlc_loading_screen_text not found
  12. Ah I see. You may be correct. I just ripped that code from eos so it may be outdated and inefficient compared to the newer COS code
  13. Nice one. Had no idea this function existed. Combined with the eyeposition command this could be my problem solved! :D
  14. So this script creates a sheep behind the player. The while loop at the end is getting the players direction and should exit the loop when the player is within 30 degrees (+-) of facing the sheep. Therefore if the players initial direction is 210. The loop will exit when the direction is between 420 and 360 degrees. (Players Direction + 180 (+-30)) The problem is that the 'GETDIR' is 0-360. So it will never trigger for the 420 or Minus figues. Please math genius's. HELP ME!!!!!!!!!! _player = _this select 0; _randDir = getDir vehicle _player; _randDist =4; _enemyLoc = [(getPos vehicle _player select 0) - (_randDist * sin(_randDir)), (getPos vehicle _player select 1) - (_randDist * cos(_randDir)), 0]; _veh = createVehicle ["Sheep_random_F", _enemyLoc, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _veh setpos [_enemyLoc select 0,_enemyLoc select 1,(_enemyLoc select 2)+2]; _dir= [_veh,_player]call BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo; _veh setdir _dir; _veh enablesimulation False; _behind=_dir -180; _left=_behind + 30; _right=_behind - 30; while {true} do { _currentDir=getdir _player; hint format ["%1||Left:%2 | Right:%3",_currentDir,_left,_right]; if (_currentDir > _right AND _currentDir < _left) exitwith { deletevehicle _veh; //null=[] execVM "screenFlare.sqf"; }; sleep 0.5; };
  15. Cheers, I'll give that a go
  16. Good point. I basically need a script that can detect when a unit is facing towards something.
  17. Nothing scary or exciting. I can assure you
  18. bangabob

    Hitman | Contract Killer

    Try it and let us know!
  19. bangabob

    Hitman | Contract Killer

    Version 0.4 release In 0.4 i focused on adding more immersion into the mission. For example the town patrols (Police) now have 2 checkpoints within in each town and are wearing more military-police uniforms and vests. Furthermore, i have reduced the mercenaries accuracy when locating the player. In addition the player can just run away from the mercenaries. If out of range there is a 50% chance they will just give up. To reduce the difficulty and increase player control the mercenaries are only called with a 20% chance when a contract is completed. Targets can now be interrogated for extra score. To interrogate the player need to immobilse the target (Not kill). Their is a random chance that the target will need 'convincing' before he will give up the important information. This is achieved through applying non-lethal harm to the target. (A small balancing act between not killing the target and keeping them injured). To receive a new contract the player will get a phone call detailing the target type (CIV, WEST or EAST). This can either be accepting or declined. Upon declining another contract will be offered. - Simple patrol script updated to handler road positions - Holster gun script now saves attachments (Silencers) - Resolved #fffff error - Fired near handler is the same for all units - Added 2 police checkpoints in each town. Each checkpoint has one patrol group - NATO forces now shoot towards mercenaries - Decreased mercenarie accuracy - Mercenaries are sometimes called on after completing contracts - When leaving area mercenaries have a 50% chance of following player - Shoot target in the leg to incapacitate them and enable interrogation. - Interrogated targets increase the reward by 5 score - Player becomes wanted when spotted by 2 or more civilians firing. - Increased chance of gaining reward weapon in loot - Added phonecall mechanic. Player can now choose their target
  20. bangabob

    Hitman | Contract Killer

    Version 0.3 release I read everyone's feedback from v0.2 and the consensus was that 'AI is stupid' and 'It's too easy to complete contracts'. In v0.3 i overhauled the AI behaviors so stealth and patience is rewarded. To remain undetected the player must holster their weapon. Civilians will not answer your questions while you are showing firearms. To prevent getting a wanted level after killing your target you must ensure that no civilians are nearby. In addition successful contracts will drop loot. (Silencers, scopes, magazines). This is to add a sense of achievement and a simple progression system. (Dead soldiers no longer hold weapons and ammo) I aim to improve the progression system in future. Furthermore, i felt that the change clothes action in 0.2 was a little overpowered. To address my concern, players that are spotted shooting anyone will have to wait 30 seconds before they are allowed to swap clothes. In addition swapping clothes with a NATO unit will set the player side as WEST and CSAT will set the player side as EAST. Therefore making the type of clothes you take a strategic decision... not just a get out of jail free card. Finally i have added some new features. Mercenaries will start hunting the player at random times during the mission. The mercenaries will be targeted as enemies by NATO forces (Town police too). Thus rewarding patience and smart play. To balance this CSAT forces (East) will target the player while mercenaries are in action. The only way to remove the mercenaries is too kill them all OR swap uniforms with a CSAT unit. Another new feature is the dynamic music system. To build atmosphere music will play during the mission. When the player is 'wanted' or hunted by mercenaries the music will change to suit the mood ;) . To address the bug of the dialogs disappearing after reloading from a save game i have added a addaction that will restart the dialogs. Full changelog 0.3 - Updated gear menu. Player is now given weapons after gear selection is complete - Addaction costs are easily changed using new variables in assassin init - Repairing vehicles now 'flips' them too - Changing uniforms changes player side to match uniform. - Targets "firednear" EV is only removed when the player is the shooter - Added action to restore dialogs - EOS and COS now wait for each other to finish before spawning (Should reduce lag in populated areas) - Added holster sidearm script - Approaching target with weapon drawn will cause them to spot you. - Targets now fight back when they have spotted you. - Added new bios and coversations - Removed obvious hats/glasses from targets to increase challange - If player is spotted killing unit then take clothes action will only work after 30 seconds. - Shooting target when no one sees is rewarded with re-set wanted level. - Added soundtracks. Themes and wanted soundtracks. - Mercenaries will sometimes hunt player. - Added tooltips - Killed targets now drop loot - Removed all weapons/magazines from soldiers when killed.
  21. bangabob

    Hitman | Contract Killer

    Thanks for letting me know. I will try and resolve this bug in 0.3
  22. bangabob

    Hitman | Contract Killer

    Good idea. However this is going to remain SP. (Far too much work to translate into dedicated compatible). On the other hand AI hitmen are going to be included. And you don't want to be on their bad side ;)