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Everything posted by bangabob

  1. Okay thanks for getting back to me. BTW i have updated the script so it will switch to Night vision when the player is wearing night vision _unit = _this select 0; if (currentVisionMode player == 1) then { camUseNVG true; } else { camUseNVG false; }; if (_unit == player) then { setPlayerRespawnTime 999; _squad = group player; lck_livingmates = []; { if (alive _x) then {lck_livingmates = lck_livingmates + [_x];}; } foreach units _squad; lck_actualmate = 0; _elozoactual=lck_actualmate; keyout = 0; openMap false; 0 fadesound 0; disableserialization; keyspressed = compile preprocessFile "lackoRespawn_keydown.sqf"; _displayID = (findDisplay 46) displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown","_this call keyspressed"]; _cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]; _cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] ; showCinemaBorder true; _cam camsettarget (lck_livingmates select lck_actualmate); _cam camsetrelpos [0,-5,2.5]; _cam camcommit 0; _ido=0; while {_ido<=500} do { if (_ido mod 10 == 0) then { TitleText["\nOCCUPATION RESPAWN\nRight Arrow = next squadmate\nLeft Arrow = previous squadmate\nEnter = respawn","PLAIN DOWN"]; }; if (keyout > 0) exitwith {}; _currentmate = lck_livingmates select lck_actualmate; _tempcnt=0; lck_livingmates = []; { if (alive _x and _x!=player) then { lck_livingmates = lck_livingmates + [_x]; if (_x==_currentmate) then {lck_actualmate = _tempcnt;}; _tempcnt = _tempcnt + 1; }; } foreach units _squad; if (count lck_livingmates == 0) exitwith {}; _cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]; _cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] ; showCinemaBorder true; _cam camsettarget (lck_livingmates select lck_actualmate); _cam camsetrelpos [0,-5,2.5]; _cam camcommit 0; waituntil{camCommitted _cam}; _ido = _ido + 0.02; sleep 0.02; }; (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyDown"; setPlayerRespawnTime 10; _ido=0; while {_ido<=190} do { _cam camsettarget (lck_livingmates select lck_actualmate); _cam camsetrelpos [0,-5,2.5]; _cam camcommit 0; waituntil{camCommitted _cam}; _ido = _ido + 0.5; sleep 0.02 }; _newpos = getPos glbase; if (keyout > 0) then { _newpos = getPos (lck_livingmates select lck_actualmate); //player globalchat format ["cel=%1, x=%2, y=%3", name (lck_livingmates select lck_actualmate),(_newpos select 0),(_newpos select 1)]; if ((_newpos select 0)>50 and (_newpos select 1)>50) then { } else { _newpos = getPos glbase; }; } else { _newpos = getPos glbase; }; player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]; camdestroy _cam; 0 fadesound 1; waituntil {alive player}; player setPos _newpos; _unit = player; };
  2. Bardosy. I have updated your script so it is suitable with Arma 3. I removed the addweapons ect so it doesn't interfere with the get/set loudout scripts. Just one question. How can i get the script to show the players name. I've been playing about with this TitleText [format["Squadmate: %1", _currentmate], "PLAIN DOWN"]; But i can't get it to work :( lackoRespawn.sqf _unit = _this select 0; if (_unit == player) then { setPlayerRespawnTime 999; _squad = group player; lck_livingmates = []; { if (alive _x) then {lck_livingmates = lck_livingmates + [_x];}; } foreach units _squad; lck_actualmate = 0; _elozoactual=lck_actualmate; keyout = 0; openMap false; 0 fadesound 0; disableserialization; keyspressed = compile preprocessFile "lackoRespawn_keydown.sqf"; _displayID = (findDisplay 46) displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown","_this call keyspressed"]; _cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]; _cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] ; showCinemaBorder true; _cam camsettarget (lck_livingmates select lck_actualmate); _cam camsetrelpos [0,-5,2.5]; _cam camcommit 0; _ido=0; while {_ido<=500} do { if (_ido mod 10 == 0) then { TitleText["\nOCCUPATION RESPAWN\nRight Arrow = next squadmate\nLeft Arrow = previous squadmate\nEnter = respawn","PLAIN DOWN"]; }; if (keyout > 0) exitwith {}; _currentmate = lck_livingmates select lck_actualmate; _tempcnt=0; lck_livingmates = []; { if (alive _x and _x!=player) then { lck_livingmates = lck_livingmates + [_x]; if (_x==_currentmate) then {lck_actualmate = _tempcnt;}; _tempcnt = _tempcnt + 1; }; } foreach units _squad; if (count lck_livingmates == 0) exitwith {}; _cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]; _cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] ; showCinemaBorder true; _cam camsettarget (lck_livingmates select lck_actualmate); _cam camsetrelpos [0,-5,2.5]; _cam camcommit 0; waituntil{camCommitted _cam}; _ido = _ido + 0.02; sleep 0.02; }; (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyDown"; setPlayerRespawnTime 10; _ido=0; while {_ido<=5} do { _cam camsettarget (lck_livingmates select lck_actualmate); _cam camsetrelpos [0,-5,2.5]; _cam camcommit 0; waituntil{camCommitted _cam}; _ido = _ido + 0.5; sleep 0.02; }; _newpos = getPos glbase; if (keyout > 0) then { _newpos = getPos (lck_livingmates select lck_actualmate); //player globalchat format ["cel=%1, x=%2, y=%3", name (lck_livingmates select lck_actualmate),(_newpos select 0),(_newpos select 1)]; if ((_newpos select 0)>50 and (_newpos select 1)>50) then { } else { _newpos = getPos glbase; }; } else { _newpos = getPos glbase; }; player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]; camdestroy _cam; 0 fadesound 1; waituntil {alive player}; player setPos _newpos; _unit = player; };
  3. I played about with it and i managed to get a monitor appear in my hud and a camera that followed me about. > = syncronised I did this by player > live feed init > live feed set position > another unit
  4. Operation Stricken You must assault the Iranian held docks via the sea and destroy the Crate near the bridge to capture the town. After eliminating hostiles within the town you can clear the roadblock or capture the communications tower. When all three objectives are taken the mission will finish. Good Luck Player Slots Scuba Team Leader Scuba Explosives Expert Scuba Soldier Scuba Soldier http://www.speedyshare.com/k3ydD/Operation-Stricken-Co04.Stratis.pbo
  5. I believe if your planning on making this script for MP missions you will need to add ISServer to avoid it spawning one for every player. But i may be mistaken.
  6. You could do a work around. By setting the init of the vehicle when it reaches that waypoint. _unit WaitUntil {_unit Distance WP10 < 20}; _unit setvehicleinit "_unit deletevehicle"; Or along those lines Or check this out http://www.kylania.com/ex/?p=44
  7. Sorry i don't understand either method above. Im spawning a base using a script. I want to name some objects. So i want to name Notice_board_EP1 speaker1. How can i do this? Thanks
  8. This respawn script works. However there is a Big problem with the script. If your using the ACE mod then the ACE buttons dont work after respawning. Maybe this is a simple fix? I have no idea.
  9. I know this has been done lots of times before and trust me i've read a good majority of them. However i really need something specific. It may be a simple case scripting. My ideal script would allow me to 1. Spawn the AI using a trigger 2. Repeatedly respawn each unit after it dies 3. Specified waypoints (So the AI can attack from different angles) 4. Finish spawning after a time limit or ect. Ive tried kylanias random spawning script but i cant get it too repeat the waves automatically. UPSMONS respawn script has the AI on the map without me triggering them. Norrins respawning script moves the ai to the waypoints at the start of the mission (I want it to move the ai when i trigger it) Please help. Thanks
  10. Thanks so much for the help. Ive read the manual and got my custom waypoints, My respawning camps. Now im just trying to make the camp (ai respawners) as small as possible. ie 'just a flag or something' Update. Making the camp invisible was simple. Just use preset 11 for the camp configuration
  11. Triggering DAC with a trigger is easy. In your zone: fun = ["z1",[1,0,0],[3,3,20,6],[],[],[],[0,0,0,0,1]] spawn DAC_Zone Change above to [1,1,0] Create a trigger which activates somehow (Blufor present ect) And on the on act: [z1] call DAC_Activate
  12. okay. cheers. i will take another look at DAC then
  13. I should have mentioned but i use DAC for everything else. I know you can use a camp to respawn units but a camp is really inappropiate for my mission format (Its in an urban area) Plus i would prefer enemies to approach from a number of different angles. Really i just need one of the above scripts to start when i trigger it. Other than that its easy peasy
  14. Great work. When you have a finalized version would it be possible to make a template mission for me. That would be very helpful
  15. Awesome . I can't wait to test this myself. I have been searching for an insurgency style respawn for so long and I can't believe this has not been donenbefore
  16. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8506&highlight=DOOLITTLE its the doopickspawn mission. it has everything i've used so far.
  17. Thanks a lot for all the help. I have got it all working
  18. Hi everybody. I am trying to script a trigger that detects when '_traitor' is the last person alive in the trigger area. So i have this script that randomly selects which player is the '_traitor'. I want the trigger to activate when he(_traitor) is the last BLUFOR unit in the trigger area (the whole map). traitor.sqf if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _host = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _units = [s4,s1,s3,s2,s5,s6]; _traitor = _units select floor (random 6); _host removeaction _id; hint format ["Traitor: %1", name _traitor]; _trg=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos e2]; _trg setTriggerArea[1000,1000,0,false]; _trg setTriggerActivation["WEST","PRESENT",true]; _trg setTriggerStatements["_traitor in thislist; ", "hint 'The traitor killed everyone'; ", ""];
  19. Cheers. I will try that. Im new to scripting so things that may appear obvious dont even cross my mind.lol ---------- Post added at 22:53 ---------- Previous post was at 22:17 ---------- while{alive _traitor}do { if((count _units) <= 1) exitwith {hint 'The traitor killed everyone'}; sleep .1; }; if(((count _units) > 0) && (!alive _traitor)) then {hint 'The traitor died'}; Okay my brain melts when i try and read this. So i got the second bit working. When the traitor is killed the hint is activated. But can someone explain to me what the first bit says. Is it everyone listed in _units dead apart from one?
  20. Hi everyone. Context: Certain player slots will have a task to kill friendly players (the traitor) Using the taskmaster script. For example the player names s1 What i want: A hint to pop-up naming the player in s1 after a trigger is activated Any help appreciated
  21. Hello everybody. Im making a mission where one player is chosen at random to become a traitor. Through using taskmaster and some basic scripting. This is how: Trigger:Anybody Condition:this && isserver On Act: t2 addAction ["identify traitor", "traitor.sqf"]; traitor.sqf if(!isServer) then {waitUntil{!isNull player}}; _units = [s1,s2,s3,s4]; _traitor = _units select floor (random 4); ["Task3","You are the traitor","You are a sleeper agent. Kill your team without being spotted",_traitor]call SHK_Taskmaster_add; Now i need help. I want another trigger named trigger2 to continue the script. For example: if(!isServer) then {waitUntil{!isNull player}}; _units = [s1,s2,s3,s4]; _traitor = _units select floor (random 4); ["Task3","You are the traitor","Hostile camp located. 103 044. Destroy the camp and any hostiles",_traitor]call SHK_Taskmaster_add; Wait until trigger2 activates: hint format ["Traitor: %1", name _traitor]; Any help appreciated
  22. I had alter the code because it wasnt returning any names: _units = [s1,s2,s3,s4]; _traitor = _units select floor (random 4); hint format ["Traitor: %1", name _traitor]; _units = _units - [_traitor]; But this still didnt work the way i'd like it too. When i activate the script via addaction it sometimes repeats names. Therefore that name is not being removed from the array. Im very new to scripting so some more help would be great
  23. Sweet cheers. Sorry to keep asking questions but i keep encountering new problems. So say i have called the script and it has named s1. How can i remove s1 (last named called) from the next selection. For example: _traitor = [s1, s2, s3, s4] select floor(random 4); hint format ["Traitor: %1", name _traitor]; CHOSEN S1; _traitor = [s2, s3, s4] select floor(random 4); hint format ["Traitor: %1", name _traitor];
  24. Cheers. So i have 4 traitors. Named s1,s2,s3,s4. Is there a way to randomly select one of them four? So something like hint format ["Traitor: %1",name s1 OR s2 OR s3 OR s4];
  25. I've being thinking about simulating an EMP. What i want the EMP to do: 1. MUST be multiplayer/JIP 2. Damage vehicles. Example 'destroy the rear rotor' 3. Empty Fuel on vehicles 4. Remove players GPS/maps/guns or ammo 5. Make the screen go White briefly I know i am asking for a lot but i dont think it is that hard. I need help espcially with 1,4 and 5.