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Everything posted by dragonsyr

  1. dragonsyr

    Helicopter fastrope script

    for HAFM NH90 [ ["NH90Armed_GR2","NH90_GR2","NH90Armed_GR","NH90_AAF","NH90Armed_AAF","NH90Armed_GR2","NH90","NH90Armed","NH90_GR"], [0.6,-3.5,-25.5 ], [-0.6,-3.5,-25.5] ] and for kyo_mh47e_a3 Chinooks [ ["kyo_MH47E_HC","kyo_MH47E_base","kyo_MH47E_Ramp"], [0,1.3,-27], //middle hatch, or [2,6.7,-24,5] for side crane [0,-6,-25.1] //back door ] edit: i see that if you change this line to //_rope = createVehicle ["land_rope_f", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _rope = ropeCreate [_this, [0,0,0], 35]; //35 is the lenght of the rope you can have the ropes with physics. the problem is that the Z axis of the coords is differend (0 is the value for O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F), i thing because the pivot point of the ropes??? i make some testings and seems is working . can you check? edit: after some tests i see that the Z value for all helis is 0 . (maybe needs some fine tuning)
  2. dragonsyr

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    i think you can find it only on AGM Ammo box . in editor you can find two boxes . one is for the medical stuff and the other is for explosives
  3. i have problem in mp mission (dedicated server) with the arti module . when a player respawn , then the synchronization with the module breaks . how can i synch again the player with the module on respawn / rejoin? with this i get nothing SUPPORTREQUESTERNAME synchronizeObjectsAdd [uNITNAME] thanks in advance
  4. dragonsyr

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I expected to offer option for immediate restoration (like hospital care) so , take it as idea for future update...
  5. dragonsyr

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    i can't call it problem. i cant understand the difference between "with and without editor module" i set on a helicopter and on a vehicle . what can i do there that i cant do without module? i cant heal on heli or vehicle that have this var .there is not something new as addaction or as menu on agm gui (ctrl+win)
  6. thank you Larrow ;) i ll try with this asap.
  7. sorry for this , but i m not to good on programming i need the group of my artillery that i have on the map (3 mortars and 3 cannons) and not virtual artillery is this for non virtual artillery?
  8. dragonsyr

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    how exactly the medical system works? i set in init on the player and vehicle i want this i place in editor the medical module but i get nothing more than i have without all this. i miss something????
  9. this is the same problem from arma2 .. im not programmer , but is this so difficult to correct it??? (BIS) is there some fix for this? thanks again
  10. dragonsyr

    Helmet Mounted Displays MOD

    thanks for the info gerald, i use play withsix for my mods and so far the latest version of your mod is 2.6. i m waiting for the update. regards..
  11. dragonsyr

    Helmet Mounted Displays MOD

    information after the last update i get this error when i start Arma No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_base_F.scope'. and in my report i get all this
  12. you can use tpw mod for this http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?164304-TPW-MODS-enhanced-realism-immersion-for-Arma-3-SP
  13. dragonsyr

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    issue with explosives. Try put explosives inside the dome of the front wheel on B_MRAP_01_hmg_F vehicle or in the middle of the vehicle (passenger step). The car make a huge jump up to 10 meters and lands many meters away. can you make the explosives sticky? another issue is that we cant set multiple explosives on the same code on m28 detonator.
  14. dragonsyr

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    You can use the earplugs.
  15. dragonsyr


    this setObjectTexture [3,"my_pic.paa"] thanks i fix it, only on Gunship model the texture is not working.
  16. dragonsyr

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    thank you all !!
  17. dragonsyr

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    How can i have access to the commands for the group (keys 1-9) and my radio triggers? (key 0 (zero)) ? with AGM running, those keys replaced by the mod for other use. is there a new shortcut (redirect??) thanks in advance
  18. i m glad that help you guys.... now i think that if you use it only in your init , when you respawn without the trigger, then on respawn you get the mcc console again (and you dont need that) u can try and see . if i remember right i use the trigger for this reason .(is for use on dedicated server with jip enabled and respawns) tell us your results .
  19. make a file and call it mcc.sqf PHP Code: if (!isServer && isNull player) then {isJIP=true;} else {isJIP=false;}; // Wait until player is initialized if (!isDedicated) then { waitUntil {!isNull player && isPlayer player}; waituntil {Player == Player}; }; _Reserved=["yourname","othername"]; _PlayerName = name Player; //if (!isnil "mcc_actionInedx") then { hint "true"; } else {hint"false";}; // for debug if (!isnil "mcc_actionInedx") then {if ((_PlayerName in _Reserved)) then {hint "Welcome Mcc Admin";} else {hint"Mcc Disabled"; sleep 1; player removeAction mcc_actionInedx; }; }; with this , only you have mcc rights.... change the names ofcourse in this line _Reserved=["yourname","othername"]; in editor put a trigger type none, activation none, 0 0 0 and on condition put Code: , and on act Code: edit: if you want to restrict for all (including you) the mcc module, use this code: if (!isServer && isNull player) then {isJIP=true;} else {isJIP=false;}; // Wait until player is initialized if (!isDedicated) then { waitUntil {!isNull player && isPlayer player}; waituntil {Player == Player}; }; // Reserved=["yourname","othername"]; //_PlayerName = name Player; //if (!isnil "mcc_actionInedx") then { hint "true"; } else {hint"false";}; // for debug if (!isnil "mcc_actionInedx") then {hint"Mcc Disabled"; sleep 1; player removeAction mcc_actionInedx; }; }; ---------- Post added at 14:06 ---------- Previous post was at 13:43 ---------- i hope that the name "mcc_actionInedx" is the same on last version of mcc.
  20. something like this?????? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150909-MCC-Sandbox-3-Dynamic-mission-creating-tool-for-ArmA-3&p=2563231&viewfull=1#post2563231
  21. dragonsyr

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    About the medical module, i have the medical module in editor set to yes. i set my objects/cars to AGM_IsMedic, true in init line. but no heal when im wounded. how this working ? As addaction on player, or is on self interaction near the medical objects/vehicles? what i m doing wrong? i need to synchronize the module with my medical objects? thanks
  22. dragonsyr


    cant wait for this !! great work. edit: iv tryed to set on init line thisthis setObjectTexture [3,"mypic.paa"]. i get my picture stretched and distorded
  23. dragonsyr

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    same for me ... this happend and in explosives management cancel menu ---------- Post added at 14:44 ---------- Previous post was at 14:38 ---------- Also, i need to know what is the key for target lock in titan AT launchers.... is keybinding from AGM module or is an ARMA3 bug again?
  24. is it possible , in mission generator to add an option for clear garbage/markers/zones ? right now , when you finish the mission , all objects/dead bodies/markers stays on map. sorry for my english thanks