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Everything posted by jamez_5

  1. I tried searching and was struggling. ha! I want to change the names of my players (rifleman (ak-103), rifleman (akm) rifleman (light) explosive specialist. How would I handle this? http://gyazo.com/a2acfc05250f1f2cd3c13d5b05c5b73d
  2. jamez_5

    Sound when hit

    Hey guys. I am trying to do two things. I am making a shooting range and when somebody shoots the target(s) I a noise go off and a hint message to appear. And instead of making two post I would also like for that AI to respawn. Is it possible to make AI respawn without extra sqt files? I know you can make vehicles respawn with just a module placed down and synced.
  3. Hey guys. Every time I load an ACE3 Mod mission I get this error: Game Logic: (@combat_rhs_usf3) at version (3,8,3,1,4) (or higher). You have none." Game Logic "warning: ace requires ace_combat_rhs_arfr3 (@combat_rhs_afrf3) at version (3,8,3,14)(or higher). You have none." I am using the rhs mods. I downloaded them from their site. I understand something like ACE requires rhs to be a higher version but not sure how it is possible if my rhs is the most recent version. Hopefully somebody can straighten be out. **************************FIXED So what the problem was fellas is within the ACE folder under optional folder was two files I needed to copy and paste into the addon folders. I did this however I added those files in the backup ace folder. Not the ace folder that was running via workshop. Simple mistake.
  4. Hey people. So I have been playing Arma for years but never used planes/UAVs/Drones. So excuse my basic questions. I want to know what shoots targets when you laser designate them? I understand when you laser designate a target a jet can see it via his hud. But I was playing the default tutorial and once you laser designate the slammer that is moving the slammer gets hit with a missile from the sky. I just want to know whats shooting it? I tried making a mission to figure it out and no luck. The jet I put in the map shoots it at will or wont shoot at all. I know I can lock the target via Greyhawk and shoot it with Greyhawk but this is not what I want. Thanks in advance if you can help me out.
  5. jamez_5

    Sound when hit

    Thank you; however, I found this page before and still didnt understand what my code line should look like? Mind showing me?
  6. jamez_5

    Sound when hit

    I know we have an Eisenstein in this community who can figure this out.
  7. jamez_5

    Getting Unit Approved

    As the title reads I am unsure on how to get my unit approved. Unt MY-units page it says "submit for approval". Once I click that I get page that opens and ask for my name, email and message. At the bottom it has a button to click to verifity I am not a robot, then a submit button. The problem is when i click the "i am not a robot" block all it does is keep having a circle as if it is thinking. Thus not allowing me to submit. Any ideas?
  8. Hey fellas. I am attempting to have an addaction. This way people can scroll wheel and select from a list. Once they select the list this will use a sqf and pop up a window that gives them help. In this help screen I want to add a picture. Here is what I have so far. Players init: _act = player addAction ["Kestrel4000", "k4.sqf"] Inside the k4 sqf file I have: "Kestrel4000" HintC ["info"]; <img image='mrajp.jpeg' /> The addaction works and fines the file. The hint screen is in teh middle of the screen with a continue button (so far so good). However there is no image to be found. The error that it gives me is error invalid number in expression. Thanks in advance!
  9. Ahhhh makes sense. Duh! How do I adjust the image then? Just <img image='mrajp.jpeg'/> <img size='20'/> and yes, I am semi new to editing and I suck at it! haha
  10. faces do nothing for me.
  11. I have now updated my sqf file to read: "Title" HintC ["Put novel here"]; hint parseText "<img image='mrajp.jpeg' <img size='20' /> "; I do see the image; however, two problems. 1.) The image is not in the middle of the screen. 2.) It flashes soooo quick you cant tell what it is. Only that something flashes.
  12. Hey fellas. I made a mission about 2 months ago and came back to keep editing it; however, I guess one of the mods got updated/edited and I can no longer open the mission. It gives me an error telling me I am missing an addon. Here is a pic I snagged. Is there anyway to delete this item needed via mission folder? or another way around this? Image of Error
  13. I did check and it was there and in sqm format
  14. I thought I downgraded correctly? i mean it seems like a simple process. Maybe I should triple check? I tried this however when i opened the editor the mission was no longer in the list. Any ideas?
  15. I tried this. I actually downgraded twice to see if that worked, no luck.
  16. Thanks. I can't even open the mission therefore can not save it as a Binarize Scenario file Gunter Severloh.
  17. I am clueless on how to unbinarizing a mission file is even done. Any help and I would appreciate it.
  18. I have made around 8 missions so far within Eden sp far. I took a break for awhile and now I wanted to make another mission. I noticed they changed the way task look/work?. All I want is a trigger that once somebody(or owner) is detected it will complete; however, the trigger keeps completing without anybody inside it. I am by far a good mission creator/editor but never had problems with simple stuff like this before. Am I doing something wrong? did they change the way triggers work? I feel like it's something small and i'm just being dumb. I have attached what my trigger looks like. Also it is kinda faded but you can see how simple this is. I am just trying to get it to work before I make the mission. Image of editor Something I would like to add. If I change the trigger to complete when a guy dies (!alive guy) the trigger works fine. I just can't get it to work when somebody is present.
  19. Can you post a link? I also downloaded older versions of ACE and tried and still got the same error.
  20. Glad there is a way... but how do I downgrade ACE3?
  21. jamez_5

    AI respawn and Hit Noise

    Just want to refresh to get some fresh eyes on my post. I am still lost at this.
  22. Hey guys. I have found many lines of codes to players respawn but I want an AI to respawn on death. I found how to make my vehicles respawn and that was super quick. I want when an AI dies he respawns at the spot or death or his initial respawn. Also I want to add a noise if target is hit. For being hit i am using: this addEventHandler ["Hit", {targetHit = "Orange"}];this setObjectTexture [0,'#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.6,0.3,0,1)']; ----this is a code I found and cant figured out how to remove the color change and keep the hit detection. and in the trigger condition using : !(isnil "targetHit") but this does not work with multiple AI targets. Also I set the trigger to repeatable but the noise will only play once. Thanks in advance
  23. How do you refuel from gas stations using ACE? I can't figured it out.
  24. jamez_5

    ACE3 hud option?

    Thanks for the quick response. I will try it and see if i can figured it out. Random question: How do you refuel from gas stations using ACE?